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Guest Jobber of the Week

Israeli sniper shoots peace activist in the face

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Guest Jobber of the Week



This shit goes on all the time over there, go type in ["human shields" + Israel] on news.google.com. Israel has killed more human shields in its own country than the US did in bombing and conquering Iraq.


Pretty sick shit.


EDITED so as not to start a fight with the pro-war crowd that I don't have the energy to battle.

Edited by Jobber of the Week

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Guest Tyler McClelland

What the hell...


That's sick, and we can only hope someone comes forward and makes that sniper pay the consequences.

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Guest Cancer Marney

To the sniper:


Well done. The world needs fewer and better of these miserable "human shields." So he was protecting children... in order to save them for their parents to use as suicide bombers. La de frickin' da.


At least the families aren't getting $25k a head from Iraq anymore.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

What the fuck?


That's the most horrible thing I've ever heard someone say.

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Guest Tyler McClelland
The mother of the boy called him a hero. Fada Barhom said that Salame, seven, was playing football with his friends when suddenly there was the sound of gunfire.


Before he left Tom had spoken in favour of Israeli intervention in Palestine. "On the way to the airport to fly out to Baghdad he was discussing the situation in Israel and he was arguing in favour of the Israelis' political position," Mrs Hurndall said. "It is an irony that it is they who have now wounded him."


If you actually mean what you just said, you're a sad, sick piece of shit.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Yes, I really do approve of the killing, incapacitation, or capture of morally blind people who deliberately put themselves in harm's way in order to support genocidal terrorists.

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Guest Cancer Marney

No, he died in the middle of a de facto war zone as a direct result of his attempt to give aid and succour to avowed enemies of humanity and civilisation. If he wanted to make a difference maybe he should have tried to change his country's FCO, and subsequently, the sick culture of death that mires the "Palestinians" in their intoxicating, facile misery and incarcerates the Israelis in fear, loss, and grief. Instead, this submoronic "human shield" opted for the melodramatic and ineffective route of instant gratification and self-glorification. Now he's dead. Cry me a river, whiner.


Spare me the shocked horror. Palestinians think it's funny to take pictures of their own infants dressed up in combat gear with miniature sticks of dynamite wrapped around their chests.


Really, I find this sort of nonsense inexplicably stupid. This Hurndall character walked into a place where people are shooting at each other daily, and one side is using its brainwashed children as living bombs on a regular basis. And he was caught in the crossfire. How is this unexpected or terrible in any way?

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Guest Tyler McClelland

They targeted him for execution.


How DARE you call someone morally bankrupt. You're honestly trying to JUSTIFY someone getting EXECUTED because he tried to save a group of children who were playing. Who the fuck are YOU to question someone's morals after that type of statement? Perhaps you need to look in the fucking mirror.

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Guest Cancer Marney

I do every day, thanks. And I never see a hyper-emotional cretin wailing calumny at reasoned argument, endlessly repeating melodramatic and insignificant details which have no bearing whatsoever on the implications of at best thoughtless action.


Since you seem to think Hurndall's act was so noble, why don't you catch the next flight for the West Bank?

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Guest Tyler McClelland

A reasoned argument? You're arguing for someone EXECUTING A GUY for trying to save some children. It was intentional. The kids weren't carrying bombs or AK-47s, they were playing football.


Wanna know why I don't go to the West Bank? Because of pricks like that sniper. Your completely blind support of Israel when they perform atrocities is utterly sickening.

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Guest B-X

Right, because brainwashing seven-year olds to play football is fucking despicable.


And how dare he try to protect small girls? These "enemies humanity and civilisation [sic]" obviously were up to no good. In fact, most children are no good future terrorists. Why, I know when I was a young lad, I regularly swatted carpenter bees from the sky. Once, I even threw a bouncy ball at another person.


And for the LOVE OF GOD, why must these fucking peace loving assholes try to be "melodramatic" when ushering two terrorists in training from the path of oncoming tanks and troops. No moral decent human would do such a thing. Reprehensible.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Eh. No, his specific action was fine, obviously. Any moral and decent human being would have done exactly the same. However, going there in the first place specifically in order to aid people who rejoice in death was not fine at all.


Incidentally, I find it rather funny that from this

British mother asks Israelis: Was my son shot deliberately?
and this
The family... claimed yesterday that he appeared to have been deliberately targeted for assassination.
you can get this unequivocal assertion of fact:
They targeted him for execution.
Standard liberal tactic, true, but it was amusingly transparent here.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Well gee, it's not like we've ever used circumstantial evidence in the past to back up claims. We just fought a fucking war with it.


And let's not forget your reprehensible quote.


To the sniper:


Well done.


Great morals you have.

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Guest B-X
However, going there in the first place specifically in order to aid people who rejoice in death was not fine at all.


Thats an interesting statement Mar. Considering that this article made no mention of the reason he was in Is... oh wait, YES IT DOES.


"We had not actually heard from Tom for two weeks and did not know where he was. We had no idea he was in Israel. He left Britain for Baghdad six weeks ago to take photographs for his degree course at Manchester Metropolitan University.


"I spoke to him a couple of weeks ago when he was in Jordan. As he left Iraq, the Jordanian authorities had confiscated most of his photographs which had annoyed him greatly and he was trying to decide whether to go to Syria or back to Iraq, so it was very surprising to hear that he was in Israel at all."


Looks he was in Israel because he had nowhere else to go.


Melodramatic indeed.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Your completely blind support of Israel when they perform atrocities is utterly sickening.

And your artificial hysteria is inane. I mean really, what are we talking about here? Atrocities like... what? Whacking a shield? Isn't that what you're supposed to do with shields? By definition they're protecting something more important. Hurndall went there with the full knowledge that he was placing his life in serious danger, and if he didn't he should have. There's no "atrocity" here.


This reminds me of the morons who decided to bravely put their bodies between Iraq and US bombs, and then ran away shrieking from the dangers of secondhand smoke emitted by various industrial complexes.


I swear, you're all such a bunch of shrill little nancy-boys.

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Guest Tyler McClelland
Whacking a shield?


What. The. Fuck.


How the hell can you say that flippantly?


We wouldn't be HYSTERICAL if you weren't a high ranking government official who simply thinks a guy DYING because he was trying to save a few little children playing football is MORALLY JUSTIFIED!

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Guest Cancer Marney
Looks he was in Israel because he had nowhere else to go.

Hmm. Okay, in that case I was wrong; I skimmed most of the article and made apparently incorrect assumptions about his motives. I'll hold my contempt in abeyance until I see something more comprehensive and conclusive, in the meantime reserving it for those who do have the motives I ascribed to Hurndall.

Anyway, if he had wits enough to see that the Israeli position is the correct one, and didn't deliberately try to interfere in military operations as a "human shield," it must have been an accident. Again, where's the atrocity? Mistakes happen.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I've officially lost hope in our nation if this is the thinking of our leaders.


Dropping a bomb from 10,000 feet that inadvertantly hits a market... know what? Technical error. That's an accident. Terrible, but an accident.


Shooting a guy in the face who is OBVIOUSLY not a combatant is NOT an accident.

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Guest Cancer Marney
We wouldn't be HYSTERICAL if you weren't a high ranking government official who simply thinks a guy DYING because he was trying to save a few little children playing football is MORALLY JUSTIFIED!

Calm down. As I already said, I consider the specific action unobjectionable. I still question his reasons for being in the general area and the precise location at the exact time of the incident.

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Guest Cancer Marney
I've officially lost hope in our nation if this is the thinking of our leaders

I was appointed. You can take comfort in that, if you like.


Shooting a guy in the face who is OBVIOUSLY not a combatant is NOT an accident.
It's harder to shoot someone in the face than you might think, especially if he's moving. In fact, without further information, that would be my assumption: he simply got in the way of a bullet which wasn't meant for him. Maybe there was someone on a terrorist watch list twenty yards behind him; I don't know. Anyway, it's a thousand times safer and easier to shoot people in the chest, so if the sniper had really wanted Hurndall dead, I'd guess that's where he would've shot him.

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Guest Powerplay
Marney- have you read "The Compendium?" Just curious.

For those of us who haven't, could you explain? And I'd like to see more details. It's upsetting, but I want to here the entire story first.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

EDIT: Nevermind. Telegraph AUSTRALIA. Stupid me.



I'll have something to say to certain people here in a bit anyway.

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Guest Vern Gagne

This is only one side of the story. I'm interested to hear what the sniper has to say.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I'm not going to make direct replies to anyone yet until I can compose something that doesn't come off foolishly (which happens pretty often at night) but here's something interesting:


Before he left Tom had spoken in favour of Israeli intervention in Palestine. "On the way to the airport to fly out to Baghdad he was discussing the situation in Israel and he was arguing in favour of the Israelis' political position," Mrs Hurndall said.


It looks like someone other than an activist saw this, although for some reason the Reuters report it as a tank:




Friday's shooting of 21-year-old Tom Hurndall from Manchester, England, was witnessed by a photographer on assignment for The Associated Press.


A dozen activists walked toward Israeli tanks on the outskirts of the Rafah refugee camp, near the border with Egypt. They wanted to set up a tent in an attempt to block Israeli military incursions and were joined by several children, said photographer Khalil Hamra. The Israelis troops were firing toward a group of people and children, Hamra said. When Hurndall was tried to get two children out of the line of fire a tank opened fire and shot him in the head, Hamra said.


As for how you are supposed to tell human shields, here's a link to a GORY, NOT SAFE FOR WORK picture of Tom Hurndall with his head wound and his BRIGHT ORANGE JACKET.




A person should not fire a gun if they cannot identify their target as friend or foe.

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Guest Powerplay
A person should not fire a gun if they cannot identify their target as friend or foe.

I honestly don't believe this was the problem. It seems to me as if he got hit by an errant bullet or some such thing. Again, human shield in a fire fight, no surprise that he got hit. It's sad, but I can't say I don't expect it. I personally do not believe, though, the whole story is being told here. They say they were firing on a group of people, but they never say what those people were actually doing. I'd like to know that before I make a judgement on this.

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Guest Cancer Marney
A person should not fire a gun if they cannot identify their target as friend or foe.

That submoronic assertion would get you dead faster than anything else on any battlefield anywhere in the world. Especially when the enemy's primary means of attack depends on civilian disguise.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I usually don't like to say stuff like this, but now I think is a pretty good time: Shut the fuck up.


If you want, I can sit and debate traditionally in 12 hours or so, but I'm not sure it's worth it. 7 posts a day is 7 too many for you, maam.


Fuck all of the israel vs. palestinian crap. If I hear sniper fire and I'm clearly not armed and not shooting back, I should be allowed to get the fuck out of there without getting my skull perforated.

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