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Guest SP-1


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Guest The Superstar

Hmmm....looked kinda unorganized, with everything just put together and whatnot.


job squad- Work on your grammar. PLEASE.


Good main event,


BBP love fest= GAY! ;)


HeldDOWN > IntenseZone

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

i havent even read it yet, but it was SP's first time =)


be nice super

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Guest SP-1

Things were a little uneven between promos/matches, I think. And it's my first time so yeah, it's not as polished as I'd like it to be.

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Guest Kingpk

It was nice, but SOME people *coughjobsquadcough* need to remember that spell check is your friend.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

i give MOTN credits to Jay and PRL


bravo job


im proud of our writing talent

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Guest Zack Malibu

Excellent job on the main, SP. I knew you wouldn't let me down.


Kudos to the new guys for getting their stuff in. Jay, it's about TIME you were with us ;).


Dandy's interview at the promo was giving me visions of Tenay and West doing the interrogations on TNA.


Good show. But hD is still better.

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Guest ShooterJay

Glad to be here man.


Many many thinks to SKBF/PRL for putting me over so strong, way more than I would've asked- I appreciate it.


You'll be getting plenty more of ShooterJay goodness, from now on I'm in it for the haul.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

i still think its funny how the helddown crew is always insulting the iZ people ... but if you look over on the helddown side the iZers arent really insulting them


good job guys...

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Guest The Superstar

Oh shut up Popick. We're being what we like to call "brutally honest." We felt that HeldDOWN was better than IntenseZone, and we said so.

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Guest SP-1

How about a little constructuve criticism then, instead of the requisite (and very ghey) heldDOWN > IntenseZONE crap. It's a feedback thread, not a battleground for ghey supremacy.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
Oh shut up Popick. We're being what we like to call "brutally honest." We felt that HeldDOWN was better than IntenseZone, and we said so.




I thought it was the honest truth.....





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Guest Lightning Flik

Match wise it didn't feel bad, but for some reason the promos and everything else seemed a little ... out of place.


Seriously nice matches. But everything else felt mashed together.

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Guest SP-1

I've not quite figured out how to fit it all together. Thankfully I'm not posting every show. :)

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I liked the show.


I won't lie to you, HD was a little easier on the eyes while reading, but this was still a good show.


I can't say too much against IZ because after LA I might be pulling double duty with "another" character.

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Guest j.o.b. squad
job squad- Work on your grammar. PLEASE.

j.o.b. squad > gramar


that is all

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Guest Tony149

I only scrolled through the show, but it looked okay. Sure, the show wasn't as crisp as HD or our PPVs, but a lot of the eariler OAOAST shows weren't either. Considering this was SP's first shot, he did rather well. I can barely look back at "The Body Shop" shows I wrote in May because its horribly put together and stuffed.


SP, you'll get better at "directing" the shows; it takes time. Hell, it took me around 5-6 months to find a format and stick with it.

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Guest j.o.b. squad
Was that irony?



but who knows how long i will stick with version 3


I started out as brain damaged spot monkey who got trained in submision wrestling but i droped that gimmick before I even had a match. Then I was obsesed with being on the bottom of the card which lasted 2 matches(both on the upper card irony there). And now I am obsesed with being the co-third draft pick and so far that gimick has lasted a match.


version 3 is my third gimmick talk about irony there.


wonder what i will be next. perhaps an explorer


just incase anybody was wondering live in bagdad was the song from the heavy metal episode of cowboy beebob.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Good show. Even if the storyline I was supposed to be doing appears to have vanished without anyone telling me.

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Guest SP-1

Eskie, I screwed some things up accidentally there. I'll PM you w/an explanation. My bad, dude.

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Guest y2jailbait

My match went well, but ya know, that reject doesn't have character specs. At least i couldn't find any, so I had to give him jobber moves and the butal SPEAR~! I can't really try and do a feud with him if I don't have info on his character. Can someone give me some info on him, or maybe Reject himself could PM me some stuff.

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Guest Undisputed

Fun show! Hopefully the Double DQ means I can ALWAYS claim a title shot~! :P

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Good show. I think Undisputed's character has HUGE potential and I tried to do something with him before the split.

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