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Guest OnlyMe

State of the WWE

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Guest Dmann2000
Just gets a little old but maybe that's just me.

Like Kevin Nash quad tear jokes.


I'm seriously sick of those

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Guest Dmann2000
I'll give you that. I didn't think it was a bad past, nor did I say it was a bad post. I was just expressing my distain for the unoriginality of the board as a whole lately.

Dames is holding the younger writers down, he won't let them shine.


I mean "WWE stinks, HHH is holding everybody down" was already done two years ago. You can't recreate the magic. That's why this forums rating have gone down.

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Guest Dmann2000
If you go up to a WWE employee and say "I've watched wrestling for over 10 years but I've stopped, I've stopped watching your product after 10 years" what do you think that employee would say?  Shit, he/she wouldn't say anything, they would just shrug.  They don't care.

Boy, that really hit home. It's like, I've gave 15 or more years of my life to watching and attending wrestling shows. I've got nothing to show for it except for some useless wrestling knowledge...yet if I try to say something, it falls on deaf ears as if I'm just a piece of sand in a desert. :(


That's one reason why I liked ECW so much. It seemed like the entire crowd was smarks. It made the live events better because they were all there to have a good time. That and ECW was more geared towards it's fans. At least I think it was.

Who were the fans who asked for Justin Credible to go on top.


It all fell apart at Anarchy Rulz 99


Mistake 1) Should've let Taz keep the title, and start talking about how he was going stay champ, even if it meant taking the damn belt to Stamford.


Mistake 2) RVD should've dropped the TV title that night to Jerry Lynn. The fans were begging for it. It would've paid off Lynn losing to Storm earlier that night.


Mistake 3) RVD wins the title from Taz at November to Remember. Say what you want but he was the most popular guy around, he should've got a run with the damn belt.

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Guest snuffbox
If you go up to a WWE employee and say "I've watched wrestling for over 10 years but I've stopped, I've stopped watching your product after 10 years" what do you think that employee would say?  Shit, he/she wouldn't say anything, they would just shrug.  They don't care.

Boy, that really hit home. It's like, I've gave 15 or more years of my life to watching and attending wrestling shows. I've got nothing to show for it except for some useless wrestling knowledge...yet if I try to say something, it falls on deaf ears as if I'm just a piece of sand in a desert. :(


That's one reason why I liked ECW so much. It seemed like the entire crowd was smarks. It made the live events better because they were all there to have a good time. That and ECW was more geared towards it's fans. At least I think it was.

Who were the fans who asked for Justin Credible to go on top.


It all fell apart at Anarchy Rulz 99


Mistake 1) Should've let Taz keep the title, and start talking about how he was going stay champ, even if it meant taking the damn belt to Stamford.


Mistake 2) RVD should've dropped the TV title that night to Jerry Lynn. The fans were begging for it. It would've paid off Lynn losing to Storm earlier that night.


Mistake 3) RVD wins the title from Taz at November to Remember. Say what you want but he was the most popular guy around, he should've got a run with the damn belt.

No shit.

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If you go up to a WWE employee and say "I've watched wrestling for over 10 years but I've stopped, I've stopped watching your product after 10 years" what do you think that employee would say?  Shit, he/she wouldn't say anything, they would just shrug.  They don't care.

Boy, that really hit home. It's like, I've gave 15 or more years of my life to watching and attending wrestling shows. I've got nothing to show for it except for some useless wrestling knowledge...yet if I try to say something, it falls on deaf ears as if I'm just a piece of sand in a desert. :(


That's one reason why I liked ECW so much. It seemed like the entire crowd was smarks. It made the live events better because they were all there to have a good time. That and ECW was more geared towards it's fans. At least I think it was.

Who were the fans who asked for Justin Credible to go on top.


It all fell apart at Anarchy Rulz 99


Mistake 1) Should've let Taz keep the title, and start talking about how he was going stay champ, even if it meant taking the damn belt to Stamford.


Mistake 2) RVD should've dropped the TV title that night to Jerry Lynn. The fans were begging for it. It would've paid off Lynn losing to Storm earlier that night.


Mistake 3) RVD wins the title from Taz at November to Remember. Say what you want but he was the most popular guy around, he should've got a run with the damn belt.

No shit.

Thank you for reminding me of that.... that was one of the things that used to kill me about ECW, and lets face it, RVD was their last version of HHH, especially with that series of matches with Jerry Lynn. No matter what he did, finishers and whatever else, he could NOT get over on RVD. Then of course, One Van Damninator and 5-star later, its over.


Then of course if we're going to bitch about HHH, Ric Flair had that act down pat, but at least he would drop the damned title every so often, if only to gain it back in the space of a month.

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Guest Coffey

Actually, I liked Justin Credible in ECW. Especially during his ECW Heavyweight Title reign. I liked it more than his Impact Player days in fact. His catchphrase sucked, but I thought he was a good heel.

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Guest OnlyMe
I'd choose todays WWE over the WWF's attitude era which everyone seems to want back. There is much better wrestling going on today than then and that is what matters to me.


I agree. It just saddens me that I can no longer watch Raw (and to a lesser extent SmackDown) for good wrestling matches.


I really don't care about the HHH thing myself. He could sit and squash guys for the next five years and cut promos calling the rest of the locker room pathetic shells of humans who don't come close to matching his greatness blah blah blah, and I won't give a damn because the wrestling on the undercard will still be far greater than whatever he's doing.


I try to ignore HHH as much as I can, but there's a chance he'll pull out the stops and have a great match. So naively, I keep giving him a chance. The sad thing is that currently, he is doing nothing to justify the length of his matches and their position on the card.




One thing though, I completely disagree with point 2, the Legend Factor. The WWE isn't about who deserves it more, only about who will make more money for the company. Booker and Jericho dont draw as much as Taker and Hogan. Bottom line.


It doesn't greatly concern me who "deserves" a slot (as I said earlier, backstage stuff doesn't bother me a great deal - wrestling does). And at the end of the day, Jericho and Booker T are in a position to make more money in the future than the Undertaker and Hogan. Every time Hogan is trotted out, it's his "one last time", but it never is. With the right handling, Jericho and T will make it HUGE.


One of the main reasons that people have been consistently elevated in the past is WCW. Savage, Hogan, Piper, Flair, Hall, Nash, Hart, Bulldog... all made the trip to Turnerland, leaving McMahon with a space on the card. Remember '96 when Austin, Rock, HHH were brought in? It was pretty much all they could do - build new stars.


Vince wants money. That's why he built the company.


Yup. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is to think that McMahon wants to make wrestling. He wants to make money. If he thought of wrestling as more important than money, he's a fool.




That was a pretty good read. Most if not all of those points have been brought up a million times on this board individually, but I liked the way you made it sound half-way decent without coming off too bitter and as a wwe-hater. Good Job.


Thank you. Coming from you, that meant a lot.




That should be WWE, not the WWE.


And...? I'm too used to writing "the WWF".




RavishingRickRudo... :( It sucks




t's kinda wierd that alot of wrestling fans got hooked by Wrestlemania 9 ...


I don't even know why...but 10 years later I can look back and watch that and still be entertained


Remember here that I was 9 at the time, and a HUGE mark. And here's my shameful secret:


- The twin Doinks were as cool as hell. It really played up his "mind fuck" character

- Giant Gonzales was SCARY! Sure, we look back and he couldn't wrestle, but all it came down to was... The Undertaker can't knock him down!

- Hogan was Hogan was Hogan. And he won. And Jimmy Hart had seen the error of his ways, and joined Hogan and Beefcake to win the tag titles from the evil Money Inc. Brilliant.


And that, folks, was how to lose any credibility you built up writing a 3,000 word essay on the WWF.




I like the part where you act like you said something original.


Jago... I'm not pretending anything. Those were my thoughts on how I see things. If you disagree with them, then please let me know where I was wrong. If you are just tired of seeing the same topics over and over, then... I'm sorry. But nobody else seems to have had a problem with it.




It may have touched upon several topics that aren't strangers to this folder but it was done in a dare I say more intelligent matter than what you usually see. It seemed thought out and not just, "OMG HHH IS DE DEVIL~!!" He certainly didn't touch on too much that was new but at least it was done differently and not like how everyone else goes about it.


Thank you!

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Great post.


The main problem above all else is there needs to be a change in top stars. Nobody wants to see the same thing over and over. It's like WCW in 98. Probably half of their main eventers were proven to be draws, but people wanted to see something new. The only huge attractions WWF had were Undertaker and Austin, but they still conquered in the ratings. You'd think that would have sent a message to Vince. That it doesn't matter who you bring in, if the storylines are intriguing and fresh. But it didn't.


Look at last monday. RVD's getting cheered louder than Goldberg when he can't even make PPVs and he's stuck in a crappy tag team division with 3 teams. So what do they do? Make him lose. Clean or not, what good could come from that? If anyone in WWE had some sense, RVD would be dominating like HBK in 95 or Stone Cold in 97. And even though I defended Shawn going over Jericho at WM, ending a show with a 40+ year old can-barely-walk-to-the-ring Nash powerbombing Chris is the opposite of what should be happening.


Angle's got the talent in the ring and on the mic to be one of the biggest names in the company. But he didn't get the Bret Hart or the HHH push. He didn't get the long reign beating credible oppoents week after week month after month clean, but there's no reason why he shouldn't have. Jericho, Benoit, and Angle should already be on the level that Bret was in 94. That would make the path open for wrestlers like RVD, Guerrero, Cena, Lesnar, Mysterio, and Edge to move up.


It's not enough for it to be entertaining, it needs to be different. I know, it's a huge no shit to us and it's been said a million times. So why can't the WWE figure it out? What happened to the writers in 97-00?

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Guest creativename
One of the biggest mistakes that people make is to think that McMahon wants to make wrestling. He wants to make money. If he thought of wrestling as more important than money, he's a fool.

Of course he's not. It should be all about the money. If it was, the product would be far more likely to be entertaining.


Normal businesses go out of the way to appease their customers. They have to, because that's how you make money in the real world. The WWE OTOH is all about being stubborn, and pleasing Vince, doing whatever will make Vince happy. No one wants to actually do anything to please the fans. That's why they have become business failures. Even though I think wrestling is cyclical, and that it would be down now anyway, wrestling has more potential than what it's currently doing.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Wow, you really fucked up that nail; did you have to hit it's head THAT hard ;)


Honestly, from a business standpoint, 99% of what the WWE is doing is W-R-O-N-G.


The WWE's customer service is a joke (the WWE has customer service?).

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Guest The Amazing Rando

i was a complete newb for 9...i saw it on tape at a friends house...he explained a few markish things to me and I got hooked...


from the comedy that was the Brain's entrance to Bret vs. Yoko...to the tag match and the giving away of the cash... to the Double Doinks...to everything...


I don't care if people say it did suck...NINE IS MINE~!

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Wow, you really fucked up that nail; did you have to hit it's head THAT hard ;)


Honestly, from a business standpoint, 99% of what the WWE is doing is W-R-O-N-G.


The WWE's customer service is a joke (the WWE has customer service?).

Hey, I'm used to dealing with Bell Canada. Compared to them the WWF customer service isn't half bad.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Ok, Canadian Customer Service tends to be lower than American. Canadians don't complain as much, so it's not really expected, but if Americans are dissatisfied, they will make it known. This is a generalization, of course, and almost completely pointless, but I like applying stuff I learn in Marketing :)

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Ok, Canadian Customer Service tends to be lower than American. Canadians don't complain as much, so it's not really expected, but if Americans are dissatisfied, they will make it known. This is a generalization, of course, and almost completely pointless, but I like applying stuff I learn in Marketing :)

I can believe that.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Customer Service has grown to be one of the most important things a business needs to focus on - the WWE has nothing. They don't look at Fans as Fans, or Customers/Consumers, they still see them as "marks" who have to be "worked" .

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

...which is reflected in their product. No other company would be able to get away with what the WWE gets away with. They provide such a mediocre product that is no where near as good as it should be, add that to illogical storylines and a ton of plotholes and insulting angles - seriously, the WWE shouldn't even be in business today. Any suggestions/comments/thoughts as to WHY the WWE is still in business?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I'm thinking Vince McMahon has something on the Government (pics of Bush with a 14 year old or something) and he recieves federal funding to keep his company afloat.

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...which is reflected in their product. No other company would be able to get away with what the WWE gets away with. They provide such a mediocre product that is no where near as good as it should be, add that to illogical storylines and a ton of plotholes and insulting angles - seriously, the WWE shouldn't even be in business today. Any suggestions/comments/thoughts as to WHY the WWE is still in business?

Quoth the late, great P.T. Barnum, native of my hometown of Bridgeport, Connecticut:


"There's a sucker born every minute."


Vince does just enough to keep the people coming back. He cockteases them to no end, every so often throwing them a bone to keep them happy (as in having the face winning the championship or getting his revenge on his hated heel rival), but in between using fans like a dime-store hooker and making them feel like its their priviledge to be treated in such a fashion, all the while taking their money and putting it in his own pocket. It has only gotten steadily worse since WCW and ECW went under, now that he is the only major player in the game.


This is why i hope that MLW (which looks to have the best chance to challenge for a bigger piece of the pie) gets successful and in a hurry.

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Guest creativename
"There's a sucker born every minute."


Vince does just enough to keep the people coming back.

They ain't coming back. They do be leaving in droves, in fact (the short-lived Austin/road to Mania bump notwithstanding).


The only sucker here is Vince himself. He's cheating himself out of hundreds of millions of dollars, by cheating the fans out of a good product.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Vince is still in business because the IPO gave him a shitload of cash (less what he blew on the XFL, World, Smackdown Records, etc.) and until it runs out present conditions will continue.

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I wonder, whatever happened to taking a portion of your profits and putting it back into your business to make it better than it was?


Oh never mind, this is the 21st century now, the "I get mine and I don't give a damn if you live or die" era.... we see it in the ring and in the WWE, and its just a reflection on what is going on in this country and to some extent, the rest of the world, too.

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I wonder, whatever happened to taking a portion of your profits and putting it back into your business to make it better than it was?


Oh never mind, this is the 21st century now, the "I get mine and I don't give a damn if you live or die" era.... we see it in the ring and in the WWE, and its just a reflection on what is going on in this country and to some extent, the rest of the world, too.

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