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Guest NoCalMike

So did House of 1000 Corpses at least.....

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Guest NoCalMike

Well for starters I haven't seen this flick yet, but the general reviews I have read pretty much have agreed that the beginning was great and the rest was just a big clusterfuck. I will find out in a few days when I go see it for myself, however I must pose this question. Even if the movie was not that great, was it the type that could bring back a better genre of horror. I mean was it darker, meaner, more disturbing than yer average slasher 90's sequels?


See, I liked the original Scream for the reasons I have stated before, but I HATED, what it did to the horror genre. If Scream would have been the only one of it's kind, than I would not have cared, however it spawned two crappy sequels and the IKWYDLS series, and it turned Halloween sequels into basically the same thing, so I am wondering if House of 1000 corpses even if it wasn't great, still could have a positive influence on the hollywood horror genre in the coming years. Yah, I know most of you probably wish I waited to write this until I actually saw the movie, but I figured the movie is more fresh in your heads right now.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I don't know. You're still getting solid stuff like The Ring and...uh...well...


Who can say? The crappy (and only getting worse) teen horror flicks are still going to be around. So I doubt it.



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

You're still getting solid stuff like:


1. The Ring

2. Bubba Ho-Tep

3. One Hour Photo

4. Frailty

5. Willard


And with "Dead Reckoning" on the way I'd say horror is making a comeback.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
3. One Hour Photo

That's considered a horror movie?

Do you consider "Psycho" or "Vertigo" horror movies? I do.


Horror movies, by definition, evoke our worst emotions: fear and suspiscion. OHP does that without a giant axe-wielding psycho, or a demon. The horror is very cerebral.



You could make a case that "Cape Fear" is a horror movie too.

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Guest El Satanico
3. One Hour Photo

That's considered a horror movie?


Do you consider "Psycho" or "Vertigo" horror movies? I do.


Psycho is hard to classify, but I lean towards considering it horror. I don't consider Vertigo to be horror, it's a suspense movie.


Horror and suspense are alot alike, but should still be considered as different genres. Of course, I like horror and suspense, so it honestly doesn't matter to me.

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Guest RedJed

I consider thrillers (or suspense) and horror films two different things.


One Hour Photo is a thriller AT BEST. At the same level of fear as, say, a Panic Room or something.


Hard to say what this film will do to the genre, it depends on how much impact it will have financially, I think. I honestly cant see the horror genre moving in this direction though, I think if anything it will continue to go in the direction of stuff like the Ring and (ugh) fear.com..........stuff like that.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I have to disagree about OHP. From when he's fired, to when it's discovered it's very scary and suspenseful. Everything is delievered at rapid-fire pace, and it works very very well. You don't even know what Parrish has done; much less why he's done it.


And the final revelation about why he's so obsessed with pictures... that my friends is chilling.

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Guest Lethargic

No, 1000 Corpses will have no effect on the horror business whatsoever. #1 it's terrible. #2 it's not gonna be a hit. Scream spawned all that shit cause it was a monster. If 1000 Corpses opened at #1 over the weekend, yeah, Hollywood would be going crazy making some copycats. But it didn't. And if even if they DID copy it? What would that do? We'd have even MORE shitty movies? Ooh, great.


Face it, NOTHING IS EVER GOING TO BRING OLD SCHOOL HORROR BACK. It doesn't exist anymore, if you want to see stuff like that you're gonna have to search for it online and find some really really low budget stuff. There's never gonna be movies like that in theaters again. Those days are gone, long gone. You'll never be able to go to a drive in double feature of something like Last House on the Left and Rape Squad again. And if that kind of era DOES come back it's gonna take something a lot better than Corpses. Look at Blair Witch. It was the most old school horror movie that has made money in a long time and it didn't do anything to the genre even though it made a buttload of cash.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
No, 1000 Corpses will have no effect on the horror business whatsoever. #1 it's terrible. #2 it's not gonna be a hit. Scream spawned all that shit cause it was a monster. If 1000 Corpses opened at #1 over the weekend, yeah, Hollywood would be going crazy making some copycats. But it didn't. And if even if they DID copy it? What would that do? We'd have even MORE shitty movies? Ooh, great.


Face it, NOTHING IS EVER GOING TO BRING OLD SCHOOL HORROR BACK. It doesn't exist anymore, if you want to see stuff like that you're gonna have to search for it online and find some really really low budget stuff. There's never gonna be movies like that in theaters again. Those days are gone, long gone. You'll never be able to go to a drive in double feature of something like Last House on the Left and Rape Squad again. And if that kind of era DOES come back it's gonna take something a lot better than Corpses. Look at Blair Witch. It was the most old school horror movie that has made money in a long time and it didn't do anything to the genre even though it made a buttload of cash.

Ummm, Lethargic...



1. Horror movies don't need to be great to make an impact.


2. It will probobly gross pretty well considering all the teenagers will see it, the horror buffs will see it, and all the Rob Zombie fans will see it.


3. Never say never. All it takes is one hit, and then a 1000 copies get made. We'll never see X-Rated horror from the 70's back again, but to say we'll never see horror make a comeback is fucking retarded.

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Guest Lethargic

Nobody said anything about horror, I didn't say horror couldn't make a comeback, I said "old school" horror. In case you've been living under a rock, we're going through a new era of horror RIGHT NOW. The last couple of years or two have seen a new horror movie come out nearly every 2 weeks. I just read some articles a few months ago about how Hollywood is jumping all over the horror bandwagon. There are a shitload of big time horror movies in the works right now to come out this year and the next. This is probably the biggest era of horror since the 80's. They may not be the horror movies you want to see, or I want to see, but they are horror movies and they'e out there.


The original question in this thread seemed to be will Corpses bring back another era of old school type horror, and no it's not going to do that. It's just like the punk bands of today can't recreate the late 70's punk era. You can't redo things like that. The era of horror that used to exist is impossible to recreate because the business just doesn't work like that anymore. And I mean every aspect of the business. Even down to the theater experiance. The theater experiance isn't what it used to be. I remember having drive in double features, I remember local theaters used to have midnight showings of horror movies every weekend, none of that happens anymore. Maybe around Halloween you get some late night horror movies, maybe you get Rocky Horror showings, but you don't get to be a part of those late night double feature horror marathons anymore. Those days are just gone plain and simple. In this day and age of DVD, home theaters, cable and the internet it just doesn't work the same way anymore. Nobody is willing to spend 1 million dollars to make some shlocky, cheap horror movie and put it into theaters when they can release the movie direct to video for much cheaper and make a much better profit. The old days, all you had to do is cut a trailer, put a ad in the newspaper, make some radio spots, put up some posters, then put out the movie. These days you have to have a multi-million dollar marketing campaign to make money. You have to make a teaser, THEN a trailer, you have to have several TV spots, you have to be all over the internet. You generally have to be able to spend about 15 - 30 million in advertising to get people to see your movie. And the people that are making the cheapie old school type horror can't do that and they shouldn't do it. Not when they can simply send it direct to video.


It's just simply impossible. You can't redo anything like that. I mean you can do another era of car movies like Fast and the Furious but you can not redo the 70's era of car movies. There's a magic there that can't be redone. NO era's can be done. You can make Godfather 4 in 2003 and it could turn out to be a very good movie, but you can't recreate the Godfather from 1972. You can do the same thing, you can make new horror movies, you can make new car movies but time moves on, you can't do it the same way. You can't recapture the past. You can only create a new era. People should realize that the past is the past and the present is the present. Either learn to deal with the present or lock yourself away with a VCR and relive the past.


You know, I hate arguing about stuff like this cause it makes me feel old. I grew up in that era of horror and now I'm an adult in this era of horror and it really makes me think, wow....what if I were born now? Would I grow up and pine for the glory days of horror movies like Ghost Ship and Darkness Falls or music like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park? Makes me shiver.

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Guest Downhome
You're still getting solid stuff like:


1. The Ring

2. Bubba Ho-Tep

3. One Hour Photo

4. Frailty

5. Willard


And with "Dead Reckoning" on the way I'd say horror is making a comeback.

1) If only these types of horror movies came out, I would be a happy man.


2) Where in the HELL can I see Bubba Ho-Tep?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Nobody said anything about horror, I didn't say horror couldn't make a comeback, I said "old school" horror. In case you've been living under a rock, we're going through a new era of horror RIGHT NOW. The last couple of years or two have seen a new horror movie come out nearly every 2 weeks. I just read some articles a few months ago about how Hollywood is jumping all over the horror bandwagon. There are a shitload of big time horror movies in the works right now to come out this year and the next. This is probably the biggest era of horror since the 80's. They may not be the horror movies you want to see, or I want to see, but they are horror movies and they'e out there.


The original question in this thread seemed to be will Corpses bring back another era of old school type horror, and no it's not going to do that. It's just like the punk bands of today can't recreate the late 70's punk era. You can't redo things like that. The era of horror that used to exist is impossible to recreate because the business just doesn't work like that anymore. And I mean every aspect of the business. Even down to the theater experiance. The theater experiance isn't what it used to be. I remember having drive in double features, I remember local theaters used to have midnight showings of horror movies every weekend, none of that happens anymore. Maybe around Halloween you get some late night horror movies, maybe you get Rocky Horror showings, but you don't get to be a part of those late night double feature horror marathons anymore. Those days are just gone plain and simple. In this day and age of DVD, home theaters, cable and the internet it just doesn't work the same way anymore. Nobody is willing to spend 1 million dollars to make some shlocky, cheap horror movie and put it into theaters when they can release the movie direct to video for much cheaper and make a much better profit. The old days, all you had to do is cut a trailer, put a ad in the newspaper, make some radio spots, put up some posters, then put out the movie. These days you have to have a multi-million dollar marketing campaign to make money. You have to make a teaser, THEN a trailer, you have to have several TV spots, you have to be all over the internet. You generally have to be able to spend about 15 - 30 million in advertising to get people to see your movie. And the people that are making the cheapie old school type horror can't do that and they shouldn't do it. Not when they can simply send it direct to video.


It's just simply impossible. You can't redo anything like that. I mean you can do another era of car movies like Fast and the Furious but you can not redo the 70's era of car movies. There's a magic there that can't be redone. NO era's can be done. You can make Godfather 4 in 2003 and it could turn out to be a very good movie, but you can't recreate the Godfather from 1972. You can do the same thing, you can make new horror movies, you can make new car movies but time moves on, you can't do it the same way. You can't recapture the past. You can only create a new era. People should realize that the past is the past and the present is the present. Either learn to deal with the present or lock yourself away with a VCR and relive the past.


You know, I hate arguing about stuff like this cause it makes me feel old. I grew up in that era of horror and now I'm an adult in this era of horror and it really makes me think, wow....what if I were born now? Would I grow up and pine for the glory days of horror movies like Ghost Ship and Darkness Falls or music like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park? Makes me shiver.

Retro is constantly coming into style. With the next generation of horror director being influenced by the 70's horror film, I'd say it was dumb NOT to expect these to come back.


I love how the whole point is; it's never coming back and people said the same things in music fashion etc. AND THEY DID.

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Guest Ravenbomb

like I said, if nothing else, The Ring has started a trend of remaking Jap Horror movies and the like. I heard that remakes of The Eye and Cure and some others are in the works. If they bring the Japanese originals to DVD in the states when they release the remakes like they did with The Ring and Ringu, even better.

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Guest Urine Sane
And the final revelation about why he's so obsessed with pictures... that my friends is chilling.


What was this shocking revelation?

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Even people who were influenced by the 70s flicks can not remake the magic because if you sit down and go "Okay....I am going to make a 70s era horror movie! I'll show em all" ...you get House of a 1000 corpses. Some guy ripping off great films and occasionaly throwing in a cool visual.


The fact being, like Lethargic said, you cannot recreate that no matter how hard you try. Now as far as a new disturbing style of horror coming out, that is possible but attempting to recreate The Texas Chainsaw massacre is impossible. I'm also a firm believer in people being "inspired" by a film to try and make a similar style of film will always fall flat on their face. Why? Because the original film/director which inspired them was an original idea. Those directors were obviously inspired by something but they did not go "Man...I wanna make a movie just like that" Tobe Hooper just let his imagination go wild and TCM was born. As long as no one is thinking for themselves and just keep being "inspired" to make films like the ones they grew up with, they will continue to put it bluntly, suck fuckin dick.


I am rambling and I apologize and I have made no point.

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Guest RedJed

I will say this..........I am legit interested to see how the new TCM comes out. I don't have much hopes for it, but it still is totally making me wonder how it will turn out.

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