Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Show: The Interactive Interview ( Guest: ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund Date: 18th April 2003 Your Hosts: Daniel Edler & James Walsh Before we get started with the Gene Okerlund interview, I’d like to draw attention to the Shark Boy & Jonny Storm interviews added to the archive section of This interview with current WWE Confidential host, and all time great announcer (along with the aftershow) runs 55+ minutes, like most of the shows have recently. ’Mean’ Gene Okerlund -- Verne Gagne was running the AWA, and Gene began working there. He became an announcer when he covered for an employee with an illness for the live show on Saturday evenings. -- Okerlund feels that to be on top of this industry you have to have an ego. Gene tells a story about one time when Harley Race made the crowd sit on the edge of their seats for 15 minutes, during an armbar. -- Greed reared its head, and when Vince McMahon offered him a huge sum of money he left AWA in an instant. All he had to do was go to New York 3 days every 3 weeks, one trip every 3 weeks, for the money. -- Gene feels Vince certainly has changed since he first met him, but he had to. Vince is 24/7 in this business; he enjoys spending weekends throwing up ideas for future angles. -- Okerlund said that he wasn’t supposed to be involved in the Hogan/Himself vs. George Steele/Mr. Fuji tag match. Hogan promised Gene that he wouldn’t be involved; all he had to do was stand on the ring apron. However, during the match he high-fived Hogan and the referee took it as a legal tag. -- During the training videos for that match, Gene dropped a barbell on his foot giving him an injury he still holds to this day. -- Working on the Wrestling Albums 1 + 2 was fun for Gene given his musical background. He did a cover of Little Richard’s Tutti Frutti for #1, and thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. -- When the Gobbeldy Gooker was brought up, his memories were that it was a “disaster of monumental proportions”. Vince’s instructions were to go in the ring and do crossovers with it. He did two, then fell onto the ropes and cracked his ribs. -- Jesse Ventura was working for WCW and informed Mean Gene that he could make good money and contribute in WCW. Gene asked his agent (the same Agent as Ventura’s), and the deal was done. -- Gene feels that once the nWo had 20+ guys, it was no longer elite. It had to have a few select members like The Four Horsemen, and the nWo angle eventually got tired and repetitive. -- Okerlund feels that since WWE is live every week of the year, some of the booking and storyline writing NEEDS to change to keep the company successful. -- On the topic of Vince Russo, Gene has no personal problems with the man but feels he has no talent, and his ‘help’ for the early WWF is even questionable in Gene’s mind. -- The Hogan/Russo incident from Bash At The Beach 2000 is then brought up, and Gene feels that Russo was completely out of line. -- Okerlund says that he has not a clue as to why he had to wrestle Mark Madden (who Gene calls ‘a big tub of… well he’s a little on the heavy side). They weren’t going to give a good wrestling match, and thus he is bemused at that booking. -- When it comes down to favourite interviews, Mad Dog Vachon, Ric Flair, Hogan all come up. On the topic of least favourite interviews, Gene mentions both the British Bulldogs and Bret Hart! -- About working for WWE now, he loves hosting Confidential and making periodic appearances on RAW or Smackdown!. Gene misses not being able to work with Bobby Heenan, but then hints that a possible Heenan return could happen. -- A very good source informed Gene that Kevin Dunn and Hulk Hogan both mentioned Okerlund’s name when the issue of Confidential hosting was brought up. When quizzed as to whether Confidential exposes the business too much, Gene says it’s “BS”, and goes on a deep rant about it. -- Mean Gene then talks about his other non-wrestling ventures, ‘Mean Gene’s Burgers – The Burger That Says Bite Me’ and ‘Mean Gene’s Pizza – Better Because It’s Fresh’. The slogan from Mean Gene’s Burgers came from the late 90’s slogan Bite Me, something that McDonalds couldn’t use as they found it offensive. -- Gene has hundreds of notes from his life in wrestling on his computer, and will certainly come out in book-form some day. Gene says if he tells everything he knows, it will blow the industry wide open. -- We then play word association, and Gene gives us some of the most candid answers of any of our guests. Below are just a couple: » Vince McMahon: “Creative Genius”. » Bobby Heenan: “The quickest wit in television, period. Not just wrestling television, television”. » Mark Madden: “Needs to go on a diet”. -- Gene then has insulting comments for Brad Siegel, Vince Russo & Triple H, and some emotional words about Curt Hennig. Gene signs off with a message to his fans, and a little banter with the show’s hosts. We then go into the after show wrap up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Eagan469 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 good read Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest oldschoolwrestling Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Any idea what he had to say about HHH and Hennig? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites