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Guest JHawk

Raw from JHawk's Beak is up

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Guest Lightning Flik

Good call on the show. It really does suck quite badly, eh JHawk?


Oh and whoever (Yuna?) guessed 20 mins, you were right.


Edit: Well, it doesn't suck as badly as it could have, but doesn't really make me wanna watch it.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest CanadianChris

One quick thing...that was a surfboard Jamal used on Steiner, not a bow-and arrow. Bow-and-arrow is applied while lying on the mat.


Otherwise, excellent, as usual.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Good read as usual. You've convinced me to watch a Seinfeld rerun than Raw tonight, thanks.

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Guest bob_barron

My RAW recap is up at smarktalk.


But read JHawk's first- his was better then mine this week

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Guest JHawk

Spoon's doing Raw next week, AS. That's probably where the confusion came in.


And Chris, I'm almost positive that Jamal used a bow-and-arrow. A surfboard is usually done with both wrestlers' bodies being parallel to each other and not perpendicular. Either way, he was working on the back.

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Guest Sandman9000

Sandman wins the sexist pig of the week award.



And can easily live with it.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I actually thought Raw was not that bad. I got home in time to watch the last hour and from what I saw:


- the Rock was fucking hilarious

- I missed the Trish/Spike match to take a shower and it was over when I came back.

- the ME was good even though the ending sucked, but I really wasn't expecting Booker to win.


- also I read that Lita came back and made an appearance!!!


That's always good.


Maybe the trick to watching Raw is to just catch bits and pieces of it in order to minimize the disappointments.

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Guest Anglesault

Lita came back and was fired.


She also looked not ugly for the first time in a while.

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Guest Polish_Rifle
Lita came back and was fired.


She also looked not ugly for the first time in a while.

Great, one more reason for me to stop watching Raw.


At least I won't have to watch Maven and Rodney Mack on Heat anymore.

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