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Guest Mole


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Guest Mole

Wow, I watched this movie for the first time today, and boy was it bad. The only thing that saved the movie was David Boreanaz, because he was the only one in the crew who knew how to act.


Did anyone share the hate with me?

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Guest Downhome

I share the hate with you and I've never even seen it. Didn't you just SEE how horrible this would be even without having to see it?

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Guest Anglesault

If you look hard enough, you'll find my whole review ripping it apart

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Guest Ravenbomb

no no no, Valentine doesn't exist.


you: but, I just saw-


NO! It doesn't fucking exist!!!

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Guest Youth N Asia

Yep, awful awful movie. Cordy had a small part but it was removed from the final cut.

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Guest Mole

Nothing else was on, so I watched it.


Best line of the movie though:


Some bitch: He's no angel (talking about David) that was funny.

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Guest Youth N Asia
I bet it wasn't as bad as Urban Legends: Final Cut.

Oh, but it was.

I gotta disagree...UB II was just about the worst thing ever.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Actually saw it in the theater ::shudders::


I'm surprised they...

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killed off Denise Richards. She's the biggest name in the movie, I thought she'd survive

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Guest red_file

I thought the lecherous cop was a pretty decent character. I didn't think the film was offensively bad; it was just bad. Just another bad teen slasher movie riding the wave. Nothing to get in a twist over.

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Guest Mole
I bet it wasn't as bad as Urban Legends: Final Cut.

Oh, but it was.

I gotta disagree...UB II was just about the worst thing ever.

Yes, that was the worst 'teen horror flick' ever. It was just SOOOOOOOOO dumb, and didn't make any sense.


They way they ended it could set it up for another, but I really really really hope not.

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Guest RedJed

This was pretty bad, I admit.........but nothing to me compares to Soul Survivors, god damn what a pile of crap that was.

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Guest the pinjockey

Valentine sucked worse to me. UL II sucked, but at least I remember absolutely nothing about that movie, I can't recall one plot point or actor from that movie.

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Guest Zack Malibu
Actually saw it in the theater ::shudders::


I'm surprised they...

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

killed off Denise Richards. She's the biggest name in the movie, I thought she'd survive

I saw it in the theaters. TWICE. Opening night with friends, and then the girl I was dating at the time picked it as the movie we saw on that, what else, Valentine's Day.


I dug it, but I'm like the C.H.U.D. junior when it comes to movies. I've got the DVD. I heard rumors of a sequel, but not in a while.


FYI, it's based on a book by Tom Savage, but they chopped up his writing to turn it into a slasher. The book reads more like a mystery than a "Chapter 1:KILL..." book, as the movie would have you believe.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Soul Survivors is in it's whole new league for sucking. What a waste of Dushku and all her "talents"


So that makes two of the worst horror movies ever starring Buffy cast members.

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Guest Anglesault

I remember watching UL2 and Valentine around the same time and hating Valentine more. I don't even remember the ending for UL2.

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Guest Zack Malibu

The ending for UL2:


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

It was the professor who was killing people, because he was jealous that he got passed over for an award that the lead actresses father had won years ago. After being thwarted, they showed him in an institution, with Rebecca Gayheart as the nurse...sort of an in joke to part 1.

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Guest Youth N Asia
The ending for UL2:


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

It was the professor who was killing people, because he was jealous that he got passed over for an award that the lead actresses father had won years ago. After being thwarted, they showed him in an institution, with Rebecca Gayheart as the nurse...sort of an in joke to part 1.

I hate that worst of all. Every awful horror movie has to hint at an awful sequal. Let the piece of shit die. I use to like Rebecca "drunk-driving-child-killing" Gayheart...but that was back durring the 90210 days.

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Guest Anglesault

I remembered who the killer was, but now I know why I blocked out the end.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Off Topic:




I haven't seen Joey "You call him Joesph" Lawrence since UL2.


What happen to him becoming a "Serious Actor" ?

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Guest Harry Hood

Hey Valentine had Katherine Heigl's awesome breasts in it at least...

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Guest fazzle
Wow, I watched this movie for the first time today, and boy was it bad. The only thing that saved the movie was David Boreanaz, because he was the only one in the crew who knew how to act.


Did anyone share the hate with me?

When DB is your best actor, you know you have a problem right away.



Granted, he's nowhere near Buffy season 1 levels of suckitude anymore, but he's still not exactly what I'd call GOOD.

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So that makes two of the worst horror movies ever starring Buffy cast members.

I picked up Cruel Intentions on DVD yesterday at Wal-Mart. Surprisingly good; I'd never seen it. Sarah Michelle Gellar can play an awesome uber bitch. I have to believe she's got a decent film career ahead of her if she just takes some different roles that break the 'Buffy' mold.


No more 'Simply Irresistable', no more 'Scooby-Doo' (although I know we have another one of those coming), and no more 'I Know What you Did Last Summer'. Let's see her in some R-rated action movies just to break the monotany.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Cruel Intentions blows...I only own the DVD so I can skip to the scene in chapter 10.

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I caught the end of "Bring it On" (on the line of Buffy characters in movies) and was that Glory along with Faith in that movie?

I never saw that film but I believe Glory was also in 'Jawbreaker' with Darla.

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I caught the end of "Bring it On" (on the line of Buffy characters in movies) and was that Glory along with Faith in that movie?

I never saw that film but I believe Glory was also in 'Jawbreaker' with Darla.

There's no way I'm sitting through "Jawbreaker" again to see if you're right.


I'll just look it up on imdb.com.

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