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Guest Human Fly


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Guest Human Fly

Okay, a month or so back Hurricane builds some momentum with interviews with the Rock. He then beats the Rock, but isn't even on the Wrestlemania card. He has a competitive match with HHH the next night but loses. He makes a brief run-in the next week. Pins Ric Flair in a tag match last week. Loses a competitive match to Jericho tonight, and then gets a beat down from Flair.


So my question is this. Are they actually giving Hurricane a push, or are they just making him a Jobber for the Main Eventers who is credible enough to make the fans think he can pull out the upset? After tonight it would seem like a Flair-Hurricane feud of sorts could be set up, or will they just play it off as Flair letting out some aggression?

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Making him a jobber to the main eventers is the RAW version of a push these days, so it is kinda tough to tell. If he loses to Gillberg next week, I'd say the push is definitely on hold.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

One would hope so. But let's be realistic, it's probably just another bone thrown to a random mid-carder that we get every couple months.

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Its the classic Jeff Hardy push. Keep hyping him as a real contender and giving him high profile matches but keep having him lose.


Seriously on Raw there is no point in pushing anyone from the midcard at this because as long as the Clique is in power and for now healthy no one is gonna bust through. Of course if there was actually a midcard belt for Hurricane to go after or if he was still on Smackdown where he could feud with Matt Hardy for the Cruiser title, they wouldn't have to bother with a meaningless upper card push for him.

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Guest Choken One

This is where he belongs If he isn't gonna be a cruiserweight.


He is over enough but No one will buy him as a Threat to the title...So that is why his "Heart of Gold" type underdog role works here...


It might just be me but Goldust deserves this spot more then Shane "3 COunt reject" Helms.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Hurricane's pretty much in the Vampiro vs. Ric Flair, Lex Luger, etc. in early-99 category. He's certainly not a main event wrestler, but at the same time, they want to get another guy elevated high. So we get a crompromise where he wrestles all the top guys, but constantly loses.


Hurricane will probably end up going over Flair. Flair will put over anyone, example being how Rico (in the one week where the WWE had faith in him) got a clean win over him after the gay breakup shit.

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Guest Human Fly

This is why they should have kept a mid-card title around. Right now would be a perfect time to give Hurricane the IC title.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I don't like the gimmick, so I don't mind if he gets buried. I wouldn't be suprised if Creative has tried to change the tired Hurricane bit, but he insists on keeping it because this is the closest he's gotten to Overdom.


So, as a result, he's jobbed out.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

that implies that he wasn't getting jobbed out when they thought of the Hurricane bit.


EDIT: oops, forgot to answer the topic.





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Guest Jobber of the Week

Did he even have ANY matches before the Angle milk thing that resulted in the Hurricane gimmick?

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I would have to file "not wrestling, ever" under "buried".


at least I can't remember him having pre-hurricane matches.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

He jobbed the CW Title to Kidman under the name Gregory Helms (the WWE's reasoning: There's too many people with the name Shane), and stuck around to do a few Heat matches where he did nothing of note.


Without the Austin/Hurricane segment, Helms probably would've gotten cut by now. While I would like to see him go in TNA, it's nice to see he's getting that steady paycheck now, despite being made the upper main eventers/main eventer's bitch each week.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

He's a wrestler with tremendous merchandising potential...


...Just something to consider.

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Guest Nater

If he keeps his set fresh.

If he keeps working the mic well.

If he keeps getting matches against ME material.

If he keeps doing the Blockbuster better than Buff.


He will keep ruling.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
If he keeps working the mic well.

When did this happen?


I hate to pick on a guy because of his speech impediment, but I /CAN/ say with a good concience that at least Matt Hardy has worked on putting a stop to his southern accent. For a guy who has more promos and skits than officially sanctioned matches, Helms has changed little. His bright point is his great dialogue, that probably comes from close communication with Brian Gewirtz, since they both have that comic fanboy thing goin' on.

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Well i hope Hurricane is going somewhere.... back to Smackdown. I want to see him back on smackdown where he has some chance of singels success with the possibility of getting gold. He can be the top of the cruiser divison if they let him be.

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Guest notJames

He might be in the same boat as Christian, where he's slightly passed the cruiserweight stage in his career, but doesn't have the look of a true heavyweight. He's pretty over right now without the cruiser label, but he just isn't being booked strong enough (yet).


Hopefully he doesn't dip into HHH's private stash in order to get to the next level.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It's pretty simple...


Trade Hurricane for Torrie Wilson, Sable, and Dawn Marie.


Cruiserweights belong on Smackdown. Women belong on RAW.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

He's not getting over at all. His cartoonish character is completely out of place on Raw where the Kliq reign supreme.


He should go to Smackdown and become an M'Fer.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

NO! He should fight against the Evils of Mattitude. Then Matt Hardy can have his gang attack the Hurricane in a backstage brawl where everytime someone gets hit a graphic comes on screen that says 'BAM!' 'SMACK!' 'BONK!"

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Guest notJames

Hurricane needs a gay sidekick, like a Burt Ward to his Adam West, or a Gary to his Ace.


Too bad Shannon Moore's already an MF'er. ;)

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Guest Trivia247

Hurricane must Face and Defeat the One Arch Adversary that has Alluded his hurri senses...



the Mastermind that has not yet been seen who has been causing Havok and Mayhem in the WWE world...


N O V A!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo





That Dastardly, Insidious, Innovator of Villainy!

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Guest notJames
Holy Homosexuality NotJames, Shannon Moore is gay?

"What are you all staring at?!?"




I'm sure I read it in HOTNewzWire or something.


Not that I read that crap. Really. I swear.



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Guest Polish_Rifle

The perfect foli for the Hurricane would be Ernest the Cat Miller and his evil foot clan. Tajiri can reveal that he is the all mighty Shredder and Funaki can be Krang!


Smell the ratings people.

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Guest Trivia247

oye if the WWE was any more like WCW


we'd see a Hell in a cell match

between Robocop vs Chucky

Arliss can Ref it

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Guest Bling-Bling Buchanan

He's more over than Kevin Nash, so OBVIOUSLY he won't get a serious push.

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