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Guest nWoScorpion

WCW Halloween Havoc 1995:

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Guest nWoScorpion



- Live! From Detroit, Michigan from October 29, 1995


- Your Hosts are Bobby Heenan & Tony Schiavone


- Earlier on the Main Event telecast:

Eddie Guerrero def. Disco Inferno, Paul Orndorff def. Renegade, Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko def. The Blue Bloods, Sgt. Craig Pittman def. VK Wallstreet.


- Earlier tonight, Arn Anderson & Brian Pillman apparently took out Ric Flair in the parking lot, which might hurt one of the top matches tonight featuring the previously named two and flair & Sting.


- Video Package of Johnny B. Badd and DDP. Several weeks ago Badd "no showed" a US Title match versus Sting, which he won the right to have after winning a match at Fall Brawl versus Brian Pillman. Badd apparently had a flat tire. DDP apparently slashed his tires in a bad acting spot by Max Muscle and Badd, with over sell by Gene Okerlund.


- WCW-Television Championship Match:

Diamond Dallas Page © (w/ Diamond Doll & Max Muscle) Vs. Johnny B. Badd:

There is NO 10 Minute Time Limit for this one, so that means someones going to win. Rule of thumb. Whenever its announced the TV Title match will have a 10 minute time limit, you know its ending in a draw result. Badd jumps DDP Thanks to the help of a stand in during his entrance. Badd unloads and high knee's Page, them whips him to the turnbuckle sending him outside. Badd pounds both Page & Muscle and its a double noggin knocker to boot. Whip to the security railing and Badd dumps a bucket on his head and whips him into the post. Arm Drag and drop toe hold by Badd and he applies a hammer lock followed by an arm-bar. Hip toss into a pin by Badd gets two. Drop-kick to the corner but Page grabs him and drops him face first into the turnbuckle. Page slowly hammers Badd and works him over in the corner. Back suplex by Page and he gets a 10. Don't ask. Page with the Pancake, AKA a modified pedigree, gets two and then goes to a headlock. Camera spends a lot of time on Kimberly because this is boring. Badd breaks free and back slides Page for two, but Page is up quickly and clotheslines him for two. Sunset flip is blocked by Page for two, but he's rolled up for two as well. Powerslam by Page gets another two. Headlock again. (Hits FF) Way too many sleeper holds. Badd fights back again and nails the atomic drop and a flurry of hard rights. Flying head scissors by Badd and a double axe-handle off the top rope! Page gives her a 10 to a big pop, and Badd finally covers for two! Sit down Powerbomb by Badd gets two again! Page off the ropes with a BIG DDT! THAT gets two too. Diamond Cutter is blocked and Badd covers for two. Both men spill to the outside, but Badd's back in and does a 619! then does a sunset flip over the top and nails both men. The Badd Day gets two!! Drop-kick and roll up gets two for Badd! Muscle on the apron, he goes for a clothesline but nails Page instead! Badd covers! 1....2....3! Badd is new champion at 17:01! **1/2 For a good match, but the rest holds killed anything above three stars.


- Heenan talks about pushing someone off the roof. Foreshadowing of the future?


- "Macho Man" Randy Savage Vs. The Zodiac:

I am laughing my ass off seeing Ed Leslie make a fool of himself tooting like an idiot and screaming "YES NO YES NO!". If Savage and Luger both win their matches (IF?!) then they face each other later tonight. Savage jumps Zodiac and rams his face into the buckle and unloads afterwards. A wacky fan runs into the ring and gets stopped by the referee. Savage throws Zodiac outside and rams him into the railing...several times. Zodiac rakes the eyes and throws him into the post. Slam by Zodiac and he misses something off the second rope. Savage comes off the top rope with the elbow drop and gets the win at 1:29. 1/4* Because I hate giving DUDs to Savage, plus it wasn't DUD worthy since it didn't suck DUD like. Anyway, Zodiac was a replacement for Kamala, hence the quick finish.


- Mean Gene is with Johnny B. Badd for a victory speech.


- Video Highlights of Kurasawa and Road Warrior Hawk. At Clash of the Champions XXXI, Sting & Hawk defeated Meng & Kurasawa, but after the match, Kurasawa attacked Hawk and broke his arm in a cross armbar type maneuver.


- Road Warrior Hawk Vs. Kurasawa (w/ Col. Robert Parker):

This isn't going to be pretty. Hawk attacks at the bell and kills Kurasawa, then nails him with a diving shoulder block and a big neckbreaker. Fist Drop gets two and he puts down Kurasawa with a hard right and stomps away. Hard chop puts him down again. Hawk posts himself but NO SELLS IT and CONTINUES to work over Kurasawa and nails a gut-wrench powerbomb. Another powerbomb connects, but Kurasawa recovers and ambushes Hawk, slamming him then missing a top rope elbow drop. BIG Clothesline sends Kurasawa outside and Hawk with a clothesline off the apron to PARKER! Hawk its post and gets dropped with a modified DVD. Fallaway slam gets the pin, with the help of the ropes AND Parker at 3:12. ** For a fairly decent and short match.


- Gene Okerlund is now with Randy Savage, and he threatens Lex Luger for a match later tonight.


- J.L Vs. Sabu (w/ The Sheik):

For All you idiots, J.L is Jerry Lynn. Standing Enziguri by J.L but Sabu whips him to the railing and moonsaults onto him AND The Sheik! Sabu misses a cross body and hits the concrete. J.L off the top rope with a splash on Sabu follows. Sabu back in and misses a moonsault, and J.L connects with his own for two. Sit down Powerbomb gets another two. J.L Misses something in the corner and eats a sling shot leg drop for two. Sabu goes up again but is German suplexed for two. Sabu with a victory roll with both men on the top rope gets two! springboard drop-kick by J.L sends Sabu outside from the top rope. Springboard splash gets three at 3:26. *1/2 After the match, Sheik set a fireball in J.L's face.


- The Grand Wizard and "Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan cut a promo in the entrance way. The Wizard is SO unclear sounding I'm just skipping. Sullivan is more coherent at least, but hey, its 1995, so all the good shit he's said was about 5 years ago and more.


- Okerlund is with Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart, and some winners of a Harley Davidson auction or whatever. Hogan has his nWo gear on here, except no nWo is written. Weird foreshadowing continues.


- WCW World War 3 Commercial. Did anyone know the point of that PPV yet that was a fan? Well, we just been told. The original point of the first one was a winner gets a title shot rule, but you know, shit happens.


- "Total Package" Lex Luger Vs. Meng (w/ "Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan):

I really don't want to do THIS match but I Guess I have to. Luger jumps Meng and unloads, and slams his head into the buckle. JEEZ. Headlock by Luger and he takes down Meng, and a stomp to the midsection. Sling Shot into the corner by Luger and he runs the eyes across the rope, but gets a kick in the gut. Meng works on Luger and kicks Luger a lot. Heenan says by Thursday Hogan might have a full head of hair again. Meng eats boot and is sent outside via clothesline. Luger attacks and wraps Mengs arm around the ring post. Meng kicks away at Luger more and that's all. Shoulder breaker and head-BUTT by Meng and more nothing follows. Big Piledriver by Meng gets two. Tongan Death Grip! Headlock and its rest hold time. Luger breaks free and gets a cross body press for two. Luger oversells getting thrown to the buckle with a loud grunt. Meng with a back suplex getting two. This match is too damn long to be in any sense enjoyable. Meng stomps the gut and Luger screams in pain. More loud grunting with every move occurs. Luger puts Meng down and back drops him outside. Luger with a suplex on Meng brings him back inside, and then nails some clotheslines knocking Meng down. BIG Back drop and some more clotheslines. Powerslam and Meng has the spike. Golden spike to the head of Luger and Meng covers...but Sullivan kicks Luger for the DQ? Luger faces Savage later that means, as if there were any doubts. Time was 13:14 and I give this a well earned DUD.


- Mean Gene is with The Giant about the big monster truck showdown.


- Sting & "Nature Boy" Ric Flair Vs. Arn Anderson & Flyin' Brian Pillman:

Everyone knows what happens in the end, but we'll wait and see. Flair isn't here because AA & Pillman kicked the shit out of him during the main event telecast on TBS. I could have SWORN Arn Anderson was the face in his feud with Ric Flair at Fall Brawl, but I guess since Sting is with Flair, that makes Flair the face by default. Lots of fans are giving the four horsemen sign. MORE FORESHADOWING DAMN IT! Sting is in Orange & Black for the holiday theme. Sting starts with Anderson and Arn works a headlock, and they exchange hammer locks. We Want Flair chants. Arn with a knee lift and full nelson, but Sting kicks off Pillman and reverses, then drops Arn when he tries the same. Headlock by Arn and a shoulder tackle, but gets nailed with a boot and bulldog, and Sting hammers both men. Pillman in now and Sting clotheslines both men on the outside, backfiring their plan. Sting is currently at the show the US Champion, and yet title is not on the line in a match and neither are the tag straps oddly. Sting shakes Pillmans hand then press slams him...after a long stall with him in the air. Arn gets the reluctant tag in and Sting screams more. Anderson pummels Sting to the mat but is sling shotted into the buckle, where Pillman was standing on, crotching him, and Sting slammed him to the floor nailing the railing. Sting hammers Arn, but Arn sends stings head into Pillmans, a move made famous by Ole & Gene Anderson. Flair comes out and scares off everyone but the referee is restraining him? He's in the match! Pillman pounds on Sting outside in the mean time. Arn chokes Sting with his foot and Pillman tags in, and he and Sting trade shots until Pillman drop toe holds Sting allowing Arn to drop the knee across him, followed by a sleeper hold. Pillman up to the top and splashes Stings knees, but Anderson prevents the tag and nails a back suplex for two. Arn with a knuckle lock on the ground but Sting knees is crotch. Pillman has flair chase him which prevents a tag, which should show you something. Arn with an abdominal stretch on Sting. Pillman in and he slams his face into the mat and chokes him, followed by some biting. Hal crab applied by Pillman and more cheating commences. Arn with a rear chinlock and Pillman in with a boot to the face for two. Flair grabs a hand full of Pillmans hair but its broken loose. Referee stops a Flair attack on Pillman while Sting hammers the unholy hell out of Anderson until he gets nailed with a SWANK Spinebuster for two, but Flair breaks the fall. Both men continue working on Stings leg. Anderson with a bear hug but Sting breaks free, but Pillman jumps on Sting to prevent the tag again. Half nelson by Pillman and Sting snaps beating on both men! Double Noggin Knocker and all three men are down. Sting is up and FINALLY tags Flair to a big pop! Flair struts off the ropes and...NAILS STING! The Horsemen Reunite! The referee calls for the bell at the 17:00 mark. ***1/2 worthy. Sting fights back on Flair but the numbers game puts him down and out. Flair rips off the bandage on his head and reveals he's fine all along.


- Road Warrior Hawk is on the WCW Superstar Line.


- 4 Horsemen Reunite promo! Ric Flair owns the mic. Pillman with the worst wooo ever. But where's the forth member? I think it ended up being Chris Benoit, but I'm not sure. I'm going by the feud with Kevin Sullivan to key that in. Sting is helped back to the locker room afterwards.


- Mike Tenay interviews Lex Luger backstage about his upcoming match with Randy Savage.


- Recap of Hogan/Giant feud. Back several months, The Giant made a shocking debut, throwing his "fathers" (Andre The Giant) shirt at Hulk Hogan. Then we found out he was a member of the Dungeon of Doom. Hogan went face to face with Giant but got choked out. At Fall Brawl, The Giant made a attack by running his motorcycle over with a monster truck. After the War Games match, Giant attacked again this time injuring Hogan's neck. Sullivan & Giant went on to shave Hogan's facial hair after a woman in drag beat him up. The woman was Sullivan. Hogan shocked fans by dressing completely in black. Last week, Giant attacked Sting & Luger until Hogan came for the save, when all of a sudden, the huge block of ice at ringside exploded, holding a....mummy. First, the monster truck match, followed by the one on one world title match.


- Eric Bischoff and Bob Chandler join Bobby Heenan at the commentators booth. Chandler apparently created Hogan monster truck.


- Sumo Monster Truck Match:

Hulk Hogan's Truck vs. The Giant's Truck:

I'm not doing commentary on this! The rules are you have to push your opponents truck out of the circle, and both axis' have to be out not just one. There are also two explosive areas in the circle, which I find pretty fishy. Both trucks are welded together and this is just fucking retarded. This is WCW's worst idea since King of the Road match...and the Yeti. Hogans truck is almost out but doesn't go completely. Hogans truck has ARMS! Hogan's trucks hits one of the charges but no sufficient damage has occurred. Hogans truck hulks up and pushes Giants Dungeon of Doom truck completely out to win the match. Giant attacks Hogan on the roof and chokes him on the ledge! Hogan breaks it and Giant falls off the ROOF OF COBO HALL FIVE STORIES HIGH! HOGAN'S ACTING SKILLS ARE EXCELLENT IN SELLING ANYTHING'S WRONG! If you didn't realize I have been being sarcastic for the last two sentences. -** For a stupid idea that ate up five minutes of my time. Bischoff & Heenan make the fall seem believable.


- "Macho Man" Randy Savage Vs. "Total Package" Lex Luger:

Twenty five minutes since the last match has ended and we finally have another. And because of the last fifteen minutes of Hogan/Giant videos and the monster truck crap, this match will likely be shortened. Both men go face to face and Savage hammers away, but Luger with a clothesline and he sends Savage to the buckle and stomps a mudhole. Savage goes low but Luger fights back and puts Savage down. Luger chokes Savage on the top rope while Heenan adds more realism to Giant falling off the roof. Savage fights back with Luger grunting a lot more than usual. Heenan snaps on Tony for asking if there will be a match over and over. They brawl outside and Savage whips Luger to the railing a few times. Big clothesline to the back of the head but Luger kicks Savage in the middle of a top rope attack and rolls him up with his feet on the ropes...but the referee is busy with Jimmy Hart. Luger accidentally is whipped into Hart, and Savage drops the elbow for three at 5:24. * Heatless match thanks to the crowd being killed with the crap before.


- Highlights of Hogan shrugging Giant off the roof of COBO HALL. Hogan literally knocked him across the country as the body of water Giant apparently fell in is Canadian owned, which is not.


- WCW-World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Hulk Hogan © (w/ Jimmy Hart) Vs. The Giant (w/ Kevin Sullivan):

Michael Buffer does the introductions as usual. How come WWF never got to use this guy? From the Dungeon of Doom, weighing 450 pounds...wait...from Venice Beach, CA at 6'7", and 275 pounds, the king of hulkamanaia! The man known as the Hulkster, the heavyweight champion of the world...Hulk Hogan! Hogan is in his nWo attire STILL. The Giant use to be so slim...but he looked really weird. Hogan runs off as Giant dashes to the ring. Giant slugs off Hogans offense until he nails a forth or fifth shot. Hogan has Sullivan's face paint on. Hogan tries slamming Giant but no go and he just hammers Hogan. Giant chokes Hogan in the corner several times and steps on him. This is the Giants debut by the way. Roman Knuckle lock by Giant. Bear hug by Giant and a big slam. Hogan hulks up and hammers on The Giant and rams him into the turnbuckles several times and punches him in a mounted position in the corner ten times then bites him and rakes his back several times. Hogan continues the pounding until he clotheslines the Giant over the top rope and onto his ass. Giant tries walking but Hogan shows no mercy and continues the beating. Giant with a big back breaker gets two. Bear hug again by Giant followed by another slam, which Heenan makes fun of and Giant with ANOTHER bear hug. Hogan punches his way out but gets choke slammed! 1...2....HULK UP PART DEUX! Three punches, big boot and a BIG SLAM! Leg Drop! What happened to the referee!!? Jimmy Hart climbs in...and nails Hogan with the belt! NO SELL! He has Hart but Giant attacks and bear hugs. Kevin Sullivan jumps in the ring now and hammers on Hogans back. Savage comes out but Luger attacks him!!!! The Yeti!!! He bear hugs Hogan from behind...and shakes his hips around...a lot! WHY IS TONY CALLING THE YETI "THE YE-TAY?". Torture Rack by Luger on Hogan. Match is over at 16:00 or so giving Giant the DQ win. Torture Rack to Randy Savage! The heels celebrate in the ring as Buffer declares the belt cannot change hands on a disqualification...or so we thought. The next night, Jimmy Hart reveals he signed a clause in the contract stating the title can change on a disqualification. As for the match, 3/4*. Boring Match but the ending was pretty shocking. Savage & Hogan have been laid out in the middle of the ring.


- Credits Roll is the PPV comes to a close.


Final Analysis: Well...this Pay-Per-View is bittersweet. On one hand, the wrestling wasn't too bad, but it also wasn't that great. The storylines were pretty good too, those that made sense at least. I'll give this a thumbs up, but not by much.

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Pretty good job but I think you may have overrated the Sumo Monster Truck Match. But then again I've never actually been able to watch the whole thing without fast forwarding.

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Guest Dmann2000

Fun review, man I remember listening to the PPV (I didn't order it, I just listened to the audio while it was scrambled) and when they said the Giant fell off the roof I said "Bullshit!"

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