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Wrestlemania 13

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Why do people hate Wrestlemania 13? It's a good card. It had Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin, Sid vs. the Undertaker. Here's the card.


Billy Gunn vs. Flash Funk


The Headbangers vs. The New Blackjacks vs. The Godwinns vs. Phil Lafon & Doug Furnas


WWF I-C Champ Rocky Maivia vs. the Sultan


Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Goldust


WWF Tag Champs Owen Hart & Davey Smith vs. Vader & Mankind


Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin


The Legion of Doom & Ahmed Johnson vs. Farooq, Crush, and Savio Vega


The Undertaker vs. Sycho Sid


That is a pretty good card to me. The main event was an epic clash. Bret and Steve had a legendary match. HHH had a good match. The top stars of the federation were involved. Although, Shawn Michaels vs. Rocky Maivia would have been better, it was still good. Was the wrestling just boring? The card is strong.

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Guest goodhelmet

Sid vs. Taker is a smarks worst nightmare. Have you seen the match? Just horrible!!!!!!


The Sultan-Rocky farce was an insult to the paying customers and illustrates how Vince didn't have a clue. If the fans wouldn't have chanted Rocky Sucks or Die Rocky Die prior to the heel turn, "The ROck" would still be the Blue Chipper. Pathetic.


Goldust-HHH was boring and had no heat.


The Tag Title was below average compared to what they are capable of. And a screwjob ending to boot.


The 6man is way overrated and really garbagy to boot.


Sorry man, without Austin-Hart, this is the worst PPV of all time.

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Guest Tony149

You know, just like KOTR '97, mostly everybody on the card ended up being remembered for something. Wheather it was becoming bitter, early death, breaking a leg on live TV, etc. Everybody is remembered for something if you think about it.

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Guest converge241

Its nice to see an opposing point of view on 13. As you can see not a lot of love for it here.


The Tag title match was a strange mix of styles that I think would have been better if they had a feud, or more time to build it up.


The six man was a good brawl.


HHH vs Goldust was decent.


I think the Sid - Taker match suffred from another lack of time. They should have choreographed/planned the match details ahead of time. Its a good big man - big man match , but not for WM.


Austin - Hart was like a saving grace for the show though, without it this would be remembered for nothing except having the lowest buyrate for a WM. Those few other decent to good matchups "might" make for a good raw.

but that's just my own opinion. You enjoyed it, that's not a bad thing.. thats a good thing :)

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Guest nWoScorpion

Wrestlemania 13 was so bad, i stopped watching WWF until October-novmeber that year. I can only say i woke up for Bret/Austin, but the rest was snooze city. anytime we get goldust/HHH withOUT ANY heat means it sucks ass.

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Guest swan

I was there (my first card after several years of not watching) and it was not good. Brett/Austin match saved me from saying see ya to the WWF again.

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Guest Drury37

I would agree with CJackson except that The Undertaker/Sid match was just horrible,I thought the rest was good, but then again this is coming from somebody who thought WWF WrestleMania IX was good(don't ask why),so who knows.


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Guest goodhelmet

Yeah, I think you need to watch 9 and 13 again. You will realize that they are both big piles of dog turd just waiting to be stepped on.

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Guest razazteca

I  want my $1.50 back!!!!!!!  The tag team match was lame Lafon and Furnas basically did nothing in the match, The Godwinns won that match right?


3H vs Goldust with the Chyna bearhug finish truely sucked.


Undertaker vs Sid what was that about.


Austin vs Hart only good match with blood and Shamrock going crazy.


Lod vs Nation average for a  Chi-Town Street Fight


Did Sultan really need both Bob Backland and Iron Shriek?

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Guest nWoScorpion

I liked Wrestlemania 9. Got a problem with that? (weilds a baseball bat) Wrestlemania 13 didnt even have a Hogan match so you cant blame him all the fucking hogan haters out their. Plus look at WM 9. They had HBk, Stieners, Ramon, Maniacs/Money Inc, Luger, Perfect, Undertaker, Bret Hart. Atleats they had SOME main event talents. WM 13 had basically Raw is War matches til the 5th match on the ACTUAL PPV. (not counting Fuck/rockashitty)

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Guest Drury37

See Scorpion I knew you would agree with me,I thought WWF WrestleMania IX was good,by the way Scorpion I am IrishND18 just in case you didn't know.I didn't think WWF WrestleMania XV was good,but everyone else thought it was good,I just thought other than The Rock/Austin match the rest of the event was pretty bad.


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Guest Tony149

Most think WM XV sucked except Austin/Rock. I liked WM XV. Then again, I liked all of WWF TV during 1999, except from Oct.-Dec. '99.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Wrestlemania XV was good in some cases and bad.


It had Austin/Rock, a surprisingly good Xpac/Shane, Kane/HHH was THAT bad, they had a minor DX breaking out. Plus watching Bart Gunns head flip and flop like a slinky is quite funny. The hardcore title match was fun to watch as wel..

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Guest teke184

Rock-Austin was okay and XPac-Shane was better than I though it would be because I absolutely HATE both of them, but most everything else was pretty bad.  


I liked Butterbean-Bart, which is routinely knocked, because of the shoot nature (and the fact that Bart got "knocked tha fuck-out!", as Chris Tucker would say), but Taker-Bossman and Sable-Tori were HORRIBLE.  


When the highlight of the Women's title match is that a female bodybuilder who looks like a dead ringer for Buffalo Bill in Silence Of The Lambs does a run-in, it ain't pretty.

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Guest goodhelmet

Watching it live I enjoyed WM15 but I watched it  a week later and found myself fast forwarding every match including Shane-Xpac, which is highly overrated. After last years Mania, I decided to watch Rock-Austin from WM15 and from Backlash and WM18 blew both of them away. It wasn't even close. There were some cute moments in the first matches (flipping off the camera, filming the crowd) but last year was INTENSE and fun as ####. It still holds up a year later too.

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Guest converge241

Yes, XV seemed great at the time but i cant sit through any of it now. I went to backlash live the next month and ordered it and taped it and can still through it based on:

A great Austin - Rock match

Owens last ppv match w/Jarrett vs Outlaws

HHH vs Xpac

Interesting style clash of Shamrock vs Taker

a decent little backstage encounter with Show and Foley.

Holly - Snow was good too

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Guest jaCko

Wrestlemania 13 pretty much sucked except for the Austin/Hart match. The Raw main event before Wrestlemania was pretty cool though.


Wrestlemania 15, in hindsight does not feel like a Wrestlemania. Although I did like the Shane McMahon/X-Pac angles, and the HHH swerve, the rest of the event was a terrible blah..

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Guest Drury37

Yeah I thought the Bret Hart Vs. The Undertaker match on WWF Raw that previous Monday night was very good and a lot of fun.


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Then again, Wrestlemania 2000 didn't feel like a Wrestlemania. Maybe it would have been better if they held it at a bigger arena, or just put more memorable matches on the card. It was a good show! I'm not puting it down, but RR 2000 or Backlash 2000 seems more memorable.

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WM 13 was truly wretched. Outside of the classic Bret/Austin match and the mildly entertaining Ahmed/LOD vs. NOD brawl it was brutal. It was sad seeing HHH constantly waving his arms in the air during his entrance in a pointless attempt to get ANY reaction from the already bored crowd. It is far from the worst WM in my opinion though. Hart/Austin saves in in a BIG way.


I've always disliked WM 2000 myself for several reasons.


- That god awful rap by whatever his name is. I've edited it out of the tape I have.


- The crowd was pretty dead for most of the show. I don't know why they brought it back to the Arrowhead Pond after the dysmal crowd (outside of the Warrior squash) at WM XII.


- There wasn't a single one-on-one match, which I believe had the greatest effect on the card overall. All of the memorable Wrestlemania matches have been one-on-one with few exceptions. Plus I've never personally liked three ways, because they all follow the same crappy match format throughout. Wrestle A makes a pinfall attempt on Wrestler B. Referee slows down his count so Wrestler C can make it over in time to "break up" the attempt and the referee stops his count even though Wrestler B's shoulders are still on the mat (and they always are). Wrestler C now makes his own attempt to pin Wrestler B who's still down. Repeat, repeat, repeat. If they wanted to fit all the idiots onto the card, then they should have had an over-the-top-rope-invitaion-battle-royal like they did at WM IV.


- All four McMahon's were a part of the main event and three of them were heavily involved.

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Guest lowavenue

When I first saw Wrestlemania 13 live, I thought it was utterly dreadful. But I watched it again a few weeks ago, and it's certainly better than Wrestlemania 9, 11, 15 and 16.


Bret/Austin is a classic, the 6 man Street Fight is pretty good too, and the Main Event, considering the talent involved, was a good effort. Just wished that the crowd was a million times hotter.


Wrestlemania 9 is pretty bad, but not as bad as 11. The first few matches are pretty solid.


I'm suprised no-one ever mentions that Wrestlemania 11 is the worst ever. I think it's easily the worst one. The WWF Title match dismays me, the main event is shockingly bad, the whole lot sucks bad. There was nothing good on this show to look back on.


Wrestlemania 15 was bad as a wrestling show, but I was entertained for 3 hours, and the crowd was hot for most of it.


Wrestlemania 16 (2000) was dreadful too, but at least you had the 3-way IC Title match. Main event was the ultimate bore-fest. Why didn't they just have HHH job the title to Rock here instead of at Backlash, with Austin interfering? Everything else though sucked bad, with the only 1-on-1 match The Kat Vs Terri....need I say more?


Thankfully the last 2 have been great.

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Guest JC Marxxx

Converge.. You went to Backlash 2k? So did I. Although I hated the WWF at the time that was probably my favorite live event, and would have made a much better WrestleMania IMO.


Outlaws-Jarrett/Owen was terrific I thought, and Backlash had an infinitley better Rock-Austin match as well.


Watching WrestleMania XV again hurts my eyes, and I cannot sit threw the entire thing, although I'll always mark out for Butterbean knocking Bart Gunn the hell out.


WrestleMania XIV has to be my favorite WM of the "modern era", just because overall it had the best feel and atmosphere. Everything meant something (save for Taka-Aguila) and served it's purpose. Plus Michaels-Austin ruled the school considering HBK's condition at that point.


- JC

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Guest dreamer420

Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold is the only reason I can see for watching that show.  Horrible main event brought the PPV quality way down because it was Taker vs. Sid.  The Rock's massive heel heat was great.

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Guest Drury37

If the Sid Vs. The Undertaker match was halfway decent that WWF WrestleMania would have been positively remembered, I mean the two matches before that where really good and the rest of it was pretty fun.Watch the Rocky Mavia Vs. The Saltan match and at some point Rocky does this really faggy dance type thing,it's really funny to see,especially now.


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Guest Jimmy

I thought it was a decent show but it could have been better if that damn pussy Shawn Michales had the balls to drop the title to Bret...

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Guest Drury37

Yeah instead Shawn Michaels had to come out and dance around and heckle Bret Hart the whole matches,did I ever mention how much I didn't like Shawn Michaels after 1994, yeah things why that is why.


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Guest RetroRob215

I can't even put myself up to buying XIII for $12, but I did rent IX for $2.  I use IX when I have insomnia, it is very good when it comes down to inducing sleep.  XI was OK, definetely not the worst.  I have XV, but I never watched it because I'm sure it will suck.

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Guest Drury37

One match I really liked at WWF WrestleMania 13 was the Hardcore 6 Man Tag Match.


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Guest MiloMahoney

Ok LOTS of stuff to touch on.

#1- WM13 sucks. The Sid/Taker match is really,really long and bret has to interfere TWICE to keep the thing going. The four corners opener sucked. And HHH?Goldust is just god awfull(not as bad as their Rumble match but still). The six man hardcore match is good but really that's about it.


#2-WM9 is ok. I watched it like a year ago and i was very entertained it might help that we are baised to what we grew up watching though. But i did like it because it was a diffrent style of wrestling then what you see today.(unlike WM134 wich is very SE) Hbk/Tatanka, Shrinkers/Steiners ,Bret/Yoko, Lex/Perfect. All really good matches.


#3-WM11 is bad. HBK/Diesel is a great match IMO but everything else is Fast Forward city. Excpet for JJ/Razor BUT it has a screw job finish. At WM!


#4-WM15 is really bad. Shane/X pac is good but Test/Shane is much better(at summer Slamm) Austin/Rock good. But I think their match at Backlash was better. In fact Backlash was better then WM for two years straight.(99.00) and would have made a much better wrestle mania.

Whew. There's my take on everything.

Take it with a grain of salt.

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Guest X-Factor Corperation

It doesn't seem like that bad of a card to me...

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