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Guest Eagan469

One and Only South Park Thread

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Guest Eagan469
Episode 705: Fat BUTT and Pancake Head

One of Cartman's body parts becomes too famous for its own good. The real Jenny From the Block is enraged to learn that a new "Diva" has stolen her record deal and her boyfriend! South Park will never be the same after Jenny & Ben meet the new "Ms. Lopez."


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Guest Mole

Just a question about the 705 thing, I thought they just had 100 episode? Why do they call it 705?

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Guest Eagan469

The South Park team numbers the episodes in order of what they work on first. So if they brainstorm the ideas for an episode, that episode would be labled 501, and the next episode they work on would be 502.


Whether the episodes are actually aired in that order doesn't matter.


For instance, the episode last week was originally intended as the season opener, and they just tacked on the ending to refer to that being the 100th episode.


Also, you'll note that in the episode that DID air as the season opener, they refer to the 100th episode already passing. So that episode was intended to air later in the season.


Got it? :P

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Guest Ravenbomb

why do the premises always seem uninteresting? The episodes themselves are awsm, but the summaries always make them seem like they'll be a let-down

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I love South Park...really...


but I *MARK* for TAPE LEG 2~!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Kind of a weak episode. I liked Cartman dreaming about Kyle crying, and some of J-Lo's stuff.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

this is disturbing....



I still think Cartman is gay and has mental problems...




EDIT: YEP....i think that confirms THAT theory

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



LOL that was fucking great

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I still think that in the VERY FINAL EPISODE of South Park...


Cartman will come out of the closet...


"it looks like the tooth fairy was extra happy with you"

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

"Looks like the Tooth Fairy left you something special."


"Ewwww.... Ben Affleck's splooge."


Dude, disgusting.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

most.fucked.up.ending.ever.besides.Scott Tenorman Must Die.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

the episode was okay.... but doesn't get into my top 5...heck...not even my top 10

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Guest MaxPower27

"Wow! We just wrote 3 new songs! Your music requires NO TALENT AT ALL!!"

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Guest Youth N Asia

South Park hasn't done anything great in a while...everything's just so so now.


Although I am a mark for bad ethnic jokes and Cartman giving Ben a handjob.

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Guest razazteca

I bet this has something to do with the green dress at the award show that Trey worn that one year mocking Jennifer. This show was like it was a personal attack on J-Lo.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Ben. "I thought I'd write you a song...or a poem. But then I remembered that I don't have any talent."



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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I dunno if I saw something you guys didn't or what but that was one of the funniest god damned things I've seen in awhile. Taco flavored kisses nearly gave me an anneurysm it was so awesome. If anyone would like to post an mp3 or hell just the lyrics, I'd appreciate it greatly.

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Guest HHH123007

I just about crapped myself with laughter when the police caught J-Lo on the bridge and yelled out "Freeze Leafblower!".

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

It seems like after ever "serious" show they follow it up with a more light-hearted effort.


Seems like they took the week off, but I laughed nevertheless...

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