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Guest nWoScorpion

WWF Free For All:

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Guest nWoScorpion

- With some spare time on my hands this weekend, going through my tape collection, I decided to do a little review of a few select matches, that being the Free For All matches that aired before a WWF Pay-Per-View. Quick note: Some of these matches were not good. That's why they are on the Free for All. Or because they couldn't be fit onto the PPV program.


- Royal Rumble 1996 Free For All Match: (Winner enters #30 in RR Match, Loser enters #1):

Duke "The Dumpster" Droese Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley:

7 Years later and Helmsley is main eventing the PPV, let alone competing on the pre-show. Ironically I think both men were trained by Killer Kowalski. Lock up and Helmsley with a side headlock, and Droese with a shoulder block followed by a snap suplex. Whip and Droese with a monkey flip. 10 Punches in the corner is stopped at 5 thanks to an inverted atomic drop. Whip to the buckle by Hunter but he eats boot and Droese with a few chops. Droese posts himself like a moron and HHH with a single arm DDT. He does it again which is stupid, and goes to an armbar. Hunter jerks the arm a bit and goes to another version of the armbar. Droese hammers out and runs into a running knee. Knee drop to the arm by Hunter and back to the armbar. To the top rope and he eats boot and does the Flair selling by falling face first to the mat. Droese wins the fist fight and back body drops Hunter, followed by a hip toss and clothesline. Hennig calls Hunter "Triple H." Droese with a BIG powerslam. Its time to take out the trash! Hunter escapes the side suplex, but gets caught with a back suplex instead. Droese snaps, and we have a ref bump. Hunter gets a pair of plastic knuckles out and clobbers Droese, picking up the win at 6:24. *1/4. But Wait...Gorilla Monsoon, president at large, reverses the decision, giving the match to DUKE DROESE. HHH screwed HHH. First FFA Match and we already have a screwy finish.


- In Your House 6 Free For All Match:

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Tatanka (w/ Ted Dibiase):

False Advertisement! Jake Roberts picture in the graphic is from 1991, while his current state makes him look like he's from 2008. Tatanka came back at Royal Rumble as well...still a heel, killing any chance of a comeback. Roberts looks like he's carrying twins. Jake's snakes name is Revelation by the way, for those who give half a shit. Tatanka cheap chops Jake and Jake acts drunk. Tatanka with a hammerlock and chops to the arm, but Jake reverses with a short arm clothesline. Tatanka avoids the DDT attempt, and we already have a stall period. Jake with a wrist-lock into an armbar. Tatanka reverses and eats an elbow, but the DDT is again avoided. Criss Cross sequence and Jake slides outside to go after Dibiase (Remember they had a feud going in 1989-1990) and Jake catches a sneak attack by Tatanka, but loses control in the ring. Slam by Tatanka and an elbow drop gets two. Big chop by Tatanka and he works the back of old man Roberts. Foot choke in the corner and Dibiase gets a cheap shot in for old times sake. Whip to the buckle and Roberts continues to act drunk. Tatanka misses an elbow drop...several times and Jake with some jabs and a hard right. Whip to the buckle but he eats boot and MORE chops. End of the trail is reversed and Jake nails the DDT for the win at 5:18. 1/4* Pretty bad match. Jake's snake is now white and yellow and gives Tatanka te treatment.


- Wrestlemania XII Free For All Match #1: WWF Tag Team Title Match:

The Godwinns (w/ Hillbilly Jim) Vs. Body Donnas (w/ Sunny):

This is the finals to the awful tournament held on Superstars, thanks to Billy Gunn getting thrown off his horse AGAIN at a rodeo or some shit. Sunny is HOT as usual (Not counting 1999 on) and is wearing a cheerleader skirt for the first time ever. Henry starts with Zip and back drops him off the bat and press slams Skip. Skip gets nailed with a face buster and Henry with an armbar to Zip. Phineas in and he works the arm too. He goes nuts on both men, cleaning house and does some mule kicking at the air. Skip hammers Henry and gets catapulted over the top rope onto zip! A double axe-handle by Skip ends the Godwinns fire and a double suplex solidifies that. Zip covers for two and more double teaming commences. Skip can't slam him so he punches a lot. Double back elbow and an assisted leg drop gets two. Zip with a slam, and Skip goes Arial, but misses the splash. Phineas gets the hot tag and kills both Donnas. Back Drop to Zip. He goes for the slop drop on Skip but Sunny shows ASS, totally distracting Phineas, and Skip rolls him up for the titles at 5:20. * Sunny rubs it in the camera mans face with her bad acting skills, but she's still hot.


- Wrestlemania XII Free For All Match #2:

The Huckster Vs. The Nacho Man:

The special referee tonight is Billionaire Ted. The ring announcer says lets get ready to stumble. Nacho is from Rogaine, FL and has trouble climbing to the bottom rope. A guy holds up a sign that says cheer and the crowd cheers. Huckster's pythons look like earth worms. Lawler hits the exlax Fast Forward button and Huckster is having trouble breathing, so he gets some oxygen. Take you gerithol, Say Your Last Rights, and never miss your physical therapy. Huckster needs help ripping his shirt off. Mcmahon says with the huckster it's never over. Mcmahon fell asleep. Nacho goes to the second rope but falls off, going unconscious and Huckster passed out from the bell ring. Huckster handcuffs himself on camera while Nacho gets a women's shoe. Huckster has a chair and they clobber each other and are...well...expired, at 0:45. -***** but the comedy is just great. This is the end to the Billionaire Ted skits. The FTC man causes Ted to pass out.


- IYH: Good Friends, Better Enemies Free For All Match:

"Wildman" Marc Mero (w/ Sable) Vs. 1-2-3 Kid (w/ Ted Dibiase):

The Kid has the evil heel goatee growing in, as this is one of his last appearances in the WWF, and he's looking anorexic too. This is Mero's first appearance wrestling on a syndicated WWF PPV, even though its the Free for All. Mero with an armbar, and the Kid reverses, which is also reversed with a snapmare. Side headlock by Mero and a shoulder block, followed by a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker. Head scissors by Mero send the Kid outside. Mero threatens to do a plancha onto Dibiase, the bastard. Dive threw the ropes by Mero and he lands right on 6 Kid. Leg Drop over the ropes gets 2, and Mero eats buckle, but comes back with a modified roll up for 2, and a scoop slam. Mero to the top rope and Kid hits the ropes, buckling Mero. Kid with a kick to the head and a suplex off the top rope is blocked, and Mero misses a senton whatever, as Hunter Hearst Helmsley comes out. Kid with some kicks to the head of Mero and his signature kicks are off, proving he's high. Running drop-kick in the corner by Kid and a headlock, while Hunter stalks Sable on the outside. Kid with more kicks and a spinning heel kick gets 2. Kid buckles himself and Mero gets in Helmsley face, and Kid with a baseball slide connects. snapmare & leg drop by the Kid, and he goes to the top rope. Kid misses a splash and Mero hulks up. Spinning head scissors by Mero and some boxing moves, followed by a back body drop. Helmsley comes back and Mero kicks his ass, but its a DQ at 7:20. Spinning heel kick by Kid puts Mero down and Helmsley with the pedigree! Match was about **3/4.


- King of the Ring 1996 Free For All Match:

The Body Donnas (w/ Cloudy) Vs. The New Rockers:

JIP as my PPV telecast fucked me over starting the PPV 6 minutes late. Zip and Jannetty trade armbars until the new rockers nail a double clothesline, but they get double clothesline by Skip in return. The Donnas work the arm and Skip with a full nelson. Cassidy clotheslines Jannetty by mistake, but saves him from a drop-kick and they double clothesline Skip. Jannetty hammers Skip but gets back dropped on the apron, and Cassidy meets Skip with a clothesline. Double Suplex sends Skip over the top rope to the floor! Leif with a missile drop-kick of the apron to Skip. Jannetty was made as such a dork in this role. Snapmare and headlock by Marty and Leif comes in to work the headlock as well. Marty works the same again. Leif in and he snapmares Skip and works a chinlock now. Skip with a victory roll out of nowhere gets two, but Leif blocks it with a full nelson suplex for two! They trade blows and Skip with a northern lights suplex for two, but Leif back up with a leg lariat for two as well. Jannetty in with the Rocker Dropper and he dances over to the turnbuckle but gets crotched. Skip gets hammered and Jannetty powerbombs him off the top rope!!! (Same thing from SSeries 1995). Both men tag out ad Zip with a back drop and a drop-kick now to Marty. Skip with an assisted cross body on Jannetty, and Zip with a powerbomb. Skip misses a top rope splash and Leif sky highs him. Cloudy kisses Leif...yuck, and Skip rolls him up for three at 6:24 (approx.). ** Match wasn't too bad but had too much rest holds.


- IYH: International Incident Free For All Match:

Savio Vega Vs. Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw (w/ Uncle Zebikya):

This match was set up after Bradshaw beat Savio's ass on 2 occasions, first on the May 18th Superstars and two weeks ago on Monday Night Raw. I can smell a boring match here. Savio jumps Bradshaw and hammers away in the corner. 10 punches of doom and Bradshaw eats the turnbuckle. Irish Whip and fist to the midsection and kick to the head. Bradshaw up and Savio gets sent to the buckle. Irish whip to the buckle but Savio with a boot to the face, and again, and Savio sends Bradshaw into the corner again. Bradshaw misses a charge and a drop-kick by Vega sends Bradshaw out. Savio goes after Zeb and Bradshaw beats on him, but misses a punch and he hits the post. Savio works on the hand now and nails a back elbow, and Bradshaw with a knee lift and big boot and Bradshaw goes to work. Savio fights back and nails a leg lariat in the corner, followed by a clothesline and spinning heel kick for 2. Savio gets caught in a cross body and Bradshaw with a slam wins it at 4:43, with rope assistance. *1/2. Savio goes after Zeb and Bradshaw nails him with the lariat, and then the branding job ends it.


- Summerslam 1996 Free For All Match:

Yokozuna Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin:

Austin is really being shunned down the card after winning the 1996 King of the Ring and spouting the greatest quote ever. I guess they just had him do stuff until Bret Hart came back. Stone Cold still has his ring master theme music. Yokozuna is just really fat now and takes forever to get to the ring. Austin attacks from behind with hard rights but Yokozuna Japs Up and sends him across the ring. Head-BUTT and thrust connect. Austin with an eye rake and more roundhouse rights. Several clotheslines and he flashes the bird, but Yokozuna with a Samoan drop and a FAT ASS leg drop. Yokozuna goes for the banzai drop, but RIPS OFF the top turnbuckle because he can't keep balance, and Austin covers him for the easy three at 1:52. DUD One would argue since he was holding the top rope the pin wouldn't count, but its logic in wrestling. Same spot as the Wrestlemania X Main Event, plus the ripping off the buckle.


- Survivor Series 1996 Free For All Match: 8 Man Tag Team Elimination Match:

Bart Gunn, Bob "Spark Plugg" Holly, Aldo Montoya, Jesse James Vs. Billy Gunn, The Sultan, Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw, Salvatore Sincere:

Let the Wrestlecrap commence. Jesse James sings the over played, over killed "With My Baby Tonight" song on his way to the ring. Aldo Montoya starts out with the Sultan. Lock up and Sultan shoves him down. Aldo with a side headlock but runs into a shoulder block. Forearm by Sultan and Aldo hammers back and scores a few drop-kicks and a flying forearm. Plancha connects as well as a cross body off the top rope for two. Aldo continues the assault but he's caught with a piledriver. Camel Clutch eliminates Aldo Montoya (2:58) and Bob Holly comes in for the attack. Sleeper Hold applied followed by a running bulldog for two. Bradshaw with a cheap shot and Sultan with a belly to belly suplex followed by a rear chinlock. Break for an awesome video for Austin versus Bret tonight. Back to the match and Sincere sends Bart Gunn to the floor, where the Sultan lays a slam on him. Baseball slide drop-kick by Sincere. Back inside and he throws him tot he mat by the hair but gets nailed with a sidewalk slam for the elimination. (6:52) Bradshaw in and he hammers on Gunn in the corner but gets hip tossed and scoop slammed. Holly in with a beautiful drop-kick for two. Big Boot by Bradshaw and a Russian leg sweep gets two. Holly eats turnbuckle but sends Bradshaw out. Holly with a hurricanrana! Big clothesline by Bradshaw pins Holly (8:38) and James rolls him up (8:41) even though Billy broke the count AND Bradshaw kicked out at two. Sultan attacks James and stomps his groin. He posts himself and Double J does some dancing with hard rights. Sultan with a back breaker but James small packages him (9:36) but Billy Gunn with the Rocker Dropper eliminates him as well (9:50) and its down to the Smoking Gunns. Billy traps him in the ropes and slaps him a lot and yells at him, calling him a son of a bitch. Billy eats steel post and Bart nails a diving forearm for the win at 10:31. **1/2 Match seemed REALLY rushed since there was only one elimination in the first 6 minutes. Pretty good though from a bunch of crappie gimmicks and wrestlers.


- Royal Rumble 1997 Free For All Match:

Mini Vader & Mini Mankind Vs. Mascarita Sagrata Jr. & La Parkita:

This is JUST RETARDED. Sagrata is Max Mini by the way. Parkita is a mini La Parka. Parkita and Vader start and Vader takes him down but Parkita with an arm drag and they do a mat sequence to a standing position. Knuckle lock and they reverse a lot. They trade arm drags and armbars, but Vader kips up and again the standing position. Twirling arm drag by Parkita and both teams tag. Flying head scissors by Sagarita followed by an arm drag and drop-kick. Another drop-kick and Vader tags in, and he plants a boot in Sagaritas face and Parkita trips in and gets clotheslined hard. Hard rights to the head and Mankind in with a running drop-kick and big clothesline. They double team Parkita and Vader misses something and gets sent outside. Sagrata in now and so is Mankind. Parkita in again and he gets tackled, but monkey flips Mankind. Mankind hammers away but jumps threw the ropes after missing a move and both teams tag. Vader with a big boot and powerslam followed by a big elbow drop. Vader to the second rope but he misses a Vader bomb and Sagrata cradles him for the win at 4:29. *1/2 Not bad for a Mini match but I still can't call it without losing track of what the hell happens.


- Wrestlemania XIII Free For All Match:

Flash Funk Vs. Billy Gunn:

I never really liked the Funkettes, so of course I could care less when they got axed, but I for some reason liked the Flash Funk character, even though he was made out to be a JTTS. Plus, he was a pimp, without being called a pimp. Billy Gunn on the other hand was a wimp and still is to, well, the day he had to retire. Gunn rushes the ring and hammers Funk. Spinning back elbow by Gunn and some posing but he eats a super kick and an arm drag, followed by another super kick and a one foot drop-kick. Billy bails and Funk dances. Knee lift by Funk but Billy controls again. Billy Gunn with a big back suplex off the second rope gets two. Billy chokes away but gets nailed with a sunset flip for two, but comes back with a clothesline, and another choke. Gunn stomps on Funk but poses again and is rolled up for two. Billy back in control with a snapmare and chin lock. Gunn to the top rope but he misses the guillotine leg drop. Funk is up and lands some roundhouse rights, but Billy nails the rocker dropper...for two. Funk with a spinning heel kick gets two! Funk sets up Billy on the top rope, and victory rolls him for two! Funk calls for the 450 splash and goes to the top rope. Instead its a moonsault but he hits Billy's knees and both men are down. Billy goes up again but gets crotched. Billy recuperates and scores s tornado DDT for three at 7:03! *1/2 for a decent contest to round up the series of Free for All matches.


Final Analysis: No wonder these matches were on the Free For All. With the exception of a few, nothing really stands out. The matches I didn't cover (because I don't have) form the time frame I did were Smoking Gunns Vs. Godwinns at Beware of Dog, Savio Vega Vs. Justin Bradshaw from Mind Games (I think it was a FFA), and Rocky Miavia Vs. Salvatore Sincere from It's Time.


Although these aren't on one tape, I can't say I'd recommend anyone to make a tape with them all.


So Thumbs Down.

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