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David Blazenwing

Wrath Losing Matches Thread

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Here's my match. I thought mine was better, but it really doesn't matter, as I won the match anyways. That sucks though... all this proves is that I need the other dude to f'n JOB to me for me to win the match (Loses all confidence in his match writing ability)


Well, Either way, here it is. Comment and tell me what I did wrong so I can improve.


Axis: Ladies and gentleman, last Tuesday night on SJL Metal, we got a huge surprise in the return of one David Blazenwing.

King: Hey, He got rid of the superhero gimmick, so he’s alright in my book!

Axis: It’s a bit of a shame... I liked the superhero gimmick personally.

King: Yeah. You would.

Axis: And just what in the hell is that supposed to mean?

King: Anyways, let’s take you back to Metal this past Tuesday and show you the shocking return of David Blazenwing for yourselves.


As The SJL crowd sits in anticipation of the next match, the lights in the entire arena go black and the words "Stand Back! Blazenwing's Comin At Ya!" hits the house speakers. Suddenly, Motorhead's "The Game" hits and the house lights change to green spotlights swirling around the arena floor. The crowd's response is lackluster, expecting another video packaged promo... but they explode when David Blazenwing himself appears on the stage. He is wearing a black T-Shirt with a Triple H-esque jean jacket over it, blue jeans, his signature black sunglasses, black boots and longer, blond hair no longer tied in a ponytail.


Axis: OH MY GOD! That's David Blazenwing!!

King: I don't believe it! He isn't dressed like a super-loser anymore! Plus, he's not due back for another two months... what the hell is he doing here!?

Axis: He has a mic... I think we're about to find out!


David walks to the ring all jakked up. He's more muscularly built compared to his first SJL outing and the whole superhero gimmick is gone. In fact, he almost resembles the WWE’s Triple H, just without the huge nose. He climbs into the ring and hits all four turnbuckles posing, the jumps back into the ring as the lights return to normal and begins to talk.


David: Guess who's baaaaaaack...


(Crowd Cheers)


David: In case any of you fans don't recognize me without the mask on, let me tell you just who in the hell I am! I AM DAVID BLAZENWING! I AM THE FULL EFFECT! And as of this moment, I am once again a member of the active roster!


King: What?! How?

Axis: Did his doctors clear him to wrestle? That was a bad injury he suffered...


David: Now, I know all the promos that you saw stated that I would be returning in June of 2003. One day, I turned on the TV to find out that several members of the SJL weren’t showing up to shows and the brand as a whole was beginning to suffer. So, I did the only thing I could think of and worked my ass off in rehab to fix up the torn ligament in my left arm. Hell, I’m not even 100% yet, maybe more like 75-80%. But, I have been cleared to wrestle once again, and that’s all that matters. In fact, I’ll be making my re-debut on the next SJL Wrath! So, all you ass-packing losers in the back who think that I’m still a pushover… I only have one thing to say – HOW WILL YOU DEAL… WHEN YOU’RE FORCED TO EXPERIENCE THE FULL EFFECT?!?


(Crowd Chants "David")


Axis: Listen to this crowd! They're all happy to see him!

King: I still can't get over the shock! David Blazenwing is back in the SJL! What will SJL Wrath bring?


"The Game" plays again and David Blazenwing poses on some more turnbuckles before finally heading up the ramp and into the backstage area.


Axis: King, this just goes to show you... ANYTHING can happen in the SJL.

King: No kidding!


Axis: That was a great moment.

King: Eh... it was okay, but I've seen better promos. Like mine!


The commentators abruptly stop their conversation as the SJL ring announcer, Funyon, walks up the ring steps and into the ring. He is holding a mic in his hand.


Funyon: Ladies and gentleman, the following contest, scheduled for ONE fall, is to determine the Number One Contender to the SJL Television Championship!


Several blasts of red pyro fire up from across the stage as “Raise Up” by Saliva kicks into action. Syndicate steps through the smoke and sparks as he makes his way to the ring to the cheers of the crowd and Funyon begins the introductions.


Funyon: On his way first to the ring, from Portland, Oregon, weighing in at 237 pounds... SYNDICATE!


As Funyon finishes his intro, Syndicate slides into the ring, immediately focusing on the match at hand.


Funyon: And his opponent, from Oak Creek, Wisconsin, weighing in at 300 pounds... DAVID BLAZENWING!


The lights in the arena black out as David's voice booms over the speakers, saying "It's Time to feel the Full Effect!" Motorhead's "The Game" hits the house speakers and David Blazenwing comes out to a huge pop. He tosses his hands into the Blazenwing pose on the stage, then drops them, igniting the stage in a shower of pyro. He slides into the ring on his stomach, then hits all four turnbuckles for another pop each time.


Axis: KING! Will you listen to this ovation!?

King: I can’t hear myself think!

Axis: Well, David Blazenwing may have only been gone a month and a half, but the people are sure glad to have him back irregardless!


As David Blazenwing and Syndicate circle around each other, the bell rings and the match is underway! David stops circling around his opponent and puts his hand in a friendly gesture. Syndicate looks at him wearily, then reluctantly shakes David’s hand to a huge pop from the crowd.


Axis: Now that shows class, King.

King: Axis, shut up! The match is on!

Axis: Right... and here we go with a lockup between the two superstars!


David and Syndicate move to the center of the ring, where they grapple one another. Both of the superstars struggle with the hold. The crowd begins to cheer loudly as David Blazenwing shows the massive strength he has built up over the past few weeks by picking up Syndicate into a bearhug like hold, then tossing him over his head with a belly to belly overhead suplex.


Axis: Oh my God! He could have killed Syndicate with that maneuver!

King: Good thing he didn’t... I’M not going to clean up the mess!

Axis: That’s a cruel, horrible thing to say!

King: Yeah, but what’ll ya do?


David walks over to the fallen Syndicate and picks him up by his short black hair. Syndicate tries to fight out of the hold with a series of hard lefts to David’s chest, but David still holds on and pushes him into a powerbomb position. The crowd continues to cheer as David lifts Syndicate into the overhead powerbomb position, then pushes him off and grabs Syndicate midair, causing him to land on his face! David goes for a pin.


One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tw - kickout!


Syndicate easily kicks out of the pin and David plays to the crowd as Syndicate lies on the mat in pain. While David is posing on a turnbuckle, Syndicate rolls himself into a standing position. When David jumps off the turnbuckle, he is met head on by hard, Chris Benoit-style clothesline, knocking him off his feet. The crowd cheers for Syndicate as he picks David up and drops him back to the mat with a forward Russian Leg Sweep, ramming David’s face into the canvas. Syndicate rolls David on his back and goes for a cover.


One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tw - kickout!


David kicks out the exact same way Syndicate did. The fans cheer loudly, not knowing who to cheer for in this action-packed contest. Syndicate picks David up by his ponytail and begins punching him in the face. After two or three, David starts blocking them and suddenly... BADDA BING! BADDA BOOM! BADDA BANG! A left hook! A right jab! A strong uppercut that brings Syndicate to his knees!


Axis: The Blazen Combination! What a shot!

King: Let’s see him take me on. I’ll give him the Suicide King Combination: Part 1: Get beat up by Suicide King. Step 2: Get beat up by Suicide King some more. Step 3: Get pinned by Suicide King. See? It’s that simple!

Axis: Um... yeah. Whatever. Anyways, this match is getting good!


With Syndicate on his knees, David Blazenwing runs to the opposite side of the ring, bounces off the ropes and runs straight for Syndicate. David jumps in midair and connects his right foot with the side of Syndicate’s jaw, knocking him onto the ground. Syndicate coughs and blood comes out of his mouth. His jaw appears to be dislocated. The referee asks Syndicate if he still wants to continue, but Syndicate won’t give up and vehemently refuses to surrender. Meanwhile, David has begun climbing a turnbuckle. He reaches the top just as the referee moves from in front of Syndicate. David tosses his hands up in the air and leaps off the top rope... The Money Shot! David nails it and goes for the pin.


One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thr-NO! Kickout by Syndicate!


Axis: With David’s new size difference, it’s amazing to see a larger man go off the top rope like that and actually hit his intended target!

King: Yeah, I thought he’d mess that up for sure… y’know, like you would, Axis.

Axis: Well, I’m not too versed in the top-rope maneuvers, so I’d have to agree with you there.


Syndicate tries to get up, but the bleeding from his jaw has become worse. He struggles to keep his consciousness as David sets up Syndicate for a sharpshooter. David picks up both of Syndicate’s legs and holds them, then sticks his own right leg over Syndicate’s. He then crosses Syndicate’s legs over his knee, then flips Syndicate over on his stomach and the move is locked in. The blood flows from Syndicate’s mouth with each pained scream while David pulls harder and harder on Syndicate’s legs in an attempt to force a submission. The ref slides in front of Syndicate and asks him if he wants to submit, but Syndicate hangs on for dear life. He pulls himself closer . . . closer . . . clo-o-o-ser . . . and he made it to the ropes! The ref forces David to break the hold. David celebrates, thinking that he has won the match, but the ref tells him that there was no submission. David, who is beginning to get impatient, picks up Syndicate by his hair and whips him into the ropes. However, on the rebound, Syndicate actually leapfrogs over David’s missed spear attempt and, on the second rebound, nails David in the face with a hard dropkick as the crowd goes nuts!


King: Where in the hell did that come from?!

Axis: He’s digging down deep, King! This could be the beginning of a classic comeback!

King: Well, both men are now down in the ring . . . shh, the ref’s starting to count. Will this be a double KO?




Both men remain on the mat, motionless.




They begin to stir as the crowd claps in an attempt to rouse them up.




David is almost in the sitting position, and Syndicate is starting to move more.




David fell back on his ass, unable to keep himself up.




David is still completely down, as Syndicate grabs onto the ropes for leverage.




David STILL isn’t moving. But Syndicate is getting closer to his feet!




David remains motionless as Syndicate returns to his feet to a huge pop.




Syndicate plays to the crowd as he waits for the ref to finish the count and announce his victory.




Syndicate climbs onto the top rope and poses and… WAIT! David Blazenwing has just performed a kip-up from out of nowhere! He’s back on his feet!


Syndicate jumps off the turnbuckle and is shocked to see David standing. David incites a HUGE pop when he hits the old Blazenwing superhero pose in front of his opponent. Enraged at his opponent’s testicular fortitude, Syndicate charges at David Blazenwing… only to get kicked in the chest! David grabs one of Syndicate’s arms and pulls it to his side… then the other. David is just about ready to nail the Blazecution when, out of nowhere, Syndicate reverses the move into a back body drop! At this point, the crowd is going f’n CRAZY! Syndicate motions for David Blazenwing to get up. As the former superhero rises to his feet, Syndicate gets the crowd going by clapping his hands together. David rises to his feet and groggily turns to Syndicate, who grabs him by the chest and spins him 180 degrees in the air, pointing David’s head straight to the mat.


Axis: Oh My Gawd! Syndicate is going for the Vertigo Piledriver!

King: I think it’s just “Vertigo”, Axis.

Axis: Whatever. Either way, there’s no way in hell David can get up from this maneuver. It’s ALL over now.


Just as Syndicate begins to lower the boom on David, he latches his legs around Syndicate’s head and drops to the ground in a fantastic head scissors takedown. David rolls into a standing position as Syndicate collapses to the mat. David looks down at the fallen Syndicate and a huge grin grows on his face. He makes a cut-throat gesture with his hand to his neck, then runs to the ropes. David rebounds off and just as he reaches Syndicate’s head, David leaps into the air and lands a thunderous “Full Effect” Leg Drop. With the crowd chanting “Blazenwing”, David goes for the cover.


One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three!


Axis: In his return match, David Blazenwing has done it! He has won the match AND become the #1 Contender to the SJL Television Title in the process!

King: Wow, he shocked even me! I suppose I have to give him some credit… but I don't like it.

Axis: I give him a HELL of a lot of credit! That was a huge win for the returning superstar!


“The Game” hits the house speakers as David stands up and, still a bit woozy, falls over onto the ropes, hanging on to keep himself up so he doesn’t fall over. The crowd continues to chant his name as he regains his composure, then begins to pose on each of the four turnbuckles. After he hits the final turnbuckle, he jumps off to see Syndicate, who has gotten up, leaving the ring. David shouts something to him that stops him and makes him re-enter the ring. Syndicate gets in David’s face and the two stare each other down.


King: This is it, Axis! We’re gonna see these two go at it again! I knew this fight wasn’t over!


The two stare each other down, the crowd waiting with bated breath to see what will happen. Suddenly, David grins and extends his hand to Syndicate. Syndicate looks shiftily at David, then grins and the two shake hands, then hug.


Axis: Now THAT is class. What great sportsmanship from these two rising superstars. I wish more superstars acted like these two.

King: No more fighting? Aww… that sucks!

Axis: Ladies and gentleman, we’ll have more great action on SJL Wrath after this commercial break!


David rolls out of the ring and heads backstage while officials enter the ring to help Syndicate to the back and tend to his bleeding jaw as the cameras fade to commercials.

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Here's MY match. I got some pointers from my marker so I hope to improve on my shortcomings and maybe win my upcoming back. Enjoy... or try to...




The scene returns from the first commercial set, and the Conseco Fieldhouse is ready for some action. But they realize that they’re not in for much of an adrenaline rush as a 6’7” monster emerges from behind the curtain. He makes his way across the stage and down the ramp.


Suicide King: This is absolutely heart-pounding!


Axis: Your sarcasm is noted…


King: …Sarcasm?


Axis: Anyway, we’re starting Wrath tonight with a match between two new wrestlers here in SJL, both of which promise to be something special. What do you think of that, King?


King: This Grappler fellow certainly has my attention. Look at him!


Axis: I feel like I’m looking at a granola bar. He’s got nothing.


King: Just wait until you see him in the ring. Then you’ll regret dissin’ this up-and-comer.


Funyon: Ladies and gentleman, the following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first… hailing from Kansas City, Missouri, and weighing in at 299 pounds… Charlie GRAPPLER Mattheeeeeeeeeews!


James Matheson, Charlie’s manager and companion to the ring, separates from him as Charlie climbs up the steps and into the ring. At the same time, the opening riffs of Foo Fighter’s “All My Life” begin reverberating through the arena. The fans are cloaked in darkness and flames begin shooting up from across the stage, coming up in simultaneous waves with the music. Once the song hits its first highpoint, a large spotlight moves to the center of the stage. Meeting it is Leo Breslin, alone, but looking as confident as a

general with hundreds of thousands of men by his side.


Funyon: And his opponent: weighing in at 230 pounds; from Cleveland, Ohio… Leooooooo Breeeeeesliiiiin!


The light follows him down the ramp, and the camera catches the flames reflecting in his wide eyes which are intent on the man in the ring. Leaping up onto the apron, Leo steps into the ring and begins leaping up and down as four new flames from each of the four ring posts shoot high into the air. At their extinguishment, the music ends and the lights return.


Axis: Now that was heart-pounding.


King: That was bland and predictable.


Axis: This match is going to be bland, if you ask me.


King: And predictable… Grappler all the way! He’s got eight inches and a good 70 pounds on this Breslin character.


Axis: Height and weight don’t make much of a difference if the man across the ring from you is as well-rounded as he says he is. According to Breslin, he’s very good at adapting to different styles and taking care of them… or at least enough to get the win, which is what really matters.


King: The bell has been rung and this match is underway! Oh, and just so you know, you should live by, “I won’t believe it ‘til I see it.” That’s especially important when you’re dealing with a newbie.


As Matthews stands still at one side of the ring, Breslin paces back and forth, measuring his opponent with glaring eyes. He jumps at him, but falls back, showing that it was nothing more than attempt to see Matthews’ reflex ability. The second time he goes in, Charlie lifts an arm and attempts a clothesline, but it is ducked under. As Leo turns around to face Matthews’ back, he falls down and drives a shoulder into a knee, taking it out and forcing Charlie onto all fours. Breslin immediately pulls a leg out from under his victim and applies an ankle lock, twisting it in a precarious way, putting Matthews in a world of pain.


Axis: I wasn’t expecting to see this in the opening of the match.


King: What were you expecting?


Axis: I was expecting Matthews to overpower this kid. But I guess what Breslin said is true… he really can adapt to any wrestling style. He’s proving it right now.


King: You’re right, Axis. This ankle lock is gonna end the match. Let me tell you…


Axis: The longer Breslin keeps this ankle lock in, and Matthews doesn’t tap out… the harder it will be for Matthews to mount a comeback. A man like Matthews needs something like his ankle to be at one-hundred percent. He’s a power based grappler, as his nickname would suggest.


King: Yeah. And from the looks of it, he’s gonna be grappling that bottom rope pretty soon. It’s hard for Breslin to keep this big man from crawling to refuge.


Matthews is indeed almost at the ropes, and Leo isn’t able to stop him. The moment his hand can get a firm hold, Matthews takes it, and Breslin is forced to release the hold. Not all is lost, however, as he pulls up Matthews by his hair. It comes as a disappointment to Breslin to find that no serious damage was done to the ankle as Matthews shows no limp while being irish whipped across the ring. Breslin waits for him to come back, and when he does Breslin manages to get him far enough off the ground to slap him back down with a spinebuster. Matthews is able to get up on his own accord, but when he does, Breslin is there to punch him a few times, forcing him into the ropes and once again irish whipping him across the ring. Breslin rushes after him, ready for a hard-hitting impact, when Matthews grabs onto the top rope and retires to the outside of the ring for a breather.


Axis: This is a smart move on the part of Charlie Matthews. As far as I can tell he just got off to a bad start in his first match as an SJL superstar, and he needs time to recuperate.


King: And as far as I can tell, Breslin isn’t going to give him that time. Look out, Charlie!


Axis: Charlie’s got his back turned… Breslin is looking around the crowd for guidance… he’s getting the idea of what they want! Matthews turns around and here comes Breslin with a baseball slide. Wait! Matthews moves to the side and catches Breslin in his arm as he slides under the bottom rope.


King: OUCH! That was a resounding sideslam from Matthews, and Breslin is showing just how painful it was as his arm reaches to his lower back.


Not much time is given to Breslin as he is pulled up and immediately tossed back inside the ring. Breslin attempts to get to his feet on his own, but is stopped when a clubbing blow is delivered to his back, sending him onto his stomach once more. Matthews uses his foot to roll Breslin onto his back, then proceeds to drop an elbow into his chest. This time Matthews brings Breslin all the way to his feet, but doesn’t keep him there for long. His hand grips tightly around Breslin’s throat. He puts his other hand under Breslin’s arm and steadies it on his back, then lifts Breslin into the air by his neck and drops him back down with impressive and devastating force onto his neck.


Axis: What a chokeslam! It’s still early in this match and--


King: What are you, kidding me? This match is nearly over. Look at Matthews… he’s turned Breslin into little more than his ragdoll. I knew Breslin was a joke…


Axis: Look at Matthews… he’s not done… he’s relentless. He’s grabbing Breslin’s legs and… oh Jesus, I thought this was just a joke, but he actually IS performing the airplane spin on Leo. This is… strangely comical.


King: If that chokeslam didn’t take care of Breslin, all his focus is being lost now. Around and around Breslin goes and… he just got tossed by his new master! Here comes Matthews… SPLAT! Body splash from the big Grappler. Pin. One… two… thr--DAMMIT! I was hoping Matthews would win so we could get through this newbie festival.


Axis: Breslin kicks out. Rather resilient is this fellow.


King: Whatever, Yoda. Matthews didn’t even pull off his finishing maneuver yet. Just wait.


Matthews pulls Breslin to his feet again, and this time tosses him against the ropes. Breslin comes back and is met with a hard punch to the chest. It doesn’t send him off his feet, but rather backwards and eventually into the corner. Stalking him, Charlie soon finds himself in the corner and unleashes a continuous stream of punches to the head and chest and stomach area. The blows are potent. They take mostly everything out of Breslin, allowing Matthews to toss him across the ring and into the opposite corner. Matthews rushes after him. He attempts to rush into Breslin, combining speed and weight for one last crush, but a leg is lifted at the last second and it catches the big man in the chest. He is sent stumbling backwards. Breslin takes a few striding steps, jumps up just a bit, wraps an arm around Matthews’ neck, and pulls him around and down in a spinning DDT. Matthews rolls over onto his back but doesn’t move much, allowing Breslin to regain enough strength to roll over and putting on a pin.


Axis: One… two…t--nope, Matthews got out of it. If you want to pin someone like Matthews, you should probably have all your weight on him and have a leg hooked. But you can’t really blame Breslin. He did just take quite a beating from the Grappler.


King: Yeah, and now both men are out of it. Didn’t take much for Matthews to stay down.


Axis: All Breslin needs to do is hit something really big and get a solid pin, and he’ll have his first win.


King: It’s just a shame Matthews won’t let him do that.


The crowd watches with half-attention as both men slowly get to their feet. Breslin is able to throw a punch first, but the first few don’t do much, and Matthews is able to block one eventually and deliver a punch of his own that’s enough to stop any forward progress of his opponent. Matthews doesn’t continue with the punches, but rather turns Breslin around and lifts him up. He drops down to one knee, and places Breslin’s ass right on top of it. The pain is evident as Breslin grabs at his bottom and withdraws to a corner for relief. Matthews is hot on his trail. He pulls Breslin to the middle of the ropes and whips him across the ring. Breslin comes back, but Matthews meets him in mid-ring, and with a short hop he takes him down with a Lou Thesz Press. It’s followed by a set of about ten punches to the side of the head. Breslin is out of it as Matthews pulls him up and places his head between his arm and his side. Charlie lifts him straight in the air with a certain amount of ease, and holds him in place.


Axis: This is beautiful execution if I’ve ever seen it. Breslin is out already and Matthews is making sure of it.


King: No! Breslin just fell and landed on his feet behind Matthews… he’s got him around the waist…


Axis: Release German suplex! Where in the hell did that come from?! You’d think Breslin is out. But look at him. He’s getting up and Matthews is just rolling on the mat.


King: And just what does Breslin think he’s doing now? He’s waiting for Matthew to get up. He’s STALKING him.


Axis: Breslin is indeed just standing there, staring at Matthews. Matthews is just about to his feet, and… well I’ll be damned. Tell me Breslin is going for his finishing maneuver.


King: I think he is. He’s definitely trying to get Matthews off his feet and into that death valley driver position. It doesn’t look too good… the strain on his face. Haha! Breslin just stumbled! Look at him… he’s favoring his ass!


Axis: Not his ass, his lower back. Breslin is still in a decent amount of pain as Matthews takes none. He’s pretty full of energy now, and I think he sees his opportunity.


Matthews grabs Breslin’s head and pulls him up, but still keeps him doubled over. He shoves Breslin’s head between his legs and wraps his arms around his waist. Letting out a holler, he fluently lifts Breslin off the ground and up onto his shoulders. Upon reaching that position, Breslin begins punching Matthews in the head, each punch making it harder for Matthews to hit his powerbomb. A few seconds later Matthews falls onto his back and Breslin finds himself sitting on Matthews’ chest. Breslin gets up and pulls Matthews to his feet, then proceeds by delivering a double-arm DDT quickly to prevent Matthews from improving. When Breslin gets up again, his hand finds the small of his back and he begins favoring it once more. He realizes that there‘s not much he can do as it’s difficult to lift Matthews. This prompts him to rush to the corner, climb outside onto the apron, and make his way to the top turnbuckle. His back is to Charlie. He doesn’t stay up for long. Just a few seconds later he leaps into the air, flips around in a gorgeous moonsault, and lands right on Matthews’ elevated knees.


Axis: OH! Right into the ribs! That had to hurt!


King: That was something in Breslin’s arsenal he was hoping to win with. He tried a death valley driver and a moonsault, and they both failed. Breslin is rolling around the ring, favoring his ribs. Matthews is on his feet, chuckling, and why shouldn’t he? Breslin is done! Even James Matheson is telling Matthews to end it now.


Axis: Breslin is brought back to his feet and it looks like Matthews is… going for that stalling suplex again? I guess he’s mad that he didn’t get it off earlier. Imagine how much impact Matthews will put behind it this time.


King: Breslin is on his way up and… wait a minute! He reverses it! He grabs Matthews’ arm and pulls him down to the ground onto his stomach… crossface!


Axis: Out of nowhere, again!


Breslin wrenches the neck a bit more, applying as much pressure as he possibly can, and it shows in Matthews’ strained face. Matthews lifts a hand in the air and holds it there for a while, but then gives in and taps out, hitting the mat multiple times before the referee signals for the bell and Breslin relents. He climbs to his feet and looks out over the crowd, half of which doesn’t care and half of which is cheering.


Funyon: The winner of this bout, by submission… Leoooooooooo Breeeeeeeeeesliiiiiiin!


Axis: That was more exciting than I would have predicted.


King: Yeah, whatever. Isn’t it time for non-newbies yet?


Axis: It will be after this commercial break. But wait a minute. Look at Breslin as he leaves the ring. He’s not favoring anything. He wasn’t playing possum this whole time, was he King?


King: Who cares? We’ll be right back, ladies and gentleman.

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