Guest Eagan469 Report post Posted April 18, 2003 Speaking of DVDs.. WTF? WrestleMAnia X-7 is worth $100? they don't sell it anymore because it's a WWF release - therefore it's rare Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Showstoppa Icon Report post Posted April 18, 2003 Speaking of DVDs.. WTF? WrestleMAnia X-7 is worth $100? they don't sell it anymore because it's a WWF release - therefore it's rare im gettin all the "WWF" dvds while i can.....and this is totally unrelated but im listening to Byte This and Goldberg just called the show "The Byte" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrVenkman PhD 0 Report post Posted April 18, 2003 But WrestleMania X8, featuring WWF logo, is a normal price. This seller is nuts (as is any potential buyer) if he thinks he can get $100 US. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mad Dog Report post Posted April 18, 2003 Hopefully they do the right thing and put on some of his WCW matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted April 18, 2003 This DVD will either be great or it will suck. It will be great if it includes full WCW matches and doesn't waste time for extra matches with interviews or other such bullshit. I'm leaning more towards "it will suck", meaning only WWe matches, a sit down interview and maybe short clips of his WCW career. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anorak Report post Posted April 18, 2003 Having a match like Rey vs Eddie from HH 97 on DVD would rule. I know it would be unrealistic to expect any Mexican footage (I can dream) but if they covered his WCW career to even a reasonable extent I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest snuffbox Report post Posted April 18, 2003 They could include ECW matches (Im thinking vs. Juvi and Pscicosis here) on the dvd as well right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted April 18, 2003 Not to be the asshole in the bunch, but who in their right mind would buy a dvd of Rey's WWE matches?? I mean to me, this dvd isn't even worthy buying if it has WCW/ECW matches as extras. The entire DVD should be WCW/ECW/Mexico/etc...matches with maybe a WWE match as an extra. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 18, 2003 Do they have ECW footage?? I wouldn't mind if they put some WWE matches on there. His second match with Tajiri was awesome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 18, 2003 Do they have ECW footage?? I wouldn't mind if they put some WWE matches on there. His second match with Tajiri was awesome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted April 18, 2003 I'll buy it for the Smackdown and Heat matches! Having matches of Rey without the mask or from Mexico is just asking too much, because WWE logic states kayfabe must be re-enforced that Rey only worked in WWE. I would like to see Rey vs Tajiri, Rey vs Chavo and Rey vs Eddy from Smackdown along with his Heat matches before the PPVs. And any or all of the matches during the days of Paul Heyman's booking reign of the Smackdown 6. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted April 18, 2003 I'll buy it for the Smackdown and Heat matches! Having matches of Rey without the mask or from Mexico is just asking too much, because WWE logic states kayfabe must be re-enforced that Rey only worked in WWE. Cole and Tazz have recognized that Mysterio has worked in other promotions, including WCW. The only reason WWE logic would be in effect, would be if they completely ignored Mysterio's mask being removed after 1999(?) in WCW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Son of Sting Report post Posted April 18, 2003 They sale of the ECW tape collection to WWE hasnt gone through yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 18, 2003 I'm personally not a wet blanket who would piss and moan if it was mostly just WWE matches, at long as there were some of the WCW matches in there as well. Rey's more solid as an American wrestler these days then when he was more lucha-type. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest snuffbox Report post Posted April 18, 2003 They sale of the ECW tape collection to WWE hasnt gone through yet. shitty Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mad Dog Report post Posted April 18, 2003 Matches I want on the DVD: vs. Eddie at Halloween Havok 97 vs. Dean Malenko at Bash at the Beach 96 vs. Psicosis at J-Cup 95 - won't happen but I can dream tag match from No Mercy the triple threat when he teamed with Kidman to take on Benoit/Malenko and Raven/Saturn I think the Austrailian Nitro match against Elix Skipper Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 18, 2003 Matches I want on the DVD: vs. Eddie at Halloween Havok 97 vs. Dean Malenko at Bash at the Beach 96 vs. Psicosis at J-Cup 95 - won't happen but I can dream tag match from No Mercy the triple threat when he teamed with Kidman to take on Benoit/Malenko and Raven/Saturn I think the Austrailian Nitro match against Elix Skipper That'd be awesome, especially since aside from the overrated HIAC, the No Mercy Smackdown Tag finals match is the only reason to own that on video. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 18, 2003 The I-C desire video kicks all kinds of ass and is worth the DVD. I would put- GAB 96 v. Malenko BATB 96 v. Psicosis WW3 v. Ultimo Dragon Starrcade v. Jushin Liger Havoc 97- v. Eddy Guerrero WW3 97 v. Eddy Any of his matches v. Jericho Starrcade 98 v. Kidman and Juvy I wouldn't show any post-mask footage. WWE matches- debut v. Chavo 8.1.02 v. Tajiri 9.26.02 v. Angle and Benoit 10.2.02 v. Benoit I forget the date w/Edge v. Los Guerreros 11.07.02 (I think) w/Edge v. Benoit and angle- 2/3 falls 11.14.02 v. Eddy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 18, 2003 The I-C desire video kicks all kinds of ass and is worth the DVD. It reminds me of one of the many reasons I fucking hate Triple H. If the DVD is half as good as some of you guys' suggestions, I'll run right out and buy it full price. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 18, 2003 The I-C desire video kicks all kinds of ass and is worth the DVD. It reminds me of one of the many reasons I fucking hate Triple H. If the DVD is half as good as some of you guys' suggestions, I'll run right out and buy it full price. I watched the No Mercy DVD last night. It has RVD's hilariously bad promo (sometime I get stuck in the middle seat), a good cruiser match, and I enjoyed the Hell in a Cell- Taker's gig job was awesome. Also- I didn't find HHH v. Kane to be all that bad. And of course- the tag match Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Space_Cowboy Report post Posted April 19, 2003 A Rey DVD would seemingly be a can't miss thing, but being the WWE i wouldn't be shocked that instead of putting several of his great pre-WWE matches on the DVD, they give us a bunch of interviews, a few small clips of his WCW work and matches like Rey vs Albert on the DVD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mad Dog Report post Posted April 19, 2003 Oops always mix up the GAB and BATB matches from 96. I guess it would be bad to show him without the mask but then I bet 90% of the fans have seen him minus the mask. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RenegadeX28 Report post Posted April 19, 2003 **Realizes his b-day is May 28th.*** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Galactic Gigolo Report post Posted April 19, 2003 Top customer recommendations in addition to Tonight in This Very Ring: A Fan's History of Professional Wrestling Recommendations 3. Cream: True Homosexual Experiences 4. Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution 6. Radically Gay : Gay Liberation in the Words of Its Founder 7. Enema As an Erotic Art and Its History 8. Young, Hung & Ready for Action: Erotic Short Stories 10. Naked Places, A Guide for Gay Men to Nude Recreation and Travel, Third Edition Top customer recommendations instead of Tonight in This Very Ring: A Fan's History of Professional Wrestling Recommendations 4. Sauna Guide International: & Gay Bathhouses 5. Busty Barbies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 19, 2003 Oops always mix up the GAB and BATB matches from 96. I guess it would be bad to show him without the mask but then I bet 90% of the fans have seen him minus the mask. I just remember that on TE they made a BIG deal about him meeting all the kids w/o wearing the mask on so I don't think they will. It'd be cool to see some of his matches with Kidman during the non-mask period Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 19, 2003 The I-C desire video kicks all kinds of ass and is worth the DVD. It reminds me of one of the many reasons I fucking hate Triple H. If the DVD is half as good as some of you guys' suggestions, I'll run right out and buy it full price. I watched the No Mercy DVD last night. It has RVD's hilariously bad promo (sometime I get stuck in the middle seat), a good cruiser match, and I enjoyed the Hell in a Cell- Taker's gig job was awesome. Also- I didn't find HHH v. Kane to be all that bad. And of course- the tag match The Cruiser Match--Tajiri vs. Noble, I have in various forms, on several DVDs and some of taped SD matches, but it's still good. The Raw tag title match was kinda just "there" but the ropes breaking didn't kill the flow much since Jericho improvised. And how did Kane/HHH not blow, and not even just the fued it ended? It was all boring brawling (as opposed to good brawling) basically with HHH doing the one move he can pull off well--the neckbreaker, several times in a row. It also featured HHH doing THE WORST EYE POKE IN THE HISTORY OF THE SPORT when he brushes his thumb against the side of Kane's head and he oversells it. Geez, at least try to make it look convincing. Plus seeing HHH win that fued sucks royally by itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 19, 2003 The RAW tag is a bit dissapointing but the rope breaking is pretty cool. I don't know why HHH v. Kane didnt blow? I just remember watching the match and going: Wow- that wasn't that bad. I missed No Mercy when it was on PPV so I guess I was expecting a huge suckfest and all the overbooking made me not hate the match. It also featured HHH doing THE WORST EYE POKE IN THE HISTORY OF THE SPORT when he brushes his thumb against the side of Kane's head and he oversells it. I gotta watch the match again to see that. Oh and Kane techincally won the feud. The casket match was pretty much the blowoff IMO and Kane won that. Despite help from HBK. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 19, 2003 I missed No Mercy when it was on PPV so I guess I was expecting a huge suckfest and all the overbooking made me not hate the match. It also featured HHH doing THE WORST EYE POKE IN THE HISTORY OF THE SPORT when he brushes his thumb against the side of Kane's head and he oversells it. I gotta watch the match again to see that. Oh and Kane techincally won the feud. The casket match was pretty much the blowoff IMO and Kane won that. Despite help from HBK. Lowered expectations, I guess. I don't remember any casket match--must have been a Raw match I skipped. At any rate, win the fued, lost the fued--it still killed the IC Title and the TLC match made everyone involved but Kane look bad, plus Hurricane was shafted following all that. And the eyepoke is pretty laughable--they're outside of the ring standing near the front of the ring (parellel to the entrance) and looks so horrible--I had to see it slow motion. Come to think of it, it may not have even made any contact with his face whatsoever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 19, 2003 The week after HHH fucked a corpse, Triple H came out with "Katie Vick" and hilarity ensued. Hurricane responded by one-upping the hilarity and showing a video of people pulling things out of "his" ass. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. So HHH gets all pissed off and starts beating up the mannequin. Kane comes out and they brawl. This draws out Bischoff, who like the viewer, has had enough of HHH v. Kane and makes a casket match (non title) to blowoff the feud. The match ended with Shawn popping out of the casket, Sweet Chin Music and HHH lost. But in the end- Katie Vick was still dead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 19, 2003 The week after HHH fucked a corpse, Triple H came out with "Katie Vick" and hilarity ensued. Hurricane responded by one-upping the hilarity and showing a video of people pulling things out of "his" ass. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. So HHH gets all pissed off and starts beating up the mannequin. Kane comes out and they brawl. This draws out Bischoff, who like the viewer, has had enough of HHH v. Kane and makes a casket match (non title) to blowoff the feud. The match ended with Shawn popping out of the casket, Sweet Chin Music and HHH lost. But in the end- Katie Vick was still dead That's right. I missed the whole show but I did see a recap package later on--the Vick mannequin was really a MAN BABY!!~ And sorry for making this go off topic. May 28th is 6 days after my birthday. I'll have plenty of cash--whoo! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites