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Guest Big Poppa Popick

my day

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Guest SP-1

Zack I had to have a cyst removed there too. They were afraid that the infection was going to spread into the innards of my back so they had to hack in. I have to admit though, that passing out from being pumped full of meds is possibly the coolest thing. Ever. Told me to count backwards from 10. I might have made it to seven.

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Guest treble charged

It was like that for me when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. The ceiling started dancing and then I was out of it.


As for injuries I've had, I broke my left leg playing hockey about 4 years ago (got hit in the corner, and I still don't know how the bone broke), but the strange thing was, the bigger of the two bones in the lower leg (not the femur, the two smaller ones [fibia, tibula? I always mess those two up]) broke, but not the smaller one. The doctor didn't understand that.


I also sprained my left elbow a few years later, refereeing (well, technically I was a linesman) hockey. I caught a rut in the ice skating backwards, fell back and landed right on my elbow. The doctors thought it may have been broken, but luckily it was only a sprain.


That's about it for major injuries from me.

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Guest KanadianKrusty

Injuries: NOTHING!, well, my left knee is sore pretty much all the time because someone litteraly kicked it during a soccer game a few years ago but I've never had a broken bone or anything...

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Guest Some Guy

Oh I might as well join the party.


I got sucker punched in the nose. That caused the bridge of my nose to break cleanly and move about 1/2 inch to the right. Being drunk (it was New Year's Day 2000) I juts went into the bathroom shoved tissues up my nose, looked in the mirror and reset my nose. It wouldn't have been as bad if I didn't push it too far to the left and have to puch it back to the center. But my nose is actually more symetrical now than it was before.


I have messed up kness due to playing catcher when I was younger and a huge growth spurt. But I tolerate it, it's only really bad if I'm on my feet all day or it's really humid or cold.


Other than that I have a bunch of small scars due to random accidents.


I also was hit in the elbow with a metal bat by someone who was pissed at my friend, I think.


I've been pretty lucky all in all considering all the dumb shit I've done.

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Guest Lightning Flik
I've been stabbed.




I had scissors used on me. No, I'm not shitting you either.


I pissed my sister off something fierce and that's what she decided to use on me.


*SO wins*

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