Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 13, 2003 SNL Review- Ray Romano/Zwan Stupid NBA- I was hoping I would be able to do an awesome NBA Playoff Preview featuring tons of cool stuff but alas- nothing is set in stone yet and I don’t really want to waste my time previewing things that won’t happen. Luckily the hockey playoffs have started so you get my playoff analysis. Team Bankruptcy v. New York Islanders Series: Tied 1-1 Next Game: Monday 7 pm Well Game 1 had me jumping for joy thinking that Team Bankruptcy was going to choke again giving me hours and hours of laughter. But I think Game 1 was just a fluke- Ottawa played great tonight and Lalime was sharp in net. They have to forget about taking out Yashin and concentrate on winning the hockey game. I think the Islanders will get one win at the raucous Nassau Coliseum but in the end Team Bankruptcy will have proven superior. Toronto Maple Leafs v. Philadelphia Flyers Series: Tied 1-1 Next Game: Monday 7 pm Guess who’s going to Game 3? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I maybe in debt with no hope of any money rolling in but I’m gonna be at game 3 seeing Toronto lay an ass whooping on Philly. Okay so Game 2 we got killed but I wasn’t that upset. I didn’t expect the Leafs to win two in Philly- I’m happy they were able to get one. Now all they have to do is go undefeated at home and they’ve won. I really wish Quinn wouldn’t try to make it a physical game and try to outfight them. Just go out there and play hockey and everything should be peachy. They need to concentrate on getting the puck to the awesome trio (Sundin, Nolan, Mogo) and I think the Leafs will win the series in 6 as I predicted. Washington Capitals v. Tampa Bay Lightning Series: Washington 2-0 Next Game: Tuesday 7 pm Well it looks like I was wrong about this series. Washington is using their playoff experience to pound Tampa into the ground. I thought Khabibuilin would be at the top of the game in this series but he obviously has just not gotten anything going. It looks like Washington is going to have an easy time with this series. New Jersey Devils v. Boston Bruins Series: New Jersey 2-0 Next Game: Sunday 3 pm Defence has proven superior to offence so far in this series. I think Boston will get a game on their home ice but this series has gone on just the way I expected it. Brodeur is being God in net and the Devils defence is shutting them down. After a decent regular season it is good to see Jamie Langenbrunner at the absolute top of his game. Dallas Stars v. Edmonton Oilers Series: Tied 1-1 Next Game: Sunday 8 pm Note to self: Don’t piss off the Dallas Stars. In Game 2 the refs seemed to call more penalties then people who find Maya Rudolph unattractive. But Dallas laying an absolute ass whooping on Edmonton was a sight to see. Dallas v. Edmonton is always a crazy and insane series and so far it’s somewhat lived up to its unpredictable height. Dallas is still going to take it but it’ll be fun seeing how far Edmonton will take them. Vancouver Canucks v. St. Louis Blues Series: Tied 1-1 Next Game: Monday 8:30 pm Wow. Game 1 was an absolute embarrassment and made me sad to be a Canucks fan. That day I was decked out in almost all blue, red and white but they decided to embarrass me and make me look like a complete moron. Well that’s why they play a Game 2. Vancouver played much better. Mattias was back, they drew a lot of penalties and Dan Cloutier woke up and said: Hey- I’m not gonna suck today! I think they’ll fair alright in St. Louis and I think Vancouver will still be taking the series. Colorado Avalance v. Minnesota Wild Series: Tied 1-1 Next Game: Monday 7:30 pm Minnesota upsetting Colorado took the pain of Vancouver’s 6-0 loss away. Based on the first two games this series will be a back and forth dog fight. Colorado has the playoff experience so I think they’ll take it in the end but they’re getting scared out of their pants so far and it’s nice to see. If Minnesota pulls off the upset- I will send a thank you card to the Wild. Detroit Red Wings v. Anaheim Mighty Ducks Series: Anaheim 2-0 Next Game: Monday 10:30 pm This series has shown me that karma does exist as Curtis ‘Benedict’ Joseph is getting his. Now I know not to get too happy since the same thing happened last year and I felt the pain of their 4 game win. I don’t know if Detroit can pull it off again. Gigeure has been fantastic saving 97 of 100 shots and he has been carrying the Ducks. If he slips up- it’s over. Detroit has met a wall and let’s hope Gigeure doesn’t channel Berlin and be taken down. The Nets- They’re still ahead of Philadelphia with two games to go and had some fun against Toronto today. Well the only team that doesn’t have fun playing Toronto is the Denver Nuggets but I digress. K-Mart and Dikembee are back and healthy and I think we can win the Atlantic Division for the second year in a row. Atlanta- Well they sucked last year at the beginning of the season so I’m taking solace in that. Mailbag!!!!!!!!!!!!! z z writes- Hi, I was wondering what you think about the future of SNL. It seems like there seem to be certain groups of performers that define an era, with the most recent being the group that started in 95 and 96. Those guys seem to be on their way out, and it seems like the new group just can't compare. In my opinion, most of the funniest skits over the past few years involved WIll Ferrell, Darrell Hammond, Ana Gasteyer, etc. Hardball and Meet the Press give me the most laughs now, and that's out once Hammond leaves. What are your thoughts on the new guard? John I’m enjoying the new guard a lot. Last year we had four new debuting people- Dean, Seth, Jeff and Amy. Amy and Seth have been flat out awesome since debuting on SNL with Seth owning Weekend Update and Amy having a variety of hilarious roles. Dean is flat out awesome and his handling on SNL is a flat out travesty that both Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton should look into. The guy can do great impressions yet his relegated in the background as Other Guy #2. Jeff Richards has been hit and miss. The guy is great at impressions such as O’Reilly and Gary Busey yet he is flat out awful in roles like Drunk Girl. I wish SNL would make him stick to impressions since that is his forte. Speaking of Forte, Will Forte has not done much this season. I LOVE Tim Calhoun though and I loved that skit where Jimmy Fallon beat the crap out of him. I’m not feeling the Falconer though- it’s stupid and boring. If Will stuck to skits where is annoying voice was meant to be humorous he could be a winner. I’m becoming a Fred Armisen fan though. Ferecito is muy bien and I like his role as the senile drummer in the Assclown skits. He seems like a genuinely funny guy and I’ve enjoyed his first season. And no, I’m not just keeeding. I think the old guard looks promising but in order to truly shine they have to be given more on camera roles. Oh and Darrell, Tracy and CK need to get the hell away from Studio 8H and stop taking airtime that they don’t need anymore. [email protected] writes- Jojo with an NBA Question Who are your picks for the Finals? I think that Sacramento will beat New Jersey in 5. What do you think? That’s a good question- I think it will be either San Antonio v. Detroit or SA v. NJ. The Spurs have just been on fire lately winning 11 in a row. This is also David Robinson’s last year (on a tangent- I think it’s a load of crap that Michael Jordan is getting all this attention and getting his dick sucked for retiring the 3rd time while Robinson, the most philanthropitic man in NBA history is barely getting any attention- Robinson is a much better man then Michael Jordan will ever be and it’s a shame that the Miami Heat are not retiring his number). Anywho- Tim Duncan is amazing and they have a great all around basketball team. Sacramento is too much of an offensive minded team to make it to the playoffs IMO- that’s also why I think Dallas isn’t going to make it either. The East is pretty much a three team race between Jersey, Philly and Detroit to see who can play sacrificial lamb to the West. In the end I think Detroit’s gritty defensive style of play will get them into the finals where they will be promptly killed by the Spurs. IWasLikeEMILIOO@ writes- Oh gosh bob, Avril? Her music? ewwwy! Come on! -Angie PS I finally saw my first hockey game (Tampa bay VS Capitals) It was awesome! You gotta love the "everyone is screamin' and drinking" atmosphere! Thank you. I hate people who attack Avril for everything but her music because in my view- Who cares that she is probably illiterate? ‘Tomorrow’ is an awesome song. But anywho- I like her music a lot. Her album has just enough sad, upbeat and angry songs for me to listen to on any given mood. My only complaints about her music is the bad grammar in Nobody’s Fool and the fact that Sk8er Boi is a pretty crappy song. It’s mainly cause I can’t get over the fact that there are people who actually think spelling the word boy b-o-i makes them cool. PS- That’s awesome you got to go to a playoff game. Too bad the home team lost and the fact that Tampa is not much of a hockey city. I’ve been to a bunch of Leafs games and they are a ton of fun- especially when the Leafs are kicking a lot of ass. Monday’s night game should rock (well it better- I paid $219 for it) and I will revel in the drunk and screaming atmosphere of the game. GO LEAFS GO! Chad Ruffner writes- Hi Bob, I was just wondering what your thoughts were on The WWE bringing back Stars of the past to boost sagging ratings. I.E. Goldberg,Nash,Sable, and Piper? I personally believe that all of these returns to The Fed won't mean a damn without decent writing.(See Rock,Stone Cold) But that's just me. What about you? Later, Chad E-Mail:[email protected] Here’s what I said in a post at Voy about all these old timers coming back- Hogan is still a draw and did a terrific job of putting people over like Edge, Brock and Rock. Sure his WWE title run was a BOMB but the guy was having fun out there, the crowd LOVES him and he can still draw in the right situation. It's not like he's holding anyone down anymore. They tried with Steiner and thanks to Triple H thinking he's Ric Flair- they failed miserably. I say they turn him heel and if that fails- cut your losses. Shawn Michaels should have retired after SummerSlam so I never have to see his fucking ass on TV again. Goldberg hasn't been a draw for 5 years and unless they book him smart he probably won't be. Piper is just coming on to do interviews. Load him up on drugs and he'll work. Sable will get fired very soon. If they keep Nash on the mic and make sure to not put him in long matches where he gets exposed- I don’t think he’ll be that bad. But the guy is injury prone as hell and I think one more and he’s out the door. But I really hope HHH’s fetish for long matches doesn’t mean him and Nash hobble out there for 20. It’ll kill Nash like it did Steiner. Wanna be in the mailbag??? Email me at [email protected] Bob sees Avril- Feel free to mock me. Yes- I’m an 18 year old male who enjoys the music of Avril Lavigne. I actually didn’t think that was too rare until I went to an Avril Lavigne concert. I think I was the oldest person there who wasn’t accompanying a child. I never knew punk music skewed that young. After watching an hour of Who’s the Boss and going to Chapters to meet Jeff Hardy and now being surrounded of a bunch of twelve year girls- I blurted out “Am I a homosexual?” I also experienced something I had never experienced before- being taller then most of the people in the audience. I actually was able to leave Air Canada Centre in a timely fashion by shoving all these little kids out of the way. I missed the opening opening act (Mom: Why does she have two opening acts? Me: She only has 13 songs- she needs to put something out there) but was able to catch a band called GOB. They’re most notable accomplishment was having a song on the video game NHL 2002. The lead singer of GOB would’ve made Mick Foley proud- He said the word ‘Toronto’ about 19,000 times. As in: YEA TORONTO! LET’S ROCK TORONTO! TORONTO ROCKS! GET ON YOUR FEET TORONTO! I think after the fourth time even Dorothy figured out that we were not in Kansas but in Toronto. Then the pride of Napanee took the stage and started singing Sk8er Boi. Okay so the concert didn’t start out that great but she ended up playing every song off Let’s Go which made me happy. Sadly she did not hear me when I yelled: TAKE IT OFF! The concert was going on swimmingly as I was becoming Unwanted, Losing my Grip, enjoying My World, acting Anything but Ordinary, being Nobody’s Fool, moving around like I’m Mobile, not making life Complicated, saying Things I’ll Never Say, wondering why my friend had too much to ask, correcting the spelling of the phrase Sk8er Boi, wondering what Tomorrow will bring, wishing Avril was Naked and wearing a jacket since it was damn cold night trying to figure out this life because I’m With You. Then it was encore time and Avril did something I had dreaded. She brought a stool. A STOOL. A STOOL. If there is one thing I hate in music it’s musicians sitting on a stool while singing a song. I understand Avril has the extra chromosome 21 but even she should know that Tomorrow is already a nice intimate song and going out there and sitting a stool just cramps your ass- it doesn’t make the song any better and it really doesn’t make you any closer to the audience. All it does is anger me. So I hope the one thing Avril changes when she comes to Long Island is that she realises that stools are the worst thing to hit music since MC Scat Kat released his own album. And now- the review Saddam Hussein Cast- Horatio Sanz Thoughts- I’m all for Maya’s recurring role as a translator as it keeps her off my TV and it has nothing to do with Subway Fred. This skit had a lot of funny moments and while the whole ‘I’m not dead’ thing was played by the end I enjoyed the part where Horatio showed the calendar. I still don’t think Horatio does that great of a Hussein impression but he’s slowly getting there. **3/4 Monologue Cast- Ray Romano Thoughts- Darn Rey- you couldn’t make up any new material. Ray was basically doing material that I’ve heard him do in his act a bunch of times. I’m not really complaining because a)It’s really funny and b)It allowed me to flip over to the hockey game for a few minutes. And for that I’m eternally grateful. The material was great so I’ll ignore that it wasn’t new and give it- **** What’s the Rush Cast- Romano, Amy Poehler, Seth Meyers Thoughts- Seth and Amy!!!!!! In a skit!!!! Together!!! It’s a shame they don’t get to play many roles together. Pregnancy Test, Lil’ Sleuths and Flight Attendants immediately spring to mind when thinking of the greatness of a Seth and Amy skit. This skit started out fantastically as Amy and Seth had tons of good lines and were playing off each other like they were lifelong lovers. While Ray’s role was funny he just didn’t have enough good lines here and it didn’t seem like he was able to keep with Seth and Amy. Seth was just flat out awesome here as he let his facial expressions tell the story and only felt the need to overact when the situation called for it. This is why Seth Meyers is your saviour. The part with Seth pouring water on himself was hilarity. I didn’t really like the ending and Ray seemed a bit out of place at times but overall- this was some really good stuff. To be fair- Amy was awesome as well but no one can match that the greatness that is Seth. ***3/4 Wake Up Wakefield Cast- Romano, Maya Rudolph, Rachel Dratch, Sanz Thoughts- I think it’s time to just put Wake up Wakefield out of its misery and kill it once and for all. Maya is just hideous in this skit. It’s pretty disgusting seeing her trying to act all horny and turned on. Rachel sucks too but at least Sheldon tries to be funny. Maya’s role as OMG I LUV ADRIEND BORUDY is just flat out unfunny and a waste of my time- especially when Vancouver v. St. Louis is on CBC. Ray tried to salvage this mess and he had a few funny lines to keep it above DUD but it seems like Wake Up Wakefield’s days of being hit and miss are over. Now it’s just flat out miss. ½* Zwan Thoughts- Whoa- when did Billy Corgan finally realise that smashing pumpkins was not a healthy way to live life? I must give credit to the female in the band for wearing the shortest shorts I have ever seen. I admit- I watched some of the third period during this game but based on what I saw Zwan was a pretty decent band. **1/2 Weekend Update Cast- Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon, Darrell Hammond, Jeff Richards, Fred Armisen, Meyers Thoughts- SETH!~ ON WEEKEND UPDATE! Seth kept his Cal Ripken-like streak alive of being awesome in every Weekend Update. His mocking of Tina for picking Kentucky was GOLD! As was the rest of his awesome segment. One day I hope Seth will be sitting at that Update desk. Update started out really strongly but once it got to Darrell’s segment it kind of became a trainwreck and it seemed like it was amateur hour out there. While I enjoy seeing them have fun they have to remember that they are professionals and they are out there on live TV. Oh and Jimmy seriously needs to learn how to punch. He’s embarrassing OJ Simpson and Ike Turner. Update kind of collapsed once we had the unfunny Darrell segment but Seth Meyers on Weekend Update will always make me happy. ***1/2 Seriously, Assclown? Cast- Romano, Rudolph, Kattan, Fey, Poehler, Dratch, Armisen Thoughts- I’d like to send my best wishes to someone who is suffering from appendicitis. He’s probably the only person who didn’t laugh at the Arquette joke but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get our sympathies. I would be remiss in not pointing out to the wife of Mr. Appendicitis that I still have my appendix and it’s doing just fine. I’m just saying. Fred Armisen and Amy Poehler continue to own these skits with every fibre of their being as Kattan just makes me cringe. Amy’s facial expressions and her dance moves at the end always make me laugh. HOLD IT HOLD IT HOLD IT RELEASE- I have no idea why that was so funny but Ray kept making me laugh do it. I didn’t like Kattan or the sentimental stuff at the end but Fred, Amy and Ray had a lot of great stuff here to boost it to- **1/2 CNN Cast- Hammond, Kattan Thoughts- Darrell maybe a depressed, wacky, strange, recovering alcoholic with an addiction to nicotine and a tendency to be a whiny bitch who hogs up airtime that should go to newbies but I will say this- He does a terrific Aaron Brown impression. Now back home I usually just stick to Fox News but they don’t get it in Canada so I have to deal with CNN for my news coverage which means dealing with Aaron Brown. The guy does not know how to finish a sentence. It bugs the hell out of me. One thing that really made me enjoy this skit was I am starting to master an Aaron Brown impression of my own so it was really cool seeing Darrell go out there and do one. This skit was great- the ticker at the bottom was gold and Darrell was fantastic. I may pick on him a lot but when he masters an impression- he’s like no other. ****1/2 Phone Booth Cast- Romano, Sanz, Tracy Morgan, Dean Edwards Thoughts- I haven’t seen Phone Booth yet. I downloaded Part 1 thinking I was getting What a Girl Wants but deleted it to save space when I found out it was Phone Booth. Despite me not having seen Phone Booth I still found this skit to be flat out awesome. Ray Romano was hilarious here and the small penis and I hate black people stuff was great. It actually made me want to see the movie. Second great skit in a row which I can definitely dig. **** Access Hollywood Cast- Romano, Fallon, Poehler Thoughts- I know everyone was happy that sweet sassy molassey made his return but I just couldn’t get into it. I really don’t like Jimmy’s Pat O’Brien impression and this just didn’t have enough funny lines. They should’ve stopped at one but I will give them credit for trying. Ray Romano tried his hardest to make this work but in the end it just wasn’t meant to be.*1/4 Zwan Thoughts- I like a band that a)Has a female member who wears extremely short shorts and b) Is energetic and lively at 12:45 am. I ‘m liking this band a lot better then I did Smashing Pumpkins as Billy seems to be a happier person and the music is much better as a result. Sadly the good mg streak will end at two as 50 Cent absolutely sucks- at least I will have tons of fun mocking him like there’s no tomorrow. *** Euro Trax Cast- Romano, Dratch, Tracy Morgan, Rudolph, Armisen Thoughts- Former Secretary of Transportation Neil Goldschmidt once said “While putting Maya Rudolph on the air will rarely result in a good thing, putting her on after 12:30 am is just asking for disaster.” After watching this skit and the various Subway Fred incarnations- Secretary Goldschmidt was right. This was a disaster and even Fred did not escape unscathed as after a while his singing made me want to punch him in the face. Not even Ray could save this. DUD Uday Hussein Cast- Armisen Thoughts- One or two funny lines here- it did have a clever premise and it was cool seeing Fred in a skit by himself but it wasn’t just enough to save the usual last skit drek. * The Bottom Line- Avg. skit was **.6 making it a thumbs up show. There was a bit too much crappy stuff to make me REALLY like it but there was a bunch of awesome stuff here and Ray Romano was a terrific host. I would love to see him do a third hosting gig. Skits like Phone Booth and CNN had me laughing my ass off tonight and Zwan was good as well. A good show and I’m glad SNL picked a great guy to host. Thumbs Up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest snuffbox Report post Posted April 13, 2003 Sadly the good mg streak will end at two as 50 Cent absolutely sucks- at least I will have tons of fun mocking him like there’s no tomorrow. * This is not true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted April 13, 2003 Sorry I wasn't here to rip on last week's episode. My brother was in town so I didn't get a chance to see it. Saddam Hussein Cast- Horatio Sanz -ehh...not much in the way of jokes, alright, nothing great. * Monologue Cast- Ray Romano -I don't like Ray Romano, but this was alright. Got a couple laughs out of me. **1/2 What’s the Rush Cast- Romano, Amy Poehler, Seth Meyers -Seth was the only thing worth a laugh in this one, but the joke played itself out a little too much. ** Wake Up Wakefield Cast- Romano, Maya Rudolph, Rachel Dratch, Sanz -Why does this skit live? You know when they're durring break and they'll cut back for a sec so you can see what's next. I actually yelled out "ah fuck" when I saw this one was coming up. Maya Rudolph was ever worse then usual. DUD! Weekend Update Cast- Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon, Darrell Hammond, Jeff Richards, Fred Armisen, Meyers -I actually likes this week's. Although I think it's sad when the biggest laugh comes from a missed cue. Overall it was pretty funny. But I'm not as sold on Seth as Bob is. ***1/2 Seriously, Assclown? Cast- Romano, Rudolph, Kattan, Fey, Poehler, Dratch, Armisen -I really really hate this one. And it sucks that they brought it back. Kattan at his unfunniest. Fred's good, but the joke wears thin real quick, it was funnier the first time around. And I'm sorry, but women walking in front of the camera making faces just dosen't come off as funny to me. DUD! CNN Cast- Hammond, Kattan -Good for what it was. And unlike most skits it didn't go on longer then it should of. *** Phone Booth Cast- Romano, Sanz, Tracy Morgan, Dean Edwards -I was ready to hate this from the start. But Tracy Morgan showed up and saved the day! He was the funniest part of the entire show. The "I hate black people" and penis size stuff were good for laughs. **** Access Hollywood Cast- Romano, Fallon, Poehler -err...I liked the Sportcenter spoof they did a few years ago, but this one wasn't too funny. I've given out two DUDS! already, so I'll play nice. {b]*[/b] Euro Trax Cast- Romano, Dratch, Tracy Morgan, Rudolph, Armisen -*cough cough* DUD! That's all I have to say about that one Uday Hussein Cast- Armisen -Least it was short. DUD! (DAMN! THat's #4) Weekend Update was good, and Phone Booth was real good...other then that a disapointing show. They just don't have the talent to put on a good 90 minute show anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest hardyz1 Report post Posted April 13, 2003 Bob- You tried to download What A Girl Wants? Hahahahaha!!! I personally thought the missed cue in WU made it end up funnier than it would've been. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 13, 2003 Snuffbox- I've heard the music and it's pretty bad. Whenever my neighbour blasts his music I go to his room and make fun of it. It's bad. Hardyz- Come on- Amanda Bynes is one hot piece of ass. That's one of the few things me and Craig Kilborn agree on. Missed cues aren't really that funny to me since it just seemed to lose control and sent Update down the shitter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted April 13, 2003 I thought the CNN and Phone Booth segments were hilarious. "...I hate black people." "Watcha you say, BITCH?" *couple minutes later* "...I have a small penis" "So that's why he hates us." Fucking great Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted April 13, 2003 Come on- Amanda Bynes is one hot piece of ass. That's one of the few things me and Craig Kilborn agree on. I'll testify to that! IMDB says she's 17...any younger and I would just kept this reply to myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vern Gagne Report post Posted April 13, 2003 At least Bob's what only 18-19. Killborne is like 36 years old, he should definetley keep is mouth shut. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 13, 2003 Well when Amanda was on his talk show he was totally checking her out the whole time. He also tried to touch her chest twice. The grossest was when he asked her a question about teeth and ended up sticking his finger in her mouth- she looked pretty freaked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted April 13, 2003 Craig gets a little annoying to what when there's a hint of female on the show. He just does the same thing to every guest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest John Dub Report post Posted April 14, 2003 Ray Romano has one of my favorite ever SNL skits I've ever seen under his belt (When they're sitting in the foxhole in WW2 and talking about what to do after the war. His delivery is great.) What I saw in this episode was good. I came in during WE and left right after ET, and I was very impressed with what I saw. I thought the ET skit was hilarious, and not just because of Sweet Sassy Molassy. Romano's delivery is weird, but it works. He had some classics in there, and the Anger Management poster was really funny. Also when he said "This just in Mary in talks to touch my weiner" I lost it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 14, 2003 Saddam Hussein Cast- Horatio Sanz -ehh...not much in the way of jokes, alright, nothing great. * I thought some of the I'm not dead jokes were pretty funny and thus deserving of the **3/4 rating. Monologue Cast- Ray Romano -I don't like Ray Romano, but this was alright. Got a couple laughs out of me. **1/2 Ray Romano is a very funny guy. Except for problems with the acoustics his CD Live from Carnegie Hall is very good and has a lot of funny material. I just wish he could've debuted some new material tonight. What’s the Rush Cast- Romano, Amy Poehler, Seth Meyers -Seth was the only thing worth a laugh in this one, but the joke played itself out a little too much. ** Ray had a couple funny lines here and Amy was also awesome. You know when they're durring break and they'll cut back for a sec so you can see what's next. I actually yelled out "ah fuck" when I saw this one was coming up. We don't get that in Canada. If we did the TV would've been on CBC. Weekend Update Cast- Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon, Darrell Hammond, Jeff Richards, Fred Armisen, Meyers -I actually likes this week's. Although I think it's sad when the biggest laugh comes from a missed cue. Overall it was pretty funny. But I'm not as sold on Seth as Bob is. ***1/2 Seth wasn't 1.0 Seth like he was in John Goodman but he still was really funny. How can you not mark out for a guy that mentions Alexander Hamilton. Seriously, Assclown? Cast- Romano, Rudolph, Kattan, Fey, Poehler, Dratch, Armisen -I really really hate this one. And it sucks that they brought it back. Kattan at his unfunniest. Fred's good, but the joke wears thin real quick, it was funnier the first time around. And I'm sorry, but women walking in front of the camera making faces just dosen't come off as funny to me. DUD! At the end when all the girls are dancing I find Amy's expressions and dance moves to be hilarious. I like when Fred does the drums thing at the most inappropitate times- even though it was kind of predictable last night. Weekend Update was good, and Phone Booth was real good...other then that a disapointing show. They just don't have the talent to put on a good 90 minute show anymore. I thought there were three **** skits plus it was a solid show all the way around with the exception of Wake Up Wakefield clogging up the middle. Zwan was also a pretty good musical guest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheArchiteck Report post Posted April 14, 2003 Man that last line in the Uday Hussien skit had me dying laughing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites