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Guest Big Poppa Popick

my day

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

StephenJosephP: jenni's not heer, i need a surrogate girl to listen to me moan for a second

Chocopoe: uh oh

StephenJosephP: so this is my day sooo far

StephenJosephP: i wake up late for my dentists appointment, speed over there

StephenJosephP: find out they told me the wrong time, it was 45 minutes later

StephenJosephP: so i have to reschedule cause i have to be in class at 1130 to turn in a paper

StephenJosephP: go to advance...find out one of my headlights wont stay screwed in...great...

StephenJosephP: come back, grab lunch, head to class

StephenJosephP: class is canceled, professor is in the hospital

StephenJosephP: walking back, my chicken noodle soup busts in my bag

StephenJosephP: ruining all my books n papers

StephenJosephP: i am not leaving the apartment again

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Guest SP-1

Sorry to hear that, buddy. My day isn't going so hot either. My neck is giving my problems and that torqued vertebrae seems to be acting up in light of me not having an adjustment in a while. Damn spine. :)

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Guest Zack Malibu
StephenJosephP: jenni's not heer, i need a surrogate girl to listen to me moan for a second

Chocopoe: uh oh

StephenJosephP: so this is my day sooo far

StephenJosephP: i wake up late for my dentists appointment, speed over there

StephenJosephP: find out they told me the wrong time, it was 45 minutes later

StephenJosephP: so i have to reschedule cause i have to be in class at 1130 to turn in a paper

StephenJosephP: go to advance...find out one of my headlights wont stay screwed in...great...

StephenJosephP: come back, grab lunch, head to class

StephenJosephP: class is canceled, professor is in the hospital

StephenJosephP: walking back, my chicken noodle soup busts in my bag

StephenJosephP: ruining all my books n papers

StephenJosephP: i am not leaving the apartment again

It's like that Rodney Dangerfield joke...


"I opened the door today, the knob came off. I picked up my briefcase, the handle came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom!"


Hope that at least got a crack outta ya.


And SP, you have a bad back?

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Guest SP-1

Bad neck and back. Weight problem and bad posture result in a torqued vertebrae that presses on certain nerves in my neck, giving me headaches and such. I think it would take 2 years of intensive adjustments to fix it, and I don't have the cash to get 3 adjustments a week so it'll take a little longer.


In a very, very mild way I think it's why I think Kurt Angle is DA MAN. Cuz I have problems with pain and going numb often as well, though I have no danger of paralysis or death from my problems that I know of.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Well considering you haven't been stuck in your house for over a week, can barely walk on two legs, let alone get around limping on one (considering both knees of mine are fucked), haven't had a good night's sleep in over a month, have to wait 6 and a half months for a fucking MRI (did I mention it's for only ONE knee) to find out why you can't walk, haven't really had any contact with the outside world besides the internet, have been bored witless as you've got nothing to do besides the internet/tv/console (a straight week of this and you'll get bored of it), and then on top of that you are in constant pain that no amount of tylenol 2 with codine will fix...


I consider your day not half bad, BPP. Hell, I'll even trade with you if it was possible. At least your day will be over. Mine will just replay tomorrow more or less in the same fashion as it was the same way today.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest Lightning Flik
Bad neck and back.

Had that problem all of last year. I hate that. Although, my problem is no where as bad as yours.

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Guest SP-1

Flik, that sucks dude. I remember when my sister and I flipped our truck (the accident that I think had something to do with my neck problems, actually), I was out for a week with messed up ribs. Though back then I was delighted because there was NO SCHOOL~!.


How did you hurt your knee?

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Guest Lightning Flik
How did you hurt your knee?

Well, let's take this one step at a time. Firstly, I don't know. I have my suspecions and if so, I'm not happy about them.


About six years ago, I found out that the muscles above my knee caps weren't fully strenghtened and thusly my knee caps were poping out of their grooves causing me immensive pain. I went through extensive rehab for this (six months) and then I was fine.


A year passes and I'm having problems again. Finally, I go to the doctor and he says that my grooves were busted up from the kneecaps popping out and that I could either go through rehab again to correct the problem (takes less time) or just leave it to heal naturally (which would take longer). Considering rehab fucked up my knees the first time, I opted not to take the rehab.


So I'm assume that might be where the problem lies. But that's only a guess. And my first.


About a year back I had a back injury (would be two years this July). Something to the affect that I tore all the soft tissue in my back, causing me to barely be able to lift anything up via my back. Thusly, I can be assured that the back injury probably helped to my pains somewhat. I'll get more into that in a moment.


That's my second guess.


But finally, over the years I've just abused my knees. From playing street hockey for years with inch thin pads and butterfly style goaltending, to my right knee crashing into the pavement while I was riding my bike (explains as to why my right knee hurts more than my left as I've abused it more) and going about maybe a little more than 2 meters on the pavement, from falling down the stairs quite a bit about four years back (I kinda developed a way to use half of the step to go up them, I realized that about a year back), and pretty much that any accident I've been in that had been collision impact related usually had a indirect/direct contact against my knee.


That's my final guess.


However, since I've been told that the problem with my knees is either ligiment or cartiledge damage, each guess has validation.


The first explains why I feel pains around my knee caps and the feeling that my "grooves" are causing some pains. Which might be why I feel pain there.


Yet, the second also explains why I feel pains around the sides of my knees where some important ligiments are. Since my back was injuried for that full year, another part of my body had to take the full impact of me lifting stuff (and I never really did listen to the "don't overdo yourself" warning I received) thusly explaining why the muscles and ligiments on the left and right side of my knees are in pain.


The third also explains why I keep feeling pains across the knees along the center of the knee from left to right and kinda feel like the inside my knees have pain. After years of abusage, it's only logical that the cartiledge in my knees has probably been destroyed quite a bit.


But then this brings up a very weird thingy from myself. I feel pain in all three places, so what's to say that all three aren't possible and true? Which bring up the question, "just how fucked up are my knees?"


I don't know the answers, and I won't know until Oct. 20, 2003. That's about 180 days away (179 if my math is correct). A long time to wait for a definite answer.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest caboose

Sorry to hear about your bad days guys, but I woke up three hours ago (3pm in England).

I've watched a bit of TV, eaten a sandwich, drank a cherry coke and logged on here.

I'm having a great day, if not totally devoid of significant events.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Sorry to hear about your bad days guys, but I woke up three hours ago (3pm in England).

I've watched a bit of TV, eaten a sandwich, drank a cherry coke and logged on here.

I'm having a great day, if not totally devoid of significant events.

;) Meh. I just wanted to make other people feel better than me. Makes me feel better knowing I bring joy to their lives knowing that they aren't as fucked up as me.

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Guest SP-1

That does indeed suck. I messed up my left knee playing football. I'm a pretty hefty guy, as Kotz can attest to, and I was in middle school as well. I went for it, and went down on that leg, all my weight pretty much going on that poor knee. It still hurts every now and then, though I did go through some rehab for it. I don't know how much damage that specific incident did though as alot of things in the past are a blur to me.

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Guest Lightning Flik
That does indeed suck.  I messed up my left knee playing football.  I'm a pretty hefty guy, as Kotz can attest to, and I was in middle school as well.  I went for it, and went down on that leg, all my weight pretty much going on that poor knee.  It still hurts every now and then, though I did go through some rehab for it.  I don't know how much damage that specific incident did though as alot of things in the past are a blur to me.

Yah. I understand. You see thing is, when I do something like sports or work (at Blockbuster), I do things at the max and no holding back. Fuck it, once while playing floor hockey, I got slashed really badly in the back of my right knee that I had a nice cut that bleed quite badly and hurt like a bitch.


Problem was that it was a must win game for my team of the Wild, and frankly we need the win to get to the playoffs. So I decidedly sold the injury for about two seconds and took off playing. I didn't notice the pain, nor did I even really notice I was bleeding quite well.


Thing is, as soon as the game was over, I certainly noticed. I had to be helped to the sick room. That's the sort of abuse I gave/give to my knees (and my body). When I run and need to get around people, I stop and jerk like you know how B-ball players do. I seriously abuse my knees pretty bad. Wasn't aware of it till I stopped and thought about it.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest Sandman9000

Oooh, ooooh, let's make this the official injury thread.


My list~!:


Broken left wrist from playing "rubgy" in the backyard. I put rugby in quotations because we had a rugby ball and no clue of what the rules were, so we just beat the shit out of each other. This was summer before freshman year of high school.


Knee, ankle, and shin pain from exercise, mostly due to putting excessive pressure onto legs, as like everyone else, I have a bit of a "weight problem." Stupid Samoan-like frame.


Scar tissue on forehead. Not severe like Corp., Necro, Pondo, Zandig, ect...but it's noticable.


Various scars around body. They're tiny though.


SIX (6~!) concussions, all before the age of 18. Three-four grade 1, 1-2 grade 2, and 1 grade three concussions. (Grade 1 concussion is mild, grade two is a little more severe, and grade 3 usually means the person's been KO'ed.) However, I don't think I've had one in a while, which is good.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Sandman that's just sickening.


You have my praise to call you a true busted up gimp. Take a bow.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

no injuries,


no broken bones,


i got a bruise once when an errant punch that i shouldve dodged got me...




i guess life aint that bad


suckitude to flik n sp, sorry to hear about your shiz


in light of that, ill quit being sad

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Guest caboose

I've had bruises the size of my face under the skin of my thighs from beinf run over.

Eighteen Fractures in my hands from playing Rugby by the rules.

Two cracked skulls. One from jumping on my bed and falling off when I was young, the next from being attacked with a Baseball Bat.

Constant Shinsplints.

A six-inch burn scar on my left forearm from a pizza tray.

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Guest SP-1

LOL, Popick. A bad day is a bad day and there are all kinds. :)


I got an injury:


I'm five years old. Playing with a push lawnmower (not cranked, just pushing it around) while my dad hangs out with some of his buddies. This dude's bulldog apparently doesn't like the lawnmower, so I gently move my leg towards it like a dumbass.


Next thing I know I'm on the ground and my left cheek is being ripped off. No joke. I think the doctor said that one or two more chomps and I'd have lost my jugular and, likely, my life. Damn cool scar to show up to Kindergarten with though!


I can still stretch out the bottom of my left cheek alot. I don't remember if it's stretched skin to fit or what but it's really stretchable.

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Guest Tony149
...bad posture

SP may have saved another man's back. I've never paid attention to that sort of thing, but after reading about SP's problems, I'm going to. I'll probably forget it in a week. :(

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I woke up a few hours ago, ate STAR CRUNCHES~, talked on the internet some, and now I'm off to the beach. This day is going swimmingly, I think.



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Guest SP-1

At first I was going to as why the hell you were heading to the beach at THIS time of day but then I realized you live alot closer to it than I do.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Yup, it's about a thirteen minute drive. I only know this because that's how long the tracks of the CD I was playing on my SYSTEM~ were put together.

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Guest ShooterJay



The big ones are a stress fracture in my L5 vertebra (which led to a bunch of muscle hyperextensions) and an orbital bone fracture- like UT's- both from amateur wrestling.


A few scars on my hand and left arm, from when an ice skate ran over my hand when I was 10. One scar in an, "unfortunate area" - think "Something About Mary"


Other than that, a few finger and toe breaks from various sports, and chronic ankle pain which I've had since birth (ankles broke on delivery.)


I'm pretty sure I've had a couple of undocumented grade 1's, never got checked out though so I can't be sure.

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Guest Anglesault

The ususal. Knees, back. And I just discovered that if I put pressure where my elbow hurts (Right in the joint) My whole hand tingles. That can't be good.

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Guest Vitamin X

I tore 3 somethings in my right ankle in football (I'm something of a toned stocky fellow, if there is such a thing..let's say for practicality's sake I'm faster than I am strong) on a wet field back during JV. I kind of went down Sid-style but without breaking my leg, what happened was I hit some linebacker, spun out of the tackle, dug in with my right foot in order to juke to the left and then BAM the linebacker I thought I had passed got me from behind causing the rest of my body to spin and fall to the left..WHILE MY RIGHT FOOT WAS STILL IN PLACE ON THE GROUND.


Hey I got the first down, 3 1/2 yard gain. I kind of was in shock after it, not even noticing there was severe muscle pain in my ankle until I got up, put my right foot down, and fell flat on my face. That's when the trainers came to the field...


Other than that I had a freak weight lifting injury from the lift exercise I hate MOST in the entire fucking world- power cleans. I was doing one and then p0p there goes my right shoulder. It hasn't been the same since, for soem odd reason and if I put too much pressure on it it goes compeltely numb and I can't move it, and my right side of chest and upper right arm.


Other than that, I'm just waiting to get into the wrestling biz so I can tear my right quad and officially render the right side of my body useless.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Never had a broken bone in my life. I've been pretty lucky, as I have an incredibly high tolerance for pain (so says my doctor).


I once no-sold death when my friend flipped her car over, right onto a rock. I was in the passenger side. Had I not had my seatbelt on (which I dangled from before I made my way out of the busted window) I would have been mashed, or snapped my neck against the ceiling. As it was, I walked away from the accident with not a scratch, the only one of the four of us to do so.


I had an operation in '97, senior year. Had a cyst on the bottom of my back/tailbone, which is relatively common in most men. It was said to be an outpatient operation...numb me up, snip it off, end of story. Off my feet for 2-3 days. Well, for some reason they put me to sleep, probably because it was my first operation, I dunno. I wake up to find out the cyst was growing off INSIDE me, and they had to literally dig it out. I had a deep incision right on my tailbone, which can get uncomortable at times (I dread riding bikes anymore). I was out of action for nearly 3 months, had to be home schooled and all. And the wound was so deep it couldn't be stitched, so the bandages had to be packed in. Yes, every day I rolled onto my stomach so the visiting nurse or my parents (dad was a fireman, luckily had worked on an ambulance for 12 years as well) had to pack me. My doctor said he's had big jacked up guys in his office crying over surgery like that, and was amazed I never made a peep. They gave me Vicadin, which I took ONE, it made me sick, and I never took another. I went through the whole ordeal unmedicated.

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Guest caboose

Thing is when I got run over it wasn't nearly as bad as trying to Rugby tackle a 250lb man.

I usually play a 'prop' which is a position for a smaller powerful player, but because I am blessed with a strange amount of speed despite my larger frame, I was played on the wing one time. This was to counteract the 6'4" 250lb mountain of muscle on the opposite win. Now myself being 6' and 200lbs, I consider myself a fairly big guy, but this guy was HUGE.

Anyway, he is ragging on me all match long, but when it matters I manage to get him into touch a few times and save some points.

However, with two minutes on the clock, my team are leading by 6 points. Well what do you know? My team fuck up an attack and I am left more or less one on one against this fucking man mountain and theres 40 yeards to the try line...


...So I run as fast I ever have straight towards him, and he is running like an express train straight towards me. Just as get close I dive straight for his waist to take him down but I mis time my tackle and end up diving at his ankles. I take him down, the ball is spilled and we win the game. But when I tackled him, I took one leg, and the other just kicked me straight in the face.

I had a black eye for weeks after that.

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