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Why wwf's cruiserweight division attempt will fail

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Guest El Satanico

The division will fail because no matter what they say WWF simply doesn't care about the division.


And as far as the "no one will buy it if a guy tries to move up from a  cruiserweight only division" theory. It isn't set in stone that cruiserweights can't be credible when moving up to bigger divisions. If WWF wants to be able to moves guys from cruiser division all they have to do is cut out the "big guys kills two midgets to get tv time" shit that WWF does and WCW did and make it so bigger guys can't bully them without getting attacked back. To begin a feud as a way to move a guy do the big guy needs tv time so kill midgets shit but instead of being killed and leaving one the cruisers comes in with a chair and kills the big guy. If WWF makes a cruiser look credible in a match with a big guy without announcers dwelling on the fact that it's "a midget beating a giant" like they always do in some form then the fans will buy it.

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Guest Tim Cooke

"Most of the lucahdores had no personality, at all."


Quote of the year, along with my other favorite that Benoit doesn't interact with the fans enough.


WCW did *nothing* with the Luchadores in the correct fashions.  Rey Jr got the almighty push, but as far as the god like talent of Psicosis and Juve, they were left in the cold.


If you watched any AAA from 1993-1995, Juve and Psic had tons more personality and charisma than Rey Jr did.  Juve was the *best* heel in the business in late 1995-1996 with Los Gringos Locos gone and Eddy being a face in WCW, as well as Kawada not exactly having the year of his life in Dec 95-mid 1996.


So blinded statements like these make no sense if you don't look with some perspective.


If you want to look at how to get someone over in a simple wrestling fashion, look at Shane Helms.  Watch his random TV and PPV stuff from Nov-Dec 00 and then watch his progression to getting over from January to March 26th.  The vertebreaker was the most over move in the company, which says something.  But now, the genious Hurricane gimmick is doing as well as the current NWO push is.


Charisma and Personality are elements to success, but don't outright determine who and what will work in the end.



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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico
What I hate the most is that Taker gets (got) cheered more by the fans for taking a dive over the top rope one a month (back when he did it) than TAKA gets for hitting a Spaceman Quebrada every night.


Taking a page from Foley's book, I see. :D


I think that a CW division certainly has an opportunity to succeed, although with the WWF's current roster it'd be mediocre at best. One or two more guys (Eddy and Rey Jr. come to mind) would be enough to breathe some life into the title and the divison, in my opinion.


Be amazed at the lack of originality in above statement!

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Guest JerryDrake
If you watched any AAA from 1993-1995, Juve and Psic had tons more personality and charisma than Rey Jr did.  Juve was the *best* heel in the business in late 1995-1996 with Los Gringos Locos gone and Eddy being a face in WCW, as well as Kawada not exactly having the year of his life in Dec 95-mid 1996.

Thats in Mexico, in the U.S. its different.


Rey Jr. getting signed is basically forsure, Eddie might, I also heard about Super Crazy getting signed, aswell as Lynn getting signed back.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

personnaly i think the crusierweights should avoid the WWF like the plague. they'll never be used and spend their time in shitty dives working OVW and HWA, wishing they could go back to Japan or Mexico where they were respected

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Guest Tim Cooke

"Thats in Mexico, in the U.S. its different."


Point is, if used correctly and to their full *potential*, Juve would have been even more of the killer heel than Guerrero go to be in late 1997.



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Guest Brian

A lot of that rudo stuff is pretty universally hated, by all crowds. It plays to the crowd so well. You let Eddie come in, maybe cut a promo, be a dick in the ring, and you could have two hundred fans who came to see a battered Sabu throwing garbage at him by the end of the night. Juvi could do the same too.

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Guest goodhelmet

Hey I enjoy AAA as much as anybody but no way in #### would Juvi be as over as a heel as Eddy. Eddy defined heeldom in three different countries. In Japan, he toned it down, but he was still the uber heel. In the WWF in 2000, you could argue he was the 2nd most over heel in the company. Eddy is leagues above Juvi, Rey and Psicosis in my opinion. If he came back, he could easily be inserted in an IC fued without hesitation.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Eddy is one of my favourite heels ever. the stuff he did in wcw was just great. CHEAT TO WIN

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This is what I have beef with. Vince McMahon is a marketing genius, but he simply ignores the part of the fans who are fans of the chain wrestling or workrate genre. Regal only got pushed because he could get the snobby foreigner character over, and his prize was the IC title. Now, we can't get a rudo, or a generic Japanese Ohtani-like ####### to jumpstart something? That is stupid and it makes it look like the people who DON'T think Rocky is the best wrestler look like complete morons. I think it's all a ploy to mess with the minds of the IWC.

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Guest goodhelmet

"Regal only got pushed because he could get the snobby foreigner character over, and his prize was the IC title. Now, we can't get a rudo, or a generic Japanese Ohtani-like ####### to jumpstart something? "


Actually, Regal is good friends with HHH (the plot thickens) and Austin. And admittedly, if Regal was as good in the ring as on the mic, he would be the biggest heel EVER.


As for Otani, the WWF need to take a look at Starrcade 95 and learn how a heel can gain mad heat without saying a word. Otani was that good.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
This is what I have beef with. Vince McMahon is a marketing genius, but he simply ignores the part of the fans who are fans of the chain wrestling or workrate genre. Regal only got pushed because he could get the snobby foreigner character over, and his prize was the IC title. Now, we can't get a rudo, or a generic Japanese Ohtani-like ####### to jumpstart something? That is stupid and it makes it look like the people who DON'T think Rocky is the best wrestler look like complete morons. I think it's all a ploy to mess with the minds of the IWC.

because that would make us happy and vince wouldn't want to do that since we critize him all the time and are secretly responsible for the ratings slid. didn't you know that? the Net fans are also responsible for the failure of the WBF, and The XFL

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See, if you want something bad enough, you'll get it. I guess Vince wants a whole lot of 40-something old timers taking up half the show each week? Boo, and also, why wouldn't you have a cruiserweight match to begin each show? Give em 10 minutes and watch the crowd heat go through the roof.

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Guest goodhelmet

#### give the cruisers a couple of storylines and you may have a future world champion on your hands (ala Jericho 1998).

Well, this is one way WWF is not like WCW. WCW actually pushed their cruisers at certain junctures.

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Guest Brian

Regal's gotten lazy lately. At one point he was as good in the ring as on the mic. He used to brawl land be stiff, but could still do all the crazy carny matwork. His style is really an acquired taste because it doesn't have that quick pace most WWF mathes have. Regal also hasthe awesome chain wrestling, which brings some cool looking reversal spots in his current action.

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Guest goodhelmet

ok regal *had* awesome wrestling technique. I actually enjoyed the Regal-RVD match at Mania although it was way too short. And I enjoy his stiffness against Finley and even Goldberg :)

But Regal also can't adopt his style which is a big hindrance.

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How about this. You guys give me a list of 16 guys in the world right now who could come out and make a cruiserweight division worth watching. Here is mine:


Ohtani, Daniels, Eddy, Chavo, Rey Rey, Tajiri, Lynn, Jericho (he's only 2 pounds over the limit), Minuro Tanaka, TAKA, Funaki, X-Pac, Modest, Low Ki, Crash, and Spike Dudley.

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Guest Brian

I still think he can adapt his style if he's either allowed to control the match, or if he feels like speeding it up and being more of a high-impact wrestler like he was with RVD.

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Guest goodhelmet

In the WWF:



Shane Helms


Dean Malenko



Minoru  Tanaka



AJ Styles


Rey Mysterio

Jerry Lynn


Christopher Daniels


Naomichi Marufuji

Stoker Ishikawa (Duh)

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The Wwf does not have the same ropes or liberal policy towards inring moves as Wcw had.  You cannot expect the same matches that were in wcw in the wwf, so the dynamics of the division must change.


The Wwf has to use a more New Japan Junior style, which is fast paced mat wrestling with a few highspots.  IE: Malenko vs Scotty Backlash.  However, then the lightweights will upstage mcmahons precious heavyweights and we cant have that!


I doubt we will ever seen a thriving cruiserweight division in the wwf.  And its not fair.

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