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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Smacked Down to a 3.2

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

This week's edition of Smackdown did a 3.2 broadcast rating, with a 5 share. That is at the low end of what the show has done recently but they can take solace in the fact that they beat programming on ABC, FOX and the WB and finished in third place for the time period.



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Guest AndrewTS

On the SD preview on WWE.com it said it would be pre-empted in many major cities.

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Guest Will Scarlet

It was preempted here for playoff hockey. *shakes fist* Of course, the Red Wings lost, so it's all good. :D

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Guest El Satanico

Whaaat...It came in third with a 3.2? I didn't think that was even possible. TV must've really really sucked Thursday if a 3.2 finished third.


Hell most nights 6.4 is the 6th rated show.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Well, if 3.2 gets you 3rd, then you know that TV just plain sucks overall in general.

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Guest Downhome

Wait, I just figured it out. Wasn't Ready To Rumble on at the same time!?

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Guest Lightning Flik
Wait, I just figured it out. Wasn't Ready To Rumble on at the same time!?

Dude. It's this Monday. Don't jump the gun early and watch it before you have to.


Besides, I'm not watching either RAW or Ready To Rumble. Since they more or less are the same show.


Edit: It was on? Geez... I thought it was going up against RAW this Monday. :huh:

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest TheArchiteck
It was preempted here for playoff hockey. *shakes fist* Of course, the Red Wings lost, so it's all good. :D


It was preemptied here in Detroit. And the Red Wings won...in spirit.

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Guest creativename

Huh? Hockey owns man. Plus my Devils being the only team to actually win their first two home games is great. I'm dying to see Sens-Devils in the conference finals. Hopefully the Sens can get the act together.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
3.2?Damn, that Brock, he sure is a big draw. :lol:

Brock was in the opener. Taker was in the main event, and the most hyped thing was Piper's Pit.


Piper & Taker are where the blame should go.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

It's amazing, isn't it. Brock is the Champion, this was his first SD appearance since becoming Champion, and he wrestled in the opener and wasn't seen again after the backstage skit which was in the beginning of the third quarter hour.


Kahran is right. Piper was treated as the REAL 'draw', with Taker being second on the list.

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