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Guest Sandman9000

ROH results

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Guest Sandman9000

From the DVD board:


- Backseat Boys over the Hit Squad. Worst match on show by a lot.


- Dixie/ Jay Lethal beat Carnage Crew and Dunn and Marcos. Really Fun. Dunn looked really great and had the Great White "Once Bitten Twice Shy" shirt.. Dixie looked really great.


AJ Styles and Red beat the Briscoes to keep the tag belts. Really great Southern tag with lots of crazy highspots. Really well laid out.


CM Punk and BJ Whitmer went to a no contest after re-enacting the Kobashi/Misawa apron German to the floor though a table. Really good.


- Homicide beat Chris Daniels with a roll-up. Tease Daniels face turn as Victory and co make run-in.


- Alexis Laree beat Ariel with a Reverse DDT. Went 90 seconds and was still one minute too long.


- Samoa Joe beat Hot Stuff Hernandez via submission. American WAR match.


- Samoa Joe then had an impromptu 4 way with Matt Stryker, Reckless Yourth and Colt Cabana. Joe beat Cabana with submission with Frogsplash assist by Reckless off Matt Stryker's back.


- Paul London beat American Dragon in 42 minutes. Best match in history of the promotion. Best match in either one's career.


- Dusty, Homicide, J-Train, Lowlife Louie Ramos and Iceberg beat Jack Victory, CW Anderson, David Young and two guys Tom didn't know, in a Bunkhouse Stampede I quit match. Victory tapped.

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Guest Nevermortal
- Paul London beat American Dragon in 42 minutes. Best match in history of the promotion. Best match in either one's career.


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Guest The Amazing Rando
- Paul London beat American Dragon in 42 minutes. Best match in history of the promotion. Best match in either one's career.



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Guest OSIcon

Just got back from the show. Good show with an EXCELLENT main event.


They had a few new production feautres. First off, there was a black curtain (I guess you could call it that) hanging across the back of the rec. center. The curtain covered off the doors so that it comes across less as a gym on tape. There also had different lighting. Instead of just using the overhead lights in the gym, there were lights above the basketball hoops on the four sides of the gym and the overhead lights were dimmed during matches. Should make the Murphy Rec. Center comes across better on tape.


The Backseat Boys/Hit Squad match was kind of there. Not good. The crowd was jacked though so this had some good heat, especially with the CZW fans in attendance rooting for the Backseats. There was a little dissension between the Hit Squad members.


The unnanounced tag scramble was good. Another "solid" scramble match. Dunn and Marcos are really getting over and wrestled a good match. This match came about when Special K hit the ring following the Backseats match. Mikey said that any combination of Special K members are the best tag team in ROH and challenged the Backseats on Special K's behalf to prove who the greatest team in ROH is. THis of course brought out Dunn and Marcos who did their speil to a good reception. Carnage Crew also hit the ring. The Backseats said they had other business to take care of tonight but that they would face the winner of a tag scramble between the three teams at the next show (I guess Pittsburg).


I liked the Tag Title match better then last months. This one seemed more focus. Still fast paced, but it had more of a structure then last months including building to dvies at the beginning rather then just going for them.


Punk/Whitmer was solid. There were a few rough spots, but a good match overall. The ending came off well as Punk Germen Suplexed Whitmer off the apron and through a table at ringside. Both guys stayed down for 5 minutes or so afterwards. It seems as if Punk is continuing to use tables and such to send a message to Raven. Trinity, who accompanied Raven last show, tried to take Cabana out before the match with a plancha, but Cabana caught her instead and took her to the back.


Daniels/Homicide was good, just not very memorable. Daniels teased shaking Homicide's hand, but before he could one thing or the other, CW Anderson, Joe, and Jack Victory hit the ring. It looked like Daniels pushed Homicide out of the way of the attack, but that was totally clear. One of the Hit Squad members (the smaller one) helped Daniels clear the ring. Daniels ripped off the Hit Squad guy's shirt to reveal a Prophecy shirt underneath. Don't know which Hit Squad member it was and could care less. Not looking forward to that singles match.


The woman's match was nothing.


Joe vs. Hotstuff Hernandez was a good heavyweight match. You don't often see to legit big guys wrestle each other in the Indies, so this was cool to see. A good, short match. Ending came kind of abrubtly with Joe winning with an arm bar. Both guys tosses each other around a lot.


Joe said he wanted to defend the belt, not just wrestle a non-title match. So he made the three way with Stryker, Cabana, and Tom Carter (Reckless Youth) into a four way with the title on the line. Fun match. Good comedy throughout from Cabana and Joe, and good work also. Joe choked out Cabana for the win.


London vs. Dragon was GREAT. It is the MOTY so far by a large marging. A good build with tons of stories and action weaved througout. The first fall came about twenty minutes in, the second fall about ten minutes later, and then the third fall happened a little after the 40 minute mark. Crowd heat for this match was also really good. The crowd was legit split 50/50 with dueling "Let's Go London" and "Let's Go Dragon" chants throughout. This really is worth tracking down. MOTYC gets thrown around a lot in ROH and other indies, but this is the real deal. They tell a great story while also weaving in aspects of their match from "A Night of the Butcher" (which you should probably watch before this to make it even better). Really, really good. I've got to agree that this was the best ROH match so far.


Left before the Bunkhouse. They were "taking apart the ring" before the match to show that this was a "fight" and not a match.


Anyway, good show with an excellent main event that you will want to track down when it comes out.

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Guest soup23

If the Paul London/ American Dragon match is better than the one in December than I must see it because I thought the one in December was in the top 3 matches of ROH history.

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Guest Tim Cooke

12/7 was my fav match of 2002


Last nights match KILLED IT.


***** legit.


Tim, about the 20th **** match I ave ever handed out

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Guest bob_barron

Are you serious that it was *****?


Holy shit- I want that tape now.


Do I need to see 12.7.02 to fully enjoy 4.12.03?

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Guest ConspiracyVictim

Well if Tim says its freakin ***** then dammit I gotta get this match the day it comes out on tape sometime in June or whatever. Im gonna go watch 12/7 again to get hyped up for it but Tim, how was the rest of the card like BJ v. Punk? Did those boys represent Mid South well? And what did you think of the AJ/Red vs. Briscoes matchup? Was it better than the last one?

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Guest j.o.b. squad

it will probably be taken down about a half star. due to live wrestling always seeming better than when you see it later on tape

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Guest Tim Cooke

"Are you serious that it was *****?"


Yup, haven't seen a better worked match since 6/27/98 Tamura v Kosaka from RINGS.


"Do I need to see 12.7.02 to fully enjoy 4.12.03?"


No, but they do play off a few things from the match. Also would probably be wise to check out the Super 8 final between London/Beckett as well.


"Well if Tim says its freakin ***** then dammit I gotta get this match the day it comes out on tape sometime in June or whatever. Im gonna go watch 12/7 again to get hyped up for it but Tim, how was the rest of the card like BJ v. Punk?"


Punk/Whitmer was good. Still getting over in ROH so the heat was spotty but the match was fine with a really good ending that progresses the Raven/Punk feud and did a nice job ending the match.


"And what did you think of the AJ/Red vs. Briscoes matchup? Was it better than the last one?"


It was better than the last one but in my eyes, it wouldn't have taken much to beat it. Maybe I am too much of a fan of straight southern tags, but this didn't really do anything for me. Wasn't bad but didn't have anything more than lots of innovation that makes my head hurt.


"it will probably be taken down about a half star. due to live wrestling always seeming better than when you see it later on tape"


Nah, had 12/7 at ****1/2 when I left the show and had it right at ****1/2 when I saw it tape the first, second, third, etc times.



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Guest Ronixis



Are you OUT of your FIPPING Goard?


***** is ***** live, taped or other wise.


Good Lord... 3 MOTY canadates in 5 months. Thats not bad. Right now, London and Dragon is THE MATCH OF The YEAR unless Japan or WWE most talented just blows their minds off on their upcoming shows. (Only ones I see now is Benoit/Lesner, Chono/Kobashi, and I am just being REALLY, REALLY pulling at straws here.)


I feel sorry for Samoa Joe tho. Because THEY have BETTER put the BELT on one of these two.


CZW Could have had a 5 Star to rival, But they jumped the gun last night, and if they did not jump the gun, GOOD LORD.


Otherwise, this was a DAMN good Night for RoH and CZW, and the Wrestling Gods were smiling on Philly.


But what the hell are they going to do for an encore? Who in RoH will have their ***** match, their 40+ Min Classic? To me this is a Great thing BUT holy shit who else can pull a ***** in RoH or anywhere else in the indies?

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Guest What?

Dammit! I want to see London/Dragon, yet I don't want to pay 20-25$ for, mainly, one match...(for some reason, I just don't like Punk, but...it does have AJ/Red vs. Briscoes so...)




.....Do you think it's downloadable off Kazaa or whatever?

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Guest ShooterJay

If someone can get their hands on a sima copymaster, you'll have a lot of ROH capped soon- it breaks RF's anticopy.

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Guest RubySoho50
The match was def *****.

of all the lousy times for me to have too much shit going on at school to be able to drive to philly for a ROH show...

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Guest snuffbox
The match was def *****.

of all the lousy times for me to have too much shit going on at school to be able to drive to philly for a ROH show...


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