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Guest BoboBrazil

HHH Has Joined The Iraqis!

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Guest AndrewTS
Ohhh- yea- that.


I said that making Hogan v. Vince the centrepiece of the show was a mistake. I said that like 8 times.

Sugarcoated every time.

Am I supposed to go on a curse filled rampage on Vince?

I think AS is being too hard on Bob for not being hard enough on Vince, when he's just less bitter about things than AS is.


At least he's not playing Linda and calling it a "miscalculation." As if it was a thoroughly well-thought-out move that was only unsuccessful due to certain outside circumstances.


She probably has to use that word since Vince doesn't make "mistakes."

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Guest commie_050
Nothing but serve Hunter's ego when he made Booker look like a JOKE at Wrestlemania. I was SO FUCKING THRILLED when I thought someone stood up to the reign of terror. but you were LIVID. (HOW DARE HE NOT WANT TO DO SOMETHING TO FEED HHH'S EGO?) Jobbing to Booker would havedone nothing for Book, but you ddn't care.


Considering Rock was leaving soon anyway I don't see how that would've stopped Triple H's reign of terror. Rock only has to work the company two months out of the year so when he's back he should do what he's asked and not play political games. There's also the matter of Rock vetoing the match after it was already made when he could've told Vince he didn't want to do it before they made the match.


We're obviously never agree on this, and since it never happened, move on.



Because I liked No Mercy? I thought it was a good show- I watched it the other day and enjoyed it.


I was actually talking abot Vince's Mania DVD cover ego trip where you actually had the balls to say it had to be like that because there was no way to put all eight heads up. And then you refused to admit that he fucked the show.

Jesus, what's next, smark loyalty oaths?

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Was I supposed to laugh?

Yup, you are supposed to laugh you infidel. :P

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
BoboBrazil even admitted himself that it sucked.


You know AS- this running gag your trying to do would possibly be somewhat funny if you were able to back it up with anything but since you can't- it's just lame.


Since you hate anthem booing so much- Why not start a thread in the sports folder on the people in Philly booing O Canada.

Didn't the Montreal fans boo our anthem first?



Let's face it our anthem is better. It's a DRINKING SONG ABOUT WAR. "Oh Canada" sounds like a fucking travelouge.


I'm in "I don't care who I offend" mode today.

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