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Massive Buffy Finale Spoilers

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Spoilers for the finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer have hit the internet. The much rumored "Spike turns evil and fights Buffy in the final episode" ending will not be happening it appears and something quite different and somewhat anti-climatic happens instead....


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):


1. Angel makes what basically is a cameo appearance as he sent back to LA and the magic amulet that the pre-destined Soul Vampire will wear in the final battle against evil that he brought with him is given to Spike by Buffy


2. Buffy's plan to beat the First Evil is to release all of the Uber-Vamps from the seal and then kill them all and seal the Hellmouth permenantly, essentially robbing the First of it's base of operations and chief minions which will force the First to have to start from scratch in terms of building up an army of minions to do it's dirty work....


3. Buffy has Willow cast a spell causing every single SIT and potential slayer to have their powers activated without having Faith die. Willow, in a tense moment, tells Kennedy to murder her if she starts to go insane-evil again from using her magic.


4. The final battle takes place at the high school.


5. Anya is killed in the final battle, saving Andrew from being killed


6. In the end, Spike activates the amulet and is consumed in a blinding flash of light that kills off all of the UberVamps and permentantly collapses the Hellmouth. Unfortunatley this also triggers the complete and utter destruction of the entire town of Sunnydale.


7. In their final moments together Buffy tells Spike that she loves him but Spike, still angry at Buffy for kissing Angel, tells her to get bent. Buffy refuses to give up on Spike and begs him to try and escape with her. Spike tells her that he's literally pinned to where he is standing by the energy and begs Buffy to leave and not die by his side. Buffy reluctantly leaves and Spike is consumed by the light energy and dies...


8. The episode closes with two climatic moments: Buffy racing towards a school bus that the Scoobies and the potentials are loaded into and getting into the bus before she is killed in the massive explosion of death that destroys Sunnydale and Buffy and the gang looking onwards at the huge crater that was once Sunnydale and lamenting the destruction of their home while commenting that with the world now having a large number of Slayers scattered across the globe ready to fight evil, Buffy now can finally live a normal life at long last...


9. A possible epilogue is said to be in the works but not filmed where Spike is seen crawling out of the rubble inside the crater and revealed to have been restored to human form after his vampire form was destroyed by the light energy. The purpose of this scene will be to bring Spike back and to set up Spike joining the cast of Angel during the show's fifth season. BUT do to the fact that the WB has yet to renew Angel for season 5, there is a good chance that this scene may end up not getting film, much like the way the critical scene where Giles reveals to Buffy that he murdered Ben was cut from the final shooting script of Lies My Parents Told Me....


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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Totally. Wow. Shit. Wow. Shit. Totally. That's like, the perfect ending... Shit.

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Guest El Satanico

I'm not reading the spoilers, but I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed fake ending to throw off the spoilers.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They have, but this is the second (or third) time I've heard this. Some things weren't the same, but the main points were right on.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



I hate everyone.


Can't read spoilers...but I must...

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Guest DawnBTVS

just...wow. Like LaParka said though, that sounds like it could be a good wrapup.

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OK I had to look and I must say that although it all seems to be a fitting end to the series that I am...displeased... by how some characters turn out. All I can say is that the postscript had BETTER be added somehwere down the line.

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Guest Crux

Wow, that seems like a fantastic ending if that ends up happening--bittersweet, though.

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OK I had to look and I must say that although it all seems to be a fitting end to the series that I am...displeased... by how some characters turn out. All I can say is that the postscript had BETTER be added somehwere down the line.

I'm sure there are other details not included in that spoiler that will be put in the show to tell what happens to the other characters.


Maybe there will be an epilogue where they have subtitles that tell us what happened to everyone afterwards?

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