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Guest Tony149

LA: IZ card?

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Guest Tony149

Living Angleously is 10 days away, and I hardly know theIZ portion of the card. So tell me what the IZ crew has planned for LA.


All matches/promos do before April 26th.

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Guest Anglesault
Living Angleously is 10 days away, and I hardly know theIZ portion of the card

And it’s STILL better than Backlash!

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Guest Big Poppa Popick



you dont read the Glass Ceiling... I posted our line-up in there!


I'm pming you the lineup I know of






i hope he sees that

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Guest SP-1

For the benefit of the IZ roster, let's go ahead and post what we've got anyway.


The Infernales will face the winners of IOU vs MWC this Monday for the OAOAST Tag Team Championships.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

err...BPP faces Orion



evenflow vs. zack (WORLD)

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Guest Tony149


you dont read the Glass Ceiling... I posted our line-up in there!

I'm clueless to this stuff. But remember... I'm clueless yet I still helped take the fun out of the OAOAST. Does that make me the OAOAST version of President Carter? :(


Only difference...I directed and produce 3 of the greatest OAOAST shows of all-time.


Oh, and AS won't be any different...he's as clueless as me.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

And I'm gonna be outta town come LA..man, I'm turning into Shawn Michaels here..

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Guest Tony149

We're at the one week point before LA. So be sure to have all your stuff to me before April 26th.

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Guest ShooterJay

If it's not too late, I'd like to add the following for LA:


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

The debut of the newest tag team in OAOAST- Undisputed and ShooterJay! (name TBD)

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Guest ShooterJay

After talking w/Mystery Eskimo, it'll be:


MWC vs. Featured Attraction (tentative name) at Living Angleously also.


Edit: To clear this up with Mad Cappa, I'm pulling double duty at the PPV, our match is the big one.

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Guest Tony149
Who is going to be the annouce team for LA?

JR & Jesse "The Body" Ventura for IZ; Cole & Coach for HD.


EF, I got your stuff.

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Guest TheBlurricane

I decided to only have a Blurricane vignette on IZ and not one on the ppv too.

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Guest Tony149

All I need from the IZ side of things is the ShooterJay vs. Mad Cappa match.

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

Tony, I am going to write the PRL/Andrew NA Title Match. So, you need two things from the IZ crew then.


I shall send the match to you in a hour or so.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick



Shooter/Cappa happens as planned

Edited by Big Poppa Popick

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Guest Tony149

I've received everything from the IZ side of things except for Widow/Crystal inter-promotional match, but I except to receive soon.

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Guest The Mad Cappa

I had sent my part of the match to Shooter Jay very early this morning. So the match was written by both me and Jay.

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