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Guest Downhome

A "WWE Fan" has had enough...

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Guest wildpegasus

As long as Benoit, Eddy, and Angle are around I'll keep watching. Before Benoit and Eddie came in I was watching WWF about 38 percent of the time. I absolutely hated sports entertainment. When the Radicals came in I started watching again. To me it's more about the individual wrestlers than the entire product itself.

I still watch Raw but only in the "people who love bad movies sense" It helps TREMENDOUSLY I find to watch the WWE product with other people. Also, a technique I find that works great is to tape the show and just watch it later. That way you can watch only the parts you want.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I love watching Raw on tape, it takes like 10 minutes.


Rosey and Jamal? *click*


HHH speaks? *click*


anyway, there's been a steady decline for a while now. Ever since HHH came back (and no, I'm not blaming it all on that, but as near as I can tell that was when the shows started to get progressively worse) people have been leaving steadily, and that will just continue, as WWE doesn't seem like it's going to change at all anytime soon. I'm sure a year or two ago people said "wait till it drops below 4.0, then we'll see."


This won't happen all at once on Official Boycott Day, but as the months go by fewer and fewer of those fans will still be watching.


Just for the record, the last show I saw was a couple weeks before Austin came back. I didn't just decide to stop watching, in fact I was really looking forward to seeing Austin again. But I missed a show for whatever reason, then couldn't be bothered to see the next one, and after a while I didn't even really notice that I was missing Raw every week.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I love your reasoning, but people who just TALK, and only talk, and never do anything, will never be of any use to anyone, period.


What if someone says something that spurs change? What if someone opens some eyes with words, it's possible, it has happened. Discussion is where ideas are formed. Ideas are what starts change. It's a natural evolution.


You can talk all you want, come up with one of a million schemes to work on, plot out all of these various whatnots, but untill action is taken, talk is pointless.


So no one should talk now... Is that what you're saying? How do you know Action won't be done in the future? Jeez, for someone who is quick to say and defend the WWE with "wait until it happens before you talk bad about it" you sure seem dead set against anyone

badmouthing the WWE and coming up with 'various schemes'.



As I've told you before, it isn't very difficult to make yourself heard. All you have to do is start emailing a lot, writing a lot of letter, making a lot of phone calls, and spread the word. Oh yeah, it also helps if one backs up what they say by not partaking in the product that one is talking out against. If one person begins to do this and begins to recruit others, you would be suprised at how quickly it could snowball.


And it is snowballing, just look around.


But yeah, talk is pointless, it means nothing unless any action is ever taken.


So why say anything? Huh? Right? That's what you're saying. It's pointless so don't do it.

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I've lost interest in the WWE product a lot as of late, and especially since Kurt Angle left for his neck surgery. Who gives a damn anymore, it's the same thing week-in and week-out.


I will be boycotting WWE on May 5th. I strongly urge the rest of you to do so as well.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Smell, the same thing happened with me. I took a night school class that was on a thursday night, missed smackdown, didn't decided to check the replay at 11, I missed a raw because I was working on a paper, didn't bother me at all.

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Guest Downhome

I'm not going to endlessly go back and forth with you. The FACT, is that if action is not taken, NOTHING will change, and that's that. It's fine to talk and the such, but if you are not taking action while you do so, then you are helping no one.

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Guest Memphis
I will be boycotting WWE on May 5th.

I'm gonna mark the fuck out if WWE pulls like a 4.2 or something.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

DH, who says I'm not taking action? "Just because I'm not doing things the way you think they should be done doesn't mean you have the right to tell me..."

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I will be boycotting WWE on May 5th.

I'm gonna mark the fuck out if WWE pulls like a 4.2 or something.


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Guest SP-1

You know, those of us without a Nielsen box won't effect the rating at all if we don't watch.

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Guest Austin3164life

Who picked May 5th as a boycott day?


Oh, and discussion leads to everything else. Discussion sows the seeds of action, so discussion = good.

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Guest bob_barron
Who picked May 5th as a boycott day?


Oh, and discussion leads to everything else. Discussion sows the seeds of action, so discussion = good.

It's the week after Backlash so there won't be a post-PPV bump unlike the day after.

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Guest Downhome
Who picked May 5th as a boycott day?


Oh, and discussion leads to everything else. Discussion sows the seeds of action, so discussion = good.

If you sit on your ass, and ONLY talk, only complain, only bitch and moan and never take any actions, it's all pointless. You can talk about a mass boycott all you want, but untill it happens, untill each individual decides to actually try to make an impact by taking action, then all of the talk and discussion is nothing more than blowing wind.

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Guest Downhome

I wish the date was May 19th, because I'll be there live that night, heh.

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Guest Downhome
There's a show near us, DH?

Tonight it's in Atlanta, and on the 19th it's in Greenville up here about one hour from me.

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Guest Austin3164life
Who picked May 5th as a boycott day? 


Oh, and discussion leads to everything else.  Discussion sows the seeds of action, so discussion = good.

If you sit on your ass, and ONLY talk, only complain, only bitch and moan and never take any actions, it's all pointless. You can talk about a mass boycott all you want, but untill it happens, untill each individual decides to actually try to make an impact by taking action, then all of the talk and discussion is nothing more than blowing wind.

I didn't know there was a scheduled mass boycott until a few days ago. If I had the power (power=cash to spend), I would definitely launch an AD campaign against WWE for it's garbage product, but my family is not as wealthy as Vince's. The only way to knock off a billionaire is if you have your own millions to spend. Since I don't have my own millions yet, the best I can do is discuss.

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Guest tpww7

House Shows have better matches most of the time, but the atmosphere isnt the same.

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Guest SP-1

Yeah. A WCW house show provided me with one of my fondest, yet most agitating memories. Benoit getting a ghost title win over Booker for the TV Belt that was never acknowledged on TV.

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Guest tpww7

And your likely to still be able to get great seats since house show tickets dont go fast at all.

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Guest Austin3164life

House shows are better than live shows (unless you are live at WM 18, like I was). The atmosphere is a bit different, but house shows are much more entertaining, and the match quality is good.

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Ok, if someone speaks up, and Vince listens...what's gonna happen? If he dumps his writing team, what'll he do then. Employ the guy/guys who changed his mind obviously. Who would then be expected to put on 5 star shows and increase ratings/takings ten-fold. This/these guys would no doubt have bad ideas. Hell I'm sure if we had the book, we'd all do something wrong. Even if Vince does realise something's wrong, and does change it, the thing is it may not help that much. There's a downside to everything. EVERYTHING!


As for May 5th, I'm sure HHH, Nash, Goldberg and the rest could give a flying crap about a bunch of us smarks turning off. When HHH gets home/to the hotel/wherever with Stephanie, with his title belt over his shoudler and a hot woman on his arm, is he going to be worried about a few ratings points? To quote The Rock..."Nah". I doubt it'll make that much of a difference.


As for the problem...problem is we need something fresh. Dunno about you, but nothing shocks me nowadays. Back as a kid, things shocked me. Everytime Hogan got into a feud with a new big man, it's obvious looking back there seemed to be a killer beatdown. Savage, Bundy, Earthquake, Zeus, Bossman, Andre, Slaughter...each one shocked the fans, including me. SS 97, that was a shock. Nothing's suprising now, as we've seen it all before. If Cena were to beat Lesnar at Backlash, it wouldn't exactly be shocking, but it wouldn't have that impact. Mankind beating Rock on Raw, it was shocking. Austin attacks, not shocking anymore. But back in 99, whenever that glass broke the fans, including me watching popped. We've seen it all before.


Wrestling's been pretty popular world wide since the late 80's. It's been aroudn before then of course, but most of the target audience on TNN/Spike TV is the 20 year old's, right? That's about 1980's. For those who've been watching since then, the drama's going from wrestling. The last time I really felt that drama was the Dudleyz reunion. It needs something shocking. Nothing's that shocking anymore, nothing has the drama. The Internet doesn't help sure, but even without the internet, it wouldn't be as shocking as it all used to be. They need to change. I don't know how, but they need to.


Going back to basics and concentrating more on storylines would help. We don't need the Shock TV type storylines. They try to be shocking. Real shocks would be like Shawn Michaels throwing Marty through the barber shop window. The Rockers had been together since...for ever. That was shocking. Bret turning on America and reforming the Hart Foundation after his long feud with Bulldog and Owen. It was a shock, because it was built up properly. But again, we've seen it all before. Too many title changes during the InVasion killed the belts' credibility. Too many character changes in the past 5 years or so has killed the shock on that too. I can't think of a proper solution. I'm sure quite a few of us couldn't either. It's easy to find the bad in everything, as I've said, there's a downside to everything. Finding the problem is easy, finding the solution is the hard part. And one I don't think any of us could really find it.

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Guest Downhome
Ooooh, House Show.

House show? No, RAW will be in Greenville on May 19th.

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Guest bob_barron
House shows are better than live shows (unless you are live at WM 18, like I was). The atmosphere is a bit different, but house shows are much more entertaining, and the match quality is good.

It all depends on what card you get. The house show I went to had RVD v. Eddy in a 20 minute ladder match so I enjoyed it quite a bit. I like the atmosphere of televised shows though. The RAW I went to in February didn't have the greatest in ring action but I had a great time just b/c I enjoyed the atmosphere.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

If you sit on your ass, and ONLY talk, only complain, only bitch and moan and never take any actions, it's all pointless. You can talk about a mass boycott all you want, but untill it happens, untill each individual decides to actually try to make an impact by taking action, then all of the talk and discussion is nothing more than blowing wind.


In other words kiddies, Downhome doesn't want anyone talking bad about his poor lil WWE and making him all upset... Why can't we all just enjoy the stink?


I doubt it'll make that much of a difference.


This is what I love about you apologists, "don't do anything, don't even try, everything will be alright, Daddy Vince will take care of us.".


I'm sure quite a few of us couldn't either. It's easy to find the bad in everything, as I've said, there's a downside to everything. Finding the problem is easy, finding the solution is the hard part. And one I don't think any of us could really find it.



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Guest Jobber of the Week

Just like Willie the Worker, this is the same shit in a different pile.


Wake me up when people have new ideas.

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