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Guest Vitamin X

Fun/Interesting WWE Wrestler Facts...

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah some of you may already know a lot of this stuff, but for those of us who don't know, check this out...


The Rock


His wife Dany is Vice President of Merrill Lynch financial services.

Lots of money in that household..



He has degrees in both English and Teaching. Kane was born in Madrid, Spain before moving to the United States at the age of 3.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin


Was trained by former WCW jobber, Chris Adams. Steve Austin likes to collect antiques.

You can tell he likes to collect antiques. Look at Debra.

Chris Benoit


Benoit was trained by Stu Hart. He received a WWF tryout in 1994 but he didn't impress management. Didn't take him long to get into the WWF, did it?

Imagine if he did get the shot....

Andre The Giant


During one drinking session he drank a unbelievable 119 bottles of beer. Wow, makes my record of 32 look like nothing.

All I can say is WHAT THE FUCK!!

Kurt Angle


His wife is a former stripper. He had his first WWF match in 1998 against Christian at a house show.

Whooooa. Karen Angle is pretty hot, though.



While in WCW, Vader was called Big Van Vader because he drove a big van to the WCW events. Vader also knows how to play the piano.

The thought of Vader playing the piano is absolutely hilarious...


credit: Warzone.com from this page here

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Guest bob_barron

Benoit had some tryout matches in 1995. One of them was a match v. Owen Hart.


He was managed by Ted Dibiase in one of them

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Guest tpww7

Wasen't Benoit originally suppsoe to be Owen's partner at WM 11? Then it got canned and Yoko replaced him.

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Guest wildpegasus

I believe management was impressed with Benoit's tryout in 1994. The problem was that Benoit wasn't quite ready to stop his international travels yet. With Bret who helped Benoit in WCW and Owen there Benoit would have no problem coming in.

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Guest Redhawk

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they let Kane cut this eloquent, theatrical promo one day? Just out of no where, after he and RVD beat Three-Minute Warning again, Kane grabs the mic and does a scene from "Crime and Punishment" or something.


Merrill Lynch's logo is a bull. So you know what that means....The Rock's tattoo is just product placement.

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Guest Anglesault
Yeah some of you may already know a lot of this stuff, but for those of us who don't know, check this out...


The Rock


His wife Dany is Vice President of Merrill Lynch financial services.

Lots of money in that household..

Damn. They could have a gold plated baby.

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Guest wwF1587

how the hell does one man drink 119 bottles of beer in one session... thats astounding....

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Bret's Wife was okay looking years ago, but she let herself go big time. That was way before "Wrestling With Shadows" I'm talking.


I remember seeing a pic of her in WWF Magazine in like 94 or 95 where she looked okay.

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Guest eiker_ir

wasn't Andre drunk before the match with Hogan at WM 3? i think he drank alot of bottles of wine or something like that....

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Guest Choken One

I heard on a Foodtv thing that said he ate 41 Lobsters in one sitting...

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Guest tank_abbott

No one's commented on how absurd the Vader---Drove a big Van---comment is yet?

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Guest RedJed

I just read a weird fact today in the Observer..........apparently Jim Helwig was originally slated for the Van Vader gimmick..........shit!


Not sure why I thought of this, but Steve Austins agent is Shane McMahon's wife IIRC.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
wasn't Andre drunk before the match with Hogan at WM 3? i think he drank alot of bottles of wine or something like that....

From Sex, Lies, and Headlocks on Andre. Pardon my spelling errors while I read and type this quickly:


Once he understood that he had to live twice as fast as other men, he indulged in all of his appetites for alcohol and food, frequently driving with a trailer hitched to the back of his car that was filled with beer. World Wrestling Federation referee Tim White recalls having the unenviable task of helping to drag the six-foot-eleven wrestler (who was always advertised as being seven-foot-five) to his room after he drank a hundred of those bottles in a single sitting. During the late 1970s, he was the industry's biggest international box office attraction. Dubbed "Andre the Giant" by Vince McMahon Sr., he was sent to virtually every territory in the world until the wrestling war broke out in 1984 and McMahon refused to allow the Frenchman to work outside the realm of the WWF. Andre was beloved by his fellow wrestlers because of the money he earned them. As "Superstar" Billy Graham put it, "We drew great together, but if you couldn't draw well with Andre, you might as well get out of the business. He was always paid much more than the average Boys, but you couldn't get mad about that. Whenever we went to eat or drink, he'd never let me buy a thing."


By 1987, when he'd finally reached forty, Andre's drinking wasn't fun anymore. Instead, it masked the excruciating back pain that was the result of his sustained growth. He'd given up on wrestling and was in England filming Rob Reiner's The Princess Bride when Vince called to beg him to come back to the States.


The Giant knew why the promoter was calling before he could even ask the question, and he told Vince to save his airfare. But McMahon wouldn't be that easily dissuaded, flying to England to make his case in person. As he'd later recall, "When I got over there Andre was in such a state of depression. I thought he really was looking for a place to die." Vince persisted in making Andre believe that he had one great performance left.


Before he left England, Andre would have to undergo back surgery so complex that the medical team was required to build customized surgical equipment just to operate. The most baffled member of the team was the anesthesiologist, who didn't want to administer so much to the five-hundred-pound patient that he'd kill him, or so little that Andre would wake up in the middle of the night with his back laid open. Asked what he thought, Andre simply shrugged his shoulders and said that it usually took two liters of vodka to give him a warm feeling.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Andre The Giant is my hero. Most wrestlers who live that life are complete assholes.

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Guest creativename
Andre The Giant is my hero.

Andre was always my hero.


I actually don't like to hear stories about him drinking and stuff like that. But he was still a nice guy by all reports, so I suppose it doesn't matter at all.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Re: Vader....I am not so sure about that one.


I thought I read in Foley's book or something that Vader always drive a nice, big, expensive car between shows.


Certainly not a van...

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Guest DerangedHermit
Re: Vader....I am not so sure about that one.


I thought I read in Foley's book or something that Vader always drive a nice, big, expensive car between shows.


Certainly not a van...

Yeah, Vader was driving a Cadillac. Not a friggin' van. And the guy now drives catfish and bullfrogs.

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Guest notJames

"Big Van Vader" sounds like something coined by the Japanese. After all, he wrestled in Japan before wCw, no?


"Stone Cold" Steve Austin


Was trained by former WCW jobber, Chris Adams. Steve Austin likes to collect antiques.


Apparently, he also likes to collect other wrestlers' wives. Just ask Adams and Mongo. ;)


And not for nothing, but Andre was brilliant in The Princess Bride. His scene as the "dread Pirate Roberts" was alternatingly hilarious and adorable

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Guest tank_abbott

Inoki named Leon White Big Van Vader, and TM'd the name..hence VADER in the WWF not BVV

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Guest dreamer420
Andre The Giant is my hero.

Andre was always my hero.


I actually don't like to hear stories about him drinking and stuff like that. But he was still a nice guy by all reports, so I suppose it doesn't matter at all.

not from anything I have heard. according to the bobby heenan shoot interview Andre was always miserable because people were always running up to him and asking stupid questions.

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Guest Trivia247

kinda ironic that Benoit got dumped in 94 when in 91 he won the WWF Light heavyweight title in Mexico when the WWF let the belt float around the world for a decade.

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