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Guest Choken One

The Pool of Has-Beens

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Guest Dmann2000
....Didn't he die in a Car Accident about 20 years ago?

That was the joke actually

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Guest edotherocket
However, they are from NEW ZEALAND remember, and Jones is Austrailian. They'd more likely fued with each other over whose country has the most sheep fuckers.


I don't think Vince can tell the difference. I remember in the early Nineties, the Bushwhackers came out with a kangaroo mascot.

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Guest Choken One
....Didn't he die in a Car Accident about 20 years ago?

That was the joke actually

Oh I knew that...Very Clever but I wasn't sure if he had died in a Car Accident or not or if i was mistaken...

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire
....Didn't he die in a Car Accident about 20 years ago?

He's dead but you're not burried until you take a pinfal from an elbow drop like RVD did on Heat.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I wonder if Vince would trade RVD for Dusty Rhodes.


That would RULE!!!!

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Guest Choken One

A Incoherent Rambling fool for a incoherent rambling stoner? Sounds good...

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
Jesus Christ, at this rate... Adrian Adonis will be wrestling the main event of Armageedon...

he's dead, buddy....................


but i wouldnt put it past vince to bring him back anyway

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Guest edotherocket

To one-up Piper's Pit, Bischoff should bring back The Barbershop.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1
To one-up Piper's Pit, Bischoff should bring back The Barbershop.

Or better yet, The Snake Pit!

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Guest That 1996 Guy
....Didn't he die in a Car Accident about 20 years ago?

You say it like that's a factor which would stop Vince from bringing him in.


I say bring back the Road Warriors, i mark the fuck out for the Doomsday Device.



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Guest Breetai

Bring in Greg Gange and have an angle where Hogan accuses him of holding him down.

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Guest tank_abbott
We all know about Vince's recent Nostalgia Trip down Memory Lane which has been serving as Quick Fixes to get the ratings ROARING!


It started with the nWo and then that lead to the Hulkamania Reunion Nostalgia Tour and then HBK came back and although He has been useful in some ways, He hasn't done much for the company as of Late.


Then Came Scott Steiner, Whom was pretty much a crippled quivering mass of Jello. Steiner, Whom could have been a major heel during the Attitude era has been so horribly used as a Babyface that he killed whatever remaining credibility this once great performer had with his Atrocious program with Triple H over the World Title and has since been downgraded to the low-cards with Rookie Nowinski in a dead end angle.


Then Austin came back and although he was a quick Ratings boost for a couple weeks, didn't do much good as he was gone before he even got started and is retired.


Then we got Rowdy Piper, Whom actually was somewhat of a surprise considering he pretty much orally assaulted WWE just weeks prior to his return. However, He hasn't returned to the ring yet and has been useful thus far in giving a rub to a young Superstar like SOH.


Then Came the Major Cash Cow Vince expected to bring in the money and ratings, Goldberg. It's still a little early but The ratings this week didn't indicate that Goldberg was going to be the bonanza Vince expected and has already started backstage problems over one of the more popular guys in the locker room, Jericho.


Kevin Nash arrived just a scant week after Goldberg, and we can't exactly measure how successful he'll be until next Tuesday, His return was better handled then the other guys like Austin, Goldberg or Steiner...Nash certainly looks motivated these days but in all likelihood, Nash won't save the company.


Now, A lot of reports are going around saying that WWE is signing WCW version of Hulk Hogan, STING as soon as June. Sting was easily the #1 face in WCW history and might still have a fanbase waiting to return. However, we must assume that he'll likely fall like Diamond Dallas Page, another former WCW Mega-face that still had a lot to offer for the company but was horribly misused.


So that means, we need to think about who is next for the Quick Fixes for Vince's Trip until he realizes it's time to change for good.


What About Lex Luger? Is he ready to return to glory and take the Rock's Ball and run with it like he brilliantly did with Hogan's in 1993?


What about Sid Eudy? Could he make a Triumphant and Poignant return from his debilitating injury known famous all the world around? It would be worth it just for the HHH quasi-Shoot promos.


What about Randy Savage? The hottest free agent around! Still a mainstream name thanks to his Oscar Worthy performance in Spiderman (a Sequel is in the works for his character) and has been a frequent guest on the HOTTEST cable show around "The Best Damn Sports Show." He is clearly worth the Millions he has demanded for a return to the ring.


What About Scott Hall? Shouldn't Vince figure that the REAL success of WCW were The Outsiders? and now with Austin out of the picture, that leaves the door open for The return of Scott Hall! Can't you just see the dollar signs for Outsiders Vs Three Minute Warning?


What About Jake Roberts? Easily one of the most physically gifted performers ever known to mankind and yet isn't employed by WWE? It's time to bring the Snake back...We never got our Lawler/Roberts Blowoff!


What about Terry Funk? Who wouldn't want to see Funk FINALLY come out of his long retirement and make ONE last run on top...The Funker is universally known and admired and he can bring in the young Hip crowd.


What about Brian Pillman? What? He's Dead you say? NO PROBLEM! WWE already has the Necrophila Market cornered!



What about other legends like Earthquake? Road Dogg? Al Greene? Superfly Snuka? Road Warrior Hawk? Max Moon? Shane Douglas? Freddie Joe Floyd? or some guy name Brett Clark or something...


The Possibilities are ENDLESS! The good times are here again folks!




Its your fault!

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