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Guest Dmann2000

Ric Flair/Arn Anderson vs Chris Benoit/Bobby Eaton

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Guest Dmann2000

I have this match on an RF comp I got in 99. The first time I saw it I was like "sweet" cause it was Benoit before casual people new anything bout the guy.


Anyway I like the match a lot (hell with those 4 in there how could it not be at worst decent) I was wondering if any others here who've seen it, what did you think?

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I've seen it. I got it on a best of 1993 comp. and it's a helluva match. Pretty weird seeing Arn & Flair play the faces while Benoit & Eaton are killer like mothercukers working them over.


Benoit & Eaton had a pretty good run as a team in 1993 sadly it never amounted to mroe than a feud with the Godwins.

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I saw a bout between Sting / Bulldog and Benoit / Eaton on WCW Worldwide in 93 (at MGM Studios). Complete squash, very sad :(


Benoit vs. Bulldog would have ruled.

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