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Guest Redhawk

When do you start really following baseball?

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Guest Redhawk

I know the hardcore fans are taking every game seriously, but at what point do you start looking at standings, stats, etc? For me it's just before the All-Star break. So when the Royals go 9-0, for example, I know it means nothing and they'll be under .500 by the summer as usual.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I follow baseball all year.


Which is increasingly harder to do each year now that the Orioles are so horrible.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Usually not till about game 4 of the World Series.


I can't get into the game anymore. Mike Illitch has just buried the Tigers and now he's stuck Trammel, Gibson, and Parish with that sack of losers. I use to really like baseball.

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Guest meanmaisch

I follow it all year. As a Phillies fan, this is actually a year of great promise, which is nice. I've been a fan since the mid 1980's, when the Phils would trot out such winners as Steve Jeltz and Bruce Ruffin. I especially love the mid-summer, as baseball is the only game in town and receives all the coverage.

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Guest Crazy Dan

I try to pay attention all season long. But I follow the Giants and A's the closest. I like baseball, but I only like watching the Giants and A's on TV. Only when the playoffs start is usually when I will watch other teams. But I will know usually who is doing good and terrible.


And when the Giants are off to a awesome start, I can only hope they keep it up, which I think that they very well could.

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Guest Choken One

I pay attention to the N.L central mainly and that's about it...


I tend to zone out of it around July because those are the dog days...But september brings me back...


If the Reds are good...And that's pretty often a 50/50 thing each year...I'm addicted...

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Guest treble charged

Usually when the hockey playoffs are over I start focusing on it more.

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Guest Choken One

yeah Hockey Knows how to take it's sweet fucking time to kill the damn thing dead...


It would help if they didn't invite the whole damn leauge back for more 7 game series...


...At least Basketball scores more then 4 a night...Unless you're the Clippers of couse...

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Guest MaxPower27

I go to a few spring training games and somewhat follow it, until the NHL playoffs are over. After that, it's all I watch.

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Guest DrTom

I follow it all year long. I tend to focus more on the AL, since my fantasy league is AL-only, but I still try to keep up with the NL, too. I follow a little closer after May 1, since that's when early-season hot and cold spells have pretty much ended, and stats and results are more accurate.

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Guest CanadianChris

I follow it all year, but I don't usually start getting really serious about it until after the Stanley Cup and NBA playoffs are over.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I don't really pay attention untill October. Of course, I'm a White Sox fan, so that's why.

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Guest NoCalMike

I follow the A's all year, watch the games if I am home. However I don't start to panic unless the A's aren't close to a playoff run by August. The last 3 years has shown they are a 2nd half team and always come on strong.

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I follow my teams, Mariners and Padres , pretty much all year. I usually start following the rest of the league by the time the Padres are out of the playoff picture so about the All-Star break

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Guest Vern Gagne

All year. Although seeing the Tigers 19 times isn't very interesting.

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