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Guest Polish_Rifle

Watching Denise Richards try to "act" hurt my eyes.


I think I came out of that movie dumber than before I went in to see it.

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Well I looked up "Jawbreaker" and saw Julie Benz's name, but not Glory.

Yeah, I just checked. She was in 'Rules of Attraction' but not 'Jawbreaker' - I saw both during the same weekend ... guess my mind couldn't distinguish between the college druggie movie and the high school murder movie.

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Guest MissMattitude
This was pretty bad, I admit.........but nothing to me compares to Soul Survivors, god damn what a pile of crap that was.

Speaking of, you wouldn't be able to tell me what the fuck that film was about would you, because I was completely lost.

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Guest MissMattitude

Oh yeah and Valentine was terrible. Although I think Jeepers Creepers is still the worst I have seen.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

killed off Denise Richards. She's the biggest name in the movie, I thought she'd survive

I damn sure wish they'd have killed her in TWINE.

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Oh yeah and Valentine was terrible. Although I think Jeepers Creepers is still the worst I have seen.

Jeepers Creepers was kinda cool because:


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

the good guys lose in the end and one of the main characters not only dies, but dies a nasty death


I just thought that was kinda cool.

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Guest Ravenbomb

at the end of Valentine when

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that blood drips on DB, at least I think that's what happened at the end
wtf was with that?

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Guest Miss Indy Queen

Wow I remember seeing this movie on valentine's day weekend no less with my boyfriend at the time. The movie was so horrible, I walked out thinking what the hell were we thinking watching this shitty movie. He's a huge Angel fan so I bet that's why he wanted to see it. I just can't believe we spent our money on that crap. Although after watching Jeepers Creepers in the movie theatre (I guess I love torture huh), I have to say that was the worst movie I saw in theatres. When you have an entire movie theatre booing the hell out of the movie, and chanting refund, something is definitely wrong.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Jeepers Creepers pissed me off, they pulled the "Gee, this isn't a movie" shit twice. You can get away with it once, not twice. The whole thing about the girl saying something about the part in horror movies where the main charcter does something stupid and people hate him for it. And

"Do you think he's dead?"

"They never are."


I also think the tough chick thing in the horror films has really rans its course.

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