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Something I noticed about Disney movies...

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk
Aladdin doesn't say "take off your clothes" he says "Shoo Tiger, take off and go" cause it's the scene where he's on the balcony and the tiger is growling at him and he's trying to get the tiger to leave him alone.

Yeah, that's what Disney says. But if they're going to put that shit in the movie, they'd have to have a somewhat believable cover story.

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No I'm getting that from myself and about 30 minutes of rewinding and listening.


My Aunt and I sat down one day and decided to check out some of the myths.


The Preacher with a stiffy is true. It's definitely not his knee. They just don't show the frames where it's sticking out really far on those pages.

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Okay I had not checked that site that was linked earlier yet and that sound clip sounded different.


I must have been listening to a later release cause it did sound like "take off your clothes" in their clip.

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