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The cammo chronicles: booking the wwf as i see fit

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Hey guys,


You might remember me as C@mmo from such wrestling websites as Impaler and WWF Down Under </shamefulTroyMcLureripoff>


Anyway- the WWF blows at the moment, hardcore. So I'm taking the fictional reigns as booker and uhh, writing some shit... yo................






Anyway, here blows nothing. Oh and btw - this takes place the night after WrestleMania.


Live from Montreoul, Canada...and stuff.


Segment 1: Ric Flair interview


Flair delivers a psuedo-shoot interview on the direction of the company- not unfamiliar to Mick Foley's from 5 months ago. Flair talks about his matches with Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes and Vader amongst others and states that none of today's matches compare to his matches, and is disgusted that the emphasis on matches today is no longer based on what it used to be, instead toward a more "punch-kick" emphasis. Flair tells everyone that he now has his 50% control of the WWF back per order of Linda McMahon, and he will introduce some new and some familiar faces tonight in order to get the WWF running to standards that it is used to. Strangely enough Flair gets a mixed reaction from this.




Number One Contenders Match: The Hardy Boyz vs. The APA.


Winner of this match is set to meet the tag champs- Billy and Chuck at Backlash. Match is your typical RAW match, with the Hardys in control. As Jeff sets up Faarooq for the Senton, Lita jumps up on the apron and low blows Jeff to huge heel heat! Lita makes her way to the safety of the entrance ramp, but still staying at the top to taunt the Hardys. As Matt makes his way up the ramp to confront her, taking the referee with him. The APA set up Jeff for a huge beating. As Bradshaw nails him with the Clothesline from ####, Sean O'Haire and Brock Lesnar jump the railing from the crowd and attack both APA members, putting both thru tables and then escaping the way they came. As Jeff makes his way to his feet to make the cover. Lita runs past Matt down the ramp to pull Jeff out the ring, all of which makes no sense to Matt what-so-ever. Suddenly Jeff grabs Lita by the hair, but is stopped by Matt who is unsure what the f*ck to do. As the 2 argue- AJ Styles and Shannon Moore come from behind and attack both Hardy Boys. Showing off quite a few innovative spots to the generally ignorant WWF fanbase, the 3 of them annihilate the Hardy Boyz. Lita then cuts a fairly lame promo saying that they weren't extreme enough for her, until she is cut off by Shannon. He basically says that they did this for all the WWF fans- which draws a nice amount of heat, saying that he did it for the WWF fans as they know that they are sick of the same tired old formulaic Hardy Boys schtique. So they came down, not only at the request of Lita, but Ric Flair himself! The request was to show these 2 that mediocrity will not be accepted. AJ then tells the crowd that they are the new Team Xtreme. The 2 then hold Matt down as Lita goes up top and delivers a moonsault. Of course, this is a no-contest. As we cut to a commercial, they show a double screen shot of Billy and Chuck celebrating about not having to defend the titles at Backlash (or will they ;) ..) and the APA being attended to in the back.




We then cut to Vince McMahon in his office, wondering out loud what the #### Flair is doing. The Undertaker then walks into his office, as Vince congratulates UT on his 10th WrestleMania win, he asks Taker to go the ring and take of Flair like he did last night. Taker more than willingly agrees.


We then cut to the backstage area where not only the APA but the Hardy Boyz are being taken care of. As they are being cleared to go, Brock Lesnar, Sean O'Haire and the new Team Xtreme walk by - mocking them, and then continue another beating on the 2 teams. Putting Jeff thru a glass window courtesy of a Lesnar chokeslam and then shoving Bradshaw's head in the filing cabinet of the APA office and then slaming it shut being the main highlights of the beating. They are then quickly escorted away in ambulances.


"Rollin" hits back in the ring as the Undertaker makes his way out. Taker stands at the foot of the ring holding up all 10 fingers, just like the way he did at WM the night before. Taker gets on the mic and talks about beating Flair the night before and how it was a dream come true. He then tells Flair that if it ain't broke- don't fix it. This company was a multi-million dollar organisation long before Flair decided to do stick that huge nose of is in it and that the man that beat you last night is living proof that you don't need to have a moveset and a workrate to be RESPECTED. Flair then goes on a rant about how the fact of the matter is- Undertaker ISN'T respected, but #### anyone will tell him that he is because he's a 7 foot ugly bastard with tattoos all over him. And right now, Flair is about to tell him something that not just anyone will tell him, but instead the dirtiest player in the game- if you've been in this industry for 12 years as a main player, surely you've got some money stored up. Well - use it to fix your wife's face for crying out loud- not even the Nature Boy would touch her! To be continued...


PART TWO COMING SOON! Like, real soon...

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OK - here's part two folks...


Flair starts strutting round the ring as if he'd made a huge moral victory over the Taker, whilst UT is just fumming. Flair then gets right up in UT's face, shouting a "Woooo" right in his face. Taker finally loses it and starts going all Old School on Flair, with lefts and rights in the corner, when suddenly none other than the Canadian Crippler, Chris Benoit makes his triumphant return by clocking UT in the head with a steel chair repeatedly and then locking in the Crippler Crossface. The 2 men stand tall over the UT's body as they walk to the back. Oddly enough though - both Flair and Benoit hold up 2 fingers on one hand and 4 on the other in a reminiscent way of the 4 Horsemen hand signal. This doesn't get the desired effect though as Benoit gets an insane face pop, due to it being in Canada. Bad Cammo :(


In the back, Vince is absoloutely losing it, having had 5 of his premiere athletes injured tonight, when Chris Jericho and Stephanie walk in. Vince immediately starts pestering Jericho to help him with Flair. But Jericho brushes him off in favour of whining about losing the Undisputed Title last night. Jericho agrees to help Vince as long as he gets a rematch tonight against HHH, which Vince agrees to.


Cruiserweight Title Unification Match: Tajiri vs. X-Pac


Fairly average match - same old, same old. X-Pac dominates and as he hits the X-Factor on Tajiri; Billy Kidman, the Guerreros, Juvi and Rey Jr. run out in Filthy Animals t-shirts and beat the ever-loving crap out of both cruiserweights. It takes a run-in from Spike Dudley, Crash Holly, Scotty 2 Hotty and the Hurricane to run them off.


As the ring is cleared, the theme to 2004: A Space Odyssesy plays as Ric Flair makes his way out again. Flair says that he brought back the 10 guys you've seen make their return tonight all for the fans, but however- these returns come at a cost. Flair says that he's been over the "books" and has realised that he has to clear some dead weight and then asks if the following wrestlers please come to the ring: the Big Bossman, Haku, D-Lo Brown, Goldust, Shawn Stasiak, Mark Jindrak, The Godfather and Mark Henry. All of which come out to little or no fanfare. Flair starts running down the list of what each of these men have done in the WWF over the past few years. Flair then excuses himself, goes over to Howard Finkel, and grabs a box. Flair pulls out of it a really tacky sports coat and a grey toupee and starts going all red in the face before shouting out to the 8 men in the ring "YOU'REEE FIRREEDD" in a poor impersonation of Mr. McMahon. The aforementioned returning 10 then rush the ring and clear the fired 8 out of the ring to a mixed reaction.






Part 3 coming real soon...

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(In the back they show the 8 fired Superstars being hauled out of the building by security, when Vince McMahon walks by. After finding out what's going on, he goes absoloutely bat-shit, wondering out loud how Ric Flair got the authority to fire 8 of HIS wrestlers. McMahon swears that Flair will get his by the end of the night, and he knows just how to do it.


Intercontinental Title Match: RVD vs. Kurt Angle


A nice little match with some sweet innovative spots, which ends with Kurt Angle being DQ'ed for keeping the ankle-lock on RVD for too long. Angle gets a couple more shots in on RVD before leaving. As RVD is helped to his feet, JERRY LYNN runs out of the crowd and attacks RVD. Lynn cuts a bitter promo on RVD and Vince referencing to his firing and to being held back by RVD in the ECW days, and promises to end RVD's career, take his IC title and regain his lost respect.


(Camera opens to Stone Cold and The Rock in Ric Flair's office. Both ask Flair for the title shot at Backlash, to which is declined, as he cannot seperate the 2. A staredown follows as the 2 leave the room seperately. The camera then cuts to Hollywood Hogan and Kurt Angle in Vince's locker room asking for the same thing. Vince tells them to wait and see after tonight. Angle mutters "Oh we'll see, we'll definitely see" and then walks out leaving Hogan and Vince to exchange weird looks.)


World Title Match: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho.


At the start of the match, Stone Cold, The Rock, Kurt Angle and Hollywood Hogan all came out, all with doing guest commentary in mind. All of a sudden, a 4 way brawl breaks out between them, causing Flair and Vince to come out and make this match into a lumberjack match. Both participants make their way out, and the match begins, with Jericho working over HHH's injured quad. The match has a screwjob finish, with Jericho getting HHH to tap to the Walls of Jericho with the ref. down, but Stone Cold comes in and breaks it up, allowing HHH to set Jericho up for the Pedigree, but that is broken up by Kurt Angle. In amongst this, HHH lays out Jericho with the sledgehammer, but is then taken out by 2 chair shots to the head by Kurt Angle, who is in turn given the Big Boot/Leg Drop by Hogan, who again in turn is Stunnered by Austin, unbeknowst to him, the Rock is standing right behind him who delivers a Rock Bottom to Austin! The DQ bell has long sounded as the unlikely team of Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle and The Rock lay a beating on HHH, Austin and Hogan to a large amount of boos. Flair and Benoit have since run down to join in. Jericho and Angle have turned on Vince!


All of a sudden the screen starts to flicker and goes black and white as the nWo theme plays and the Outsiders run out carrying baseball bats and spraypaint to a surprisingly good pop. After talking trash with Flair's guys, they suddenly "turn" on Vince too, nailing Austin and Hogan simultaneously with the ball bats.


The unlikely alliance of the Outsiders, the Rock and the new 4 Horsemen (Angle, Benoit, Jericho and Flair) stand tall in the ring, when all of a sudden "Rollin" hits and the Undertaker, bloodied and bruised makes his way down on his motorcycle, hitting anything with one of the ballbats that moves. However, the 6 of them manage to over power him and he too is taken down and spraypainted. As the show ends with Hogan, HHH, Austin and the Undertaker unconscious, bloodied and spraypainted.


Hey guys - hope you liked. I think it was a bit too extreme- what with the 4564598496 turns and debuts and all, but I'd like to tell you that I won't be doing much more Russo booking and had to do it due to the drastic changes involved. There will be more explained on Smackdown, but Im building up to THIS at Backlash (so far anyway):


HHH vs. The Rock

Chris Jericho vs. Stone Cold

Kurt Angle vs. Hulk Hogan

Chris Benoit vs. The Undertaker

IC Title Match: Jerry Lynn vs. RVD

AJ Styles/Shannyn Moore vs. The Hardyz

Brock Lesnar/Sean O'Haire vs. the APA

Cruiserweight Title Battle Royale: Juvi, Eddy, Chavo, Rey, Kidman, X-Pac, Tajiri, Scotty 2 Hotty, Spike Dudley, The Hurricane, Crash Holly, TAKA, Sho Funaki and 2 mystery participants.


Feedback would be nice, and remember that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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