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Guest Mole

Anyone have a pic of Triple-Juice..

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Guest Mole

I want to make a banner with Triple-Juice before he was on the juice, to afterwards.


If someone could post a pic of him before the juice, I'd be very happy.


Thanks fellas.

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy
I want to make a banner with Triple-Juice before he was on the juice, to afterwards.


If someone could post a pic of him before the juice, I'd be very happy.


Thanks fellas.

Ehhhh shouldn't this be in the graphics folder? Maybe not...I guess I am kinda old-fashioned that way.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

HHH's actual size really hasn't changed that much since hitting the juice, his definition and structure just seem to have changed.

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Guest That 1996 Guy

Triple H! Ah yes, good to see that new moniker in action. Mr Perfect coined that one at the Rumble two months ago as far as I can remember.


All these jokes about roid use. You guys.


Next thing you know Triple H will be an over-roided impotent suffering bastard! Lol. Insanity!

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Guest Downhome
Triple H! Ah yes, good to see that new moniker in action. Mr Perfect coined that one at the Rumble two months ago as far as I can remember.


All these jokes about roid use. You guys.


Next thing you know Triple H will be an over-roided impotent suffering bastard! Lol. Insanity!

Don't make me bring back my HHH sig. picture.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Oh for fucks sake don't even do joke about that shit DH.

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Guest That 1996 Guy



That makes me think of all the jokes Big Daddy Cool use to pull.


Which wern't funny.


Next thing you know he'll be apart of a wrestling revolution! Lol. Insanity!

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Guest Downhome
Oh for fucks sake don't even do joke about that shit DH.

You know you want it. ;)



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Guest Downhome

What the hell, while I'm diving into the past...






...I need a new sig image. :(

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Guest That 1996 Guy

Who's that guy in the pic with Paul Heyman?, that evil ECW promoter.

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Guest Downhome
Who's that guy in the pic with Paul Heyman?, that evil ECW promoter.

It's the American Brock Dusty Lesner.

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Guest bob_barron

I still don't know why Triple H is the only wrestler you call Triple-Juice. Why not Cena-juice or Eddy-juice

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Because Triple Juice is the most hated man next to Saddam in the Smarkdom Universe.And it's a catchy name too. B-)

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Guest AndrewTS
Who's that guy in the pic with Paul Heyman?, that evil ECW promoter.

Enjoy your stay at the boards, Mr. Mahon.

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Guest BifEverchad




HEE HEEEEE!!!! HHHe looks like a fruit.



"Hi, I want to be like Ric Flair in the most unflattering way-ah"

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Guest Mole
I still don't know why Triple H is the only wrestler you call Triple-Juice. Why not Cena-juice or Eddy-juice

Anytime that I talk about another wrestler who does juice, someone flames me telling me I don't know for a fact.


Plus, Triple-Juice just rolls off your tounge, unlike Eddy-Juice.

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Guest crandamaniac
I still don't know why Triple H is the only wrestler you call Triple-Juice. Why not Cena-juice or Eddy-juice

Anytime that I talk about another wrestler who does juice, someone flames me telling me I don't know for a fact.


Plus, Triple-Juice just rolls off your tounge, unlike Eddy-Juice.

What about Juvi-Juice?

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Guest HellSpawn
I still don't know why Triple H is the only wrestler you call Triple-Juice. Why not Cena-juice or Eddy-juice

An don't forget Benoit-Juice.

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Guest That 1996 Guy

Referring to Juvi as 'Juvi Juice' is just down right rude to the rest of his drug habits that deserve recognising.

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

I was discussing Triple H's physique change over the years, and it HAS changed, but he wasn't a scrawny guy by any means.


WCW days---As Terra Ryzin and Jean-Paul Levesque, he had a similar look to what he is right now, only smaller and less cut. What I mean by this is his frame looked like it does now.


Early WWF Greenwich days---As the Grenwich snob when he first debuted, Hunter was lean and had less muscle on his frame from his WCW days. It looked as if he did a lot more cardio and didn't eat to be huge like he does now.


Chyna Days---Triple H started bulking up at this point, gaining more muscle mass.


DX Days---Triple H started putting on a lot of muscle over a year's time, but was not lean in the least. He wasn't ripped, and looked like he was trying to weigh more, maybe because WWF is fond of bigger men.


Post-Ladder Match---H tore up his knee in the SummerSlam match with Rock, and was gone shortly afterward for some rehab. He came back more developed, and noticeably more cut. He added wright during this time as well.


Heel turn---Tripple H started getting VERY ripped during this time while staying about the same muscle-wise.


Post-Foley Feud---During the Rumble Match with Foley, H looked lean and very muscular at the same time. His waist was a lot smaller and he had an athletic look to him. While feuding with The Rock, he started getting bigger and bigger, but was still ripped.


Post Quad---When Triple H came back in January 02, he looked like he had put on about 30 pounds on his upper body alone. His chest was more massive than it ever was, and he has toned down since then.


Now---Triple H seems to have dropped a bit of weight, but is still far-removed from his more athletic 2000 days.



For reference, check out one of his DVD's, watch some old PPV's, or search google for a Triple H fan site. Some of them have thousands of pictures to show his transformation into a hoss.


Molestomp, the fan sites are the best bets to find older pictures that will show his leaner days. I reccommend showing his very early Greenwich days, since that is when he was the smallest.

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Guest Mole

Yeah that is what I was looking for, but of course those fan sites aren't updated after awhile, so they close them.


Downhome's pictures are good enough, so I am game with them.

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