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New commentators after the split

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"The fate of our announcing teams will be decided in the next few days as it relates to the brand extension, as several talents have had tryouts this past week for possible color roles. Some who auditioned were suprisingly good I am told."


that is from the ross report, i wonder who he is talking about? i hope they get joey styles

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Guest goodhelmet

I know Raven, D'lo and Stevie Richards were mentioned. Out of the three, I would like Stevie to play the heel commentator who points out how stupid Micheal Cole is. Anytime Cole tries to tell him shit, Stevie can just threaten to Steviekick his bitch-ass

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I want Stevie to wrestle or mange isntead. He cuts the best promos when he gets the chance.

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Guest Some Guy

Stevie's voice is really horse and annoying.  D'lo should be wrestling and so should Raven.  I wouls just use Paul E. until I could find some one else.

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Guest goodhelmet

Eh. Stevie has outlived his usefulness as a wrestler. I agree Raven should still be wrestling but I don't know how good of a commentator he would be. Personally, I'd still go with Richards, hoarse voice and all.

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Guest Some Guy

What about Sanders?  They gave him a tryout a while ago, what happened with it?

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Guest goodhelmet

Now Sanders I'd like to see in a managerial role. I think he could really be effective for some of the wrestlers who can't cut a decent promo.

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Guest Some Guy

Sanders was good as the manager of the NBT in WCW (he basically never wrestled)  I think he should manage too, but I can't think of anyone else who I could stand listening to for 2 hours.


BTW, we need the Dangerous Alliance back.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

we dont need *anything* else back, no matter how good it was the first time.  i hope they get stevie for colour, we know he probably wont ever get a decent wrestling gig in the wwf again, and after all, id rather have he who knows something about wrestling than another cole.  also he would probably talk a lot more about the in-ring stuff as opposed to the lecherous lawler.

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Guest goodhelmet

I agree with Midget here. If they form a Paul E. stable, it wouldn't be called the DA since he was never referred to as Dangerously in the WWF. Create a  new name with new wrestlers and let them mix it up a little.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

i say just let paul e keep lesnar as his destroyer.  that way he can annihilate th people he sees as responsible for the death of ecw.  angle-lesnar fued anyone?? from what i hear that could rule the proverbial school.

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Guest Some Guy

It doesn't have to be the "Dangerous Alliance" but I think Heymen should have a stable of guys not just Lesner.

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Guest the living legend

Out of the three I'd go with Stevie. Raven would be interesting but I think he still has potential to do something same with D'lo. I agree bringing back old stale angles is not the way to go.

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Guest goodhelmet

Yeah, I have no objections to that but it also depends how hard they push Lesnar. If they give him the Goldberg push then let Heyman keep Lesnar exclusively.

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Guest Tony149

I would also go with Stevie. Although I thought Raven did good when was he used to announce in the WWF in his first run there in '94.

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Guest goodhelmet

"I would also go with Stevie. Although I thought Raven did good when was he used to announce in the WWF in his first run there in '94."


man, I forgot all about johnny Polo. But i think the polo character was more suitable for announcing. The Raven character should be dark and gloomy.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I think they should consider going with Kevin Kelly. He's been there a long time and worked hard for them and deserves a shot at something better than he's doing now.

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Guest dreamer420

Kevin Kelly is too #### annoying and whiny.  Imagine when a face is getting a beatdown and Kelly is starting to scream like a little girl with a skinned knee.

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Guest Anglesault
angle-lesnar fued anyone??

No. Kurt can not go from Kane to Edge to Lesnar and expect to ever be a main eventer again.



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Guest Anglesault

Can anyone else see Raven going into one of his dark philosophical rants, leaving Cole dumbfounded?



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Guest Rick001

I would like to see some heel announcers back such as Bobby "The Brain"" Hennan.  Don't think we'll see Joey Styles announce wich is too bad becuase I liked his emotion as an announcer.  I would like to see Cyrus a.k.a The Jackel back he was real good as an announcer.  Would like to see Raven and D-Lo back in the ring, D-Lo I heard has learned to live with himself after what happened to Droz afew years back.  And Raven is good as a wrestler but please WWF use his OLD attire not this new Braveheart look shit please.

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Guest notJames

I wonder if anyone else realizes the double entendres when mentioning Paul Heyman having a "stable of young up-and-comers"...




Seriously, anyone but Cole and Lawler. Except Coachman. He sucks, too.

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Cabain you think all those guys were murdered too? Why would they get murdered? Who cares enough to kill them? Think dude. ;)

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Cabain you think all those guys were murdered too? Why would they get murdered? Who cares enough to kill them? Think dude. ;)

i don't think they were all murdered. i think it's really strange that all those famous musicians died when they were 27 that's all. and i think alot of people cared about Kurt Cobain,Jimi Hendrix,Jim Morrision, and Janis Joplin.


and my name Cobainwasmurdered, i don't know wether cobain was really murdered, but there was some rather interesting strange things that happened involving his death, that would make more sense if he had been murdered. but my name is mostly a in-joke between me and my friends who are all huge Nirvana fans.


We were talking about Cobain one day last year ans some guy who was listening started making fun of us and said " yeah and i bet you think cobain was murdered too."


and that's where my name comes from.

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Cobain was murdered, he was on far to much h to be able to even lift the shotgun.  


Back on topic, Stevie Richards would be the best choice as long as it's Stevie Richards the King of Swing, and not his RTC persona.

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Guest muzanisa

I wish they'd ditch Cole. Styles would be good. Haven't heard the others commentate apart from when Raven was Polo.

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Guest gangsteruwa

I really don't think Joey Styles will be doing commentary for the WWF after the new ####### he ripped Vince on his hotline report.  He completely went off on him.


On the subject of announcers, I agree that Cyrus would be the best choice for a heel commentator.  I would rather have any heel commentator than "The King" and his half retard/half pervert commetary.


I think Taz should do a whole Heat with his Oldschool Commenatator voice.  It would be grand.  It would be "grander" if he became the human suplex machine again, and started killing the WWF locker room.  (not literal kill, but make it look like he killed them)

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Somebody came up with the idea of a Michael Cole heel turn a while back on this board.


I think that'd be pretty funny.

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Guest teke184

1. Steven Richards actually won the HWA title last week from the Ambiguously Gay Duo's new stylist, Rico Constantino, so I doubt he'll be commentating in the WWF soon unless they switch the belt again.


2. Cyrus would be a great color commentator, but I'm unsure if he has heat with the WWF from his run as Jackyl of the Truth Commission or if he pissed them off while he was working for Paul E in ECW.

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