Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted April 17, 2003 The only WWF women that I've ever seen that I'd pay 2 nickels to actually see wrestle would be The Jumping Bomb Angels from their exposure in 1987-88. They wouldn't push them in WWE, or rather a pair like them. No women's tag division let alone a deep women's division, plus they were kinda flat. They also had the "thick in the thighs" look a lot of the women wrestlers of that era did. Oh definitely. They would have a laundry list of problems in the WWE's eyes. I guess what I meant to say was I could watch a Bomb Angel match and not even worry about it being male/female wrestling. They made you forget about the gender stereotypes because they were fluid, crisp, and generally not sloppy. Plus, they implemented many high spots even for women of today. After a match, I wouldn't have to sit back and think "Not bad for a chick match." Instead, it'd be "Pretty good match!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest geniusMoment Report post Posted April 17, 2003 Exactly, if after a match I can sit back and say great match then I don't give a shit about gender. I just haven't seen a WWE diva match that has made me say that yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted April 17, 2003 Wow, it seems people expect so much from the women. Trish Stratus and Victoria aren't Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. They can't go out there, and put on **** matches every time. They go out there, with the time they have, and put on as good a match as they can. Yes, it is all scripted, and if they botch something, they really have no idea what to do, but hey, it's better then a 9 minute Nathan Jones match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted April 17, 2003 I just think she brings more with her then most of the girls. Even though she can't wrestle (like Torrie), she's entertaining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted April 17, 2003 The main problem is that no one gives two flying craps about anybody's characters in the ring. Sure, Victoria, Trish, and Jazz are interesting but who cares if one wins or loses. Everyone is in the title hunt anyway. If the title's not on Trish's waist, it's on Victoria's or Jazz's and no one cares since they exchange jobs and get equal TV time for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind TnA matches, but when they try to come across like the guys, it lacks because it really doesn't matter who "goes to the pay winda!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted April 17, 2003 There shouldn't be a woman's divison. The fans don't want to see only. Trish gets a big pop and non wrestlers like Stacy and Torrie get pops...but other then that no one wants to see the females. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ascalon Report post Posted April 17, 2003 Torrie is only on TV because she's pretty, dumb-looking, blond and has big tits. I can see that anywhere. Show me something different. Show me Daffney shrieking as she throttles Stephanie. Show me Molly vs. Gail Kim in a high flying affair. Show me Trish and Victoria kicking each others' asses in a Chicago Street Fight (Trish may be blond/have big tits, but she can wrestle and does have a unique body shape at least). Show me Jazz murdering her opposition on Raw. ....True. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest graph9 Report post Posted April 17, 2003 I agree with someone that said that nobody really pays attention to any women's character in the WWF (e)..its all about T&A.. Daffney is purely character driven , not T&A..i think she will be a good asset to the WWF (e) Because lots of the current WWF (e) women are useless & most of them are on Smackdown.. She is totally diffrent from any girl the WWF (e) has..& she can play her role well.......but i have a feeling if Vince ever lets her in..they will try to sexualize her character..which is a bad idea...... Her & Jeff will be perfect together..its a typical WWF (e)..couple plot...crazy lady (Daffney)..comes along and breaks up happy couple..Jeff & Trish.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites