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Guest RenegadeX28

No TMNT thread?

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Guest RenegadeX28

Well, I have no clue where tank_abbott gets his previews from, so no preview, since the episode already passed.


For anyone who watched it, what happened? I overslept.......

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Guest SP-1

I missed it, too. However, Renegade, that is the greatest sig banner I have ever, ever seen.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

This episode was pretty much the last scene of the original movie...minus the dump truck, Casey, April, and the sewer battle.


Really good ep. Picked up right where last week's ep left off. And those guys with the funny haircuts, sideburns, and trenchcoats that keep talking to 3 people who finish each other's sentences? One of 'em showed up (the black one with the gray-ish blue hair) while Leo was hiding.


Really good ep. The last 3 or 4 MORE than made for the 2 duds about a month ago.

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Guest The Superstar
Ohh, okay. They make new ones now? Is it as good as the old ones?

No WAY. Nothing can top the original!

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Guest Walter Sobzak

the original series, save the first few eps, basically SUCKED. I generally liked the movies, but one is far and away the best.

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Guest The Superstar
the original series, save the first few eps, basically SUCKED. I generally liked the movies, but one is far and away the best.

Well, I have bias to the original since I was a little kid and didn't know any better. :wub: :wub:

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Guest Mattdotcom

Allow me to explain...


Around 1985, Eastman and Laird published the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic. As it was self-financed, it was in black and white. It was also uber-serious, taking cue from Frank Miller's DareDevil and Ronin, thus creating a hard-edged world where talking turtles with swords and masks could be taken seriously. In the first issue, we learn of the Turtles'/Splinter's origins and meet the Shredder, who murdered Splinter's master Hamato Yoshi and his wife to avenge his brother's death. Splinter sends the Turtles out to avenge those deaths and the Turtles battle Shredder. Shockingly enough, to those who are only familiar to the cartoon, the Turtles kill Shredder (well, it's Shredder's own fault, but he dies for a while).


Playmates bought the rights to TMNT around 1988 and gave the series a softer edge in order to market it to kids. The new series sticks as close to the comics as it can, and is thus similar to the original movie. Casey Jones is actually a factor instead of a one-hit wonder and April O'Neil is not a reporter, but Baxter ("The Fly" in the cartoon) Stockman's former lab assistant whom the Turtles rescue from the Mousers the insane Baxter has sent after April, who has discovered Stockman is evil.


By all means, hit www.ninjaturtles.com for more information, including the complete first issue and summaries of the others. It's also where I found the episode list Tank was using.


As it pertains to today's episode, I thought it was good, not great. Just twenty minutes of fighting and a few good laughs, which I praise the series for every other week. Not too much to say.


For anyone interested, next week's episode is the first, so it's a good starting point for new fans. And today's will be reran at 8:30/7:30, depending on your timezone.

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Guest El Satanico

The new TMNT is alot better, than the old TMNT. The animation looks crisper and the show is slightly darker.


The new episode was great and is probably the best episode up to this point. I loved the shot of the Turtles standing around the water tower waiting for Shredder and his minions.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

This new series is quite possibly the best "remake" of an old show ever. I mean, Extreme Ghostbusters was pretty good, but it couldn't touch The Real Ghostbusters at all. But this new TMNT owns the old one in so many ways.

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Guest RenegadeX28
Does anyone here watch Ultimate M.U.S.C.L.E. before TMNT?

Sometimes I do, but usually wake up when TMNT starts.


The current TMNT is better than the original. I loved the original. They gave it every morning at 7am on USA. Once they took it off, I was devastated.


Then, they returned, with a bang! They appeared in an episode of the Power Rangers! That was one of the coolest eps. ever!


Then, a hiatus, and now they are back, and I LOVE THEM EVEN MORE!

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

Ultimate Muscle is awesome and I pimp it in nearly every TMNT thread.


Molestomp, is that you in your avatar? Because you look just as clueless in it as you come across in nearly all your posts. Sometimes I think it's a gimmick; I mean you honestly know NOTHING about ANYTHING. Every post is always a question about something fairly common. "What is insert any five year old trend or fad here?" You truly come across like someone who was literally born yesterday, everyday in every post.


Lastly, Kevin Eastman (TMNT co-creator) is cool if for no other reason than he is married to Julie Strain.


"Who's Julie Strain?" //Molestomp

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I sorta gotta agree with CJ there, but maybe in not so harsh words. I didn't know it was possible to not know what TMNT stands for. Even if you didn't, there's been a thread each week for the show and if you read any of it, you'd see that they were being discussed.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

Screw you, pal. Julie Strain is a b-movie goddess. She is the blueprint. She is 6 feet and worth the climb. Without Julie, Andy Sidaris movies wouldn't be worth watching.

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Guest bob_barron

Hey fellas- I'm really drunk right now fellas. I'm really cool fellas because I get drunk and have a fake id fellas

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