Guest bravesfan Report post Posted April 20, 2003 Just picked up the No Way Out 2003 DVD....and let me tell you: it's a good thing that the "Borders" chain has a "online reserve" option, or else I would've been fucked. Anyway, first thing I noticed on the DVD cover, was that Austin's appearance at RAW show at Staples is advertised right below his match-up graphic. They're breaking kayfabe and acknowledging untelevised A SPECIAL WWE OFFER As I look at the spine of the DVD case, I notice this out-of-place graphic. Best way to describe it, is that it has Angle's head, Kane's flying clothesline and a giant "2" emblazoned on it. To my surprise, in the inside cover of the DVD case, there's an advertisement for a WWE promotional "DVD storage case". If you're able to purchase all 12 PPV's spanning Royal Rumble 2003 to Armageddon 2003, and collect all twelve "proofs of purchase" (don't worry, the POP is on the same insert; you can just cut it out) Send it to the address listed on the advertisement, and you will receive this swank storage case to house them all. It reminds me of the "Wrestlemania Legacy Collection" case, though this one gets a little better.. When you line up all of the DVD's in the storage case, their case spines create this giant "WWE 2003" graphic, with wrestlers filling the background of the picture. Notables seen more than once are Triple H and...well, that's it. Notable omissions are Booker, Rock, Austin, Benoit, Edge and Los Guerreros. ONTO THE DVD, WE GO... First off, when you pop the DVD into your player, you'll get a cool advertisement package for the RAW Tenth Anniversary DVD, which glosses over the entire span of RAW, with a good three minutes of clips. Good stuff, as I am amazed at the effort of the Production & Editing groups for their work with the video packages. Thing is, the "executive talent" can't expend the same amount of effort to ensure that a former wrestler or announcer will show up on the same heavily-advertised show. All starts well with the DVD, BUT will run into a UN-SKIPPABLE "Don't Try This At Home" advertisement, which has pissed off to no end since I've bought this. I know you're trying to frown upon the same acts and behaviors being exhibited in real life, but do it in another forum. (That's what HEAT! is for) The interactive menus for the DVD are one of the best I've seen in a WWE release; it consists of a simple black menu, with four television screens playing a video package of the PPV (this is set in the middle of the screen). The fonts are very simple. Cool to note, that each television, from left to right, has a half-second delay from screen-to-screen, as Evanscence' "Bring Me To Life" welcomes you to the show. ZEE EXTRAS --Austin's return to the WWE two weeks before No Way Out, at the 02.10.03 RAW --The Rock/Hogan confrontation on the 02.20.03 Smackdown (Notable for Rocky "hulking up", then spitting in Hogan's face.) --Three short 30-second commercials hyping each match from the triple main event. --Post-match interviews with --Chris Jericho (whose face is REALLY fucked up by the superkick.) --Matt Hardy (who talks about immediately changing the title nameplate to suit Version One.) --Brock Lesnar (who's barely able to speak, but cuts a promo for Wrestlemania XIX.) --Evolution stable (basic heel promo, "Evolution's just passed you by"...blah blah blah.) --Steve Austin (nothing of note, though you can hear Rocky's entrance music in the background). --And HEAT stuff: Rey Mysterio vs. Jamie Noble, a Bishoff/Morley/Jericho backstage segment and a Commonwealth Connection interview. Haven't got around to watching the match, but the interview with the tag champs is pretty funny (Regal keeps selling his "power of the punch" ability). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll try to not spoil the extra with Steve Austin's surprise appearance, but if anyone requests it in this thread, I'll begin to summarize/transcribe it. It's about 12 minutes, so be patient. I'll also be happy to answer any questions about the PPV transfer itself- anything you noticed that may have been cut out, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 20, 2003 Is it good enough to buy with that drek show? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted April 20, 2003 Is it good enough to buy with that drek show? It's refreshing to hear Steiner get booed out of the building again, and the pop Austin gets at the Staples RAW is.....well, can't spoil it. I'd say it's a good pick-up with the Austin extra, but if you didn't really enjoy the show (which I did, save for the main event and HHH/Steiner), it'll be a toss-up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eiker_ir Report post Posted April 20, 2003 sounds good, i may get it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 20, 2003 Eh, if I find it cheap...maybe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites