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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

My Booking of Raw

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

Here was my post for what I would do with Raw if Shane McMahon was placed in charge and hired me as head writer for Raw for a month or so. I plan on going a little further if have something interesting going on. This first post was for the Raw on 4/21, which happened yesterday. Keep in mind it was written last week, though.





Raw 1


Opening Montage, Bischoff's picture has been replaced by Shane


As the camera pans the crowd, the viewers hear Josh Matthews' voice, as he is filling in for the still-fired JR. Matthews lets everyone know that Shane McMahon was placed in charge of Raw to bring up the ratings. Matthews promises a word from Shane later.


*Stone Cold's music hits*


Stone Cold comes out and poses on the stage. SCSA grabs a mic and says that Shane asked him to come back to Raw, but he simply can't go in the ring. At this point in his life, he wants to ensure that he will be able to walk when he is older, so he can't wrestle. Shane is a man that he likes a lot more than his father, and he considered his request. And he figured that the fans would at least want to see Stone Cold in some fashion, so he thought he'd help announce for a week and see how that goes. He promises Raw is going to be more exciting than it has been in months.


First match sees Hurricane face Lance Storm. Matthews brings up Hurricane pinning The Rock and then Ric Flair within the last month. SCSA and Matthews talk about Shane meeting with the talent earlier in the day and stating there would be a bonus for the wrestler who put on the best match each show. Match is back and forth for close to 10 minutes when Storm reverses the Eye of the Hurricane into a cradle for the pin.


Rock is shown in the back with his guitar as he tells Terri that tonight's concert is going to be bigger than Woodstock. Christian calls Rock's cell phone and Rock tells Terri the phone call is private and get to stepping.


RVD and Kane face 3MW w/ Rico. Titles are not on the line because Dudleyz are signed to wrestle for the titles at the PPV. RVD tags Kane in before any wrestling starts because both Rosey and Jamal are asking for Kane. 3MW take control after lots of double teaming and isolate Kane. RVD attempts to come in several times but is denied by the ref, or the tag is cut off by 3MW. Rico is bumped off the apron by an Irish whip to Rosey, and Kane desperately tries to tag RVD. Kanes makes the tag as Rosey and Jamal backpedal as RVD is fresh. RVD turns and spinkicks Kane off the apron as 3MW shrug and leave the ring. Kane lays on the outside as Van Dam points to his self and hops to the top rope, and hits the 5 Star to THE OUTSIDE. Van Dam walks to the back as he looks at Kane in disgust.


HHH goes into Nash's dressing room in the back.


Shawn Michaels is walking in the back when Jericho comes from nowhere with the Sweet Chin Music, and he and Flair start to pick HBK apart.


Test vs. Scott Steiner sees Test become increasingly jealous of Stacy's actions, and Steiner flirting with Stacy, inviting her to become his latest freak. Stacy slaps Steiner, which causes him to snap. Test attacks him, but Steiner rips him apart and throws him around. Steiner wins with a belly to belly overhead to Test who was on the top rope. Steiner continues to assault Test after the match.


"Here Comes the Money" as Shane makes his way to the ring. Shane talks about the low ratings, the constant signing of older stars, and how wrestling needs a kick to the ass. Shane says that anyone in the back that thinks there place in the pecking order is safe, don't rest on your laurels. Whoever shows they have the heart and desire, the ability, and connection with the fans, they have a chance to step up to the plate and hit a homerun. And if the established stars can't outperform them, they will be bumped down accordingly. Shane says that this is what he thinks is the beginning of an exciting time on Raw, where fans will again look forward to watching the show. He asks Eric Bischoff to come out, and says that from here on out, his camera time will not be needed. He will remain GM of Raw and have a say so in the show, but all things must be ran through Shane. Bischoff tries to talk Shane out of it, but Shane says it's his way or the highway. Shane announces that the PPV in June will be Raw only, and the World Title will be up for grabs for whoever deserves the shot, so the talent needs to impress him. Also for that PPV will see the first ever Raw brand TV Title, which will be defended every Monday and PPV. The main event for tonight is Jericho and Flair vs. any two of Booker T, HBK, or Kevin Nash.


Christopher Nowinski vs. Tommy Dreamer is next. Dreamer keeps Nowinski on his heels for most of the match until Nowinski cheats to gain an advantage. Nowinski gets out of the DVD and hits his finisher on Dreamer for the victory.


Jazz vs. Victoria vs. Ivory is next. Threeway dance. Jazz picks up the victory with a Fisherman's Buster on Ivory.


Kane is in the back looking for Van Dam, but gets jumped by the Dudleyz.


RVD is watching on a monitor, and Coach asks him why he did what he did earlier. Van Dam says he is above the Tag Titles since he is the best wrestler in the industry, and he is Rob.......Van.......Dam. RVD says Kane is holding him back, and trying to please the fans is holding him back. At the PPV, RVD will make sure his team loses the Titles so he can move on to better things.


Jericho and Flair talk about what combination they will face in the main event tonight. Jericho insults both Michaels and Booker T, but pleads his case for Nash to join their side.


Booker finds Michaels, who is recovering from the attack earlier. Booker says that they should represent their side tonight in the main event since they don't know if they can trust Nash. Michaels agrees and says that if they have to, they'll have to take out all four of them at the PPV.


The announcers talk about how they assume that Booker's title shot will have to wait until after the PPV due to Shane's announcement of tonight's main event earlier in the show. They show clips of the Goldberg/Rock confrontation from a couple of weeks ago as the ring is set up for the Rock Concert. Rock comes out and starts playing songs and making fun of Goldberg and the crowd. Goldberg's music interrupts as he comes out to the stage. Rock looks scared and looks around for the best way to run. Goldberg, however, eyes Austin at the announcer's table, and has some words for him. Austin remains seated and says he is retired from wrestling, and wants to keep it that way. "You better get that thick head of yours on straight and focus on that sumbitch in the ring." Goldberg turns around as Christian tried to hit him with a chair. Goldberg avoids it and spears Christian on the stage. He hops up, only to get hit by the Rock by his guitar. The guitar is busted open and reveals a steel plate inside the wood of the guitar. Goldberg is out as Rock talks trash and walks to the back.


Main event: HBK and Booker T against Jericho and Flair. HHH is at ringside and keeps interfering. Booker T hits Flair with the axe kick for the pin, but HHH and Jericho lay in the beating afterwards. Nash comes out to clear the ring, but the heels get out of the ring. HBK tries to help Booker up, but Booker thinks it is one of the heels and turns to punch him. Michaels ducks and hits Nash instead. Nash powerbombs Booker and he and Michaels stare at each other as the heels are on the ramp smiling. Show fades out.

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

Here is the Raw part of "Backlash"



Heat is Live pre-PPV, and has Hurricane and Lance Storm in a rematch from last week's Raw. Hurricane vows to put on a PPV-worthy performance and pull out aq win to impress Shane-O-Mac. Storm controls the mat and tries to wear down the leg of Hurricane for most of the match. Hurricane keeps fighting back with reversals and quick pin attempts since his usual offensive attack is hampered by the weak leg. Storm grabs the single leg crab, but Hurricane won't tap. Storm pulls Hurricane up, and Hurricane goes for the Vertebreaker, but can't lift Storm up and collapses. Storm puts on a tight Sharpshooter, and Hurricane has to tap in the middle of the ring.



Also on Heat, Rico and 3 Minute Warning seem to be arguing over Rico getting knocked off the apron after miscommunication. Rico warns them that he won't tolerate any further problems, and they better not forget it.



Steve Austin and Josh Matthews call the Raw side of the PPV, and the line-up (in no particular order) is:


The Rock vs. Goldberg

HHH/Jericho/Flair vs. HBK/Booker T/Nash

RVD/Kane vs. Dudleyz (Tag Title Match)

Jazz vs. Trish (Women's Title Match)


First Raw match of the PPV is the Women's Title Match. Jazz overpowers Trish and is working the neck and back. Jazz hits several suplexes and neckbreakers as Trish barely kicks out of every pinfall attempt. Jazz keeps up the power offense, and is pounding away on Trish's neck. Trish tries to comeback with a Chick Kick and goes for the Stratusfaction Bulldog, but Jazz counters with a backdrop suplex, but Trish grabs the ropes before the three count. Victoria and Stevie come out as Jazz stares Victoria down. Jazz threatens Victoria, who tries to get in the ring, only to be held back by referee Jack Doan. Trish rolls up a distracted Jazz from behind, but the ref is busy with Victoria. Trish with some clotheslines and a DDT for two. Trish sits Jazz on the top turnbuckle and climbs to attempt a suplex, but is pushed off by Jazz. Jazz wanted to go for a move from the buckle, but Stevie is holding on of her legs. This prompts Rodney Mack to run out and chase Stevie off. Trish goes for the Stratusfear handstand rana, but Jazz holds on. Jazz pounds on Trish's midsection, and powers her into a powerbomb from the middle rope. Jazz covers for the three and is the NEW Women's Champion. Victoria and Jazz stare at each other from the ramp and ring, respectively.


The next Raw segment is Booker and Michaels talking as Nash walks up to them. Booker is pissed at Nash, but Michaels simply tells Nash he better not screw them over tonight. Nash says not to worry about him, he's decided that HHH would try to screw him over if he joined up with him, so he chose Michaels. Booker says he ain't no lame duck on this team, and that HE is the one that has a title shot at HHH, and Nash is not only choosing HBK, he is choosing the number one contender's side as well. "Now can you dig that?!?.............................SUUUUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!"


RVD is interviewed by Coach about his plans for the Tag Title Match. RVD says the only thing he wants to accomplish in the match is get the Tag Title off him so he can open up an opportunity to go after the only Raw belt worthy of the best wrestler in the world, Rob........Van.........Dam, and that is the World Title. RVD says that he will most definitely lose his match tonight, but he will still entertain the fans as only he can.


Dudleyz come out for the match first, and then Kane makes his entrance. Kane destroys the Dudleyz, but after some double teaming, they take over. Kane tries to come back, but every attempt is cut off by the Dudleyz' double teaming. RVD makes his way out and gets on the apron when he notices Kane keeps kicking out of pin attempts. RVD tags himself in and hits Kane with a flying side kick from the top. RVD hits Rolling Thunder on Kane, and rolls him out of the ring. RVD then lays down for the Dudleyz, but instead of pinning him, Bubba gives him an elbow drop and picks him up for a slam. Wazzup drop, and doubleteam neckbreaker. D'Von goes for the pin, but Kane breaks up the pin so he can keep the titles. Kane keeps trying to tag himself in, but Van Dam goes out of his way to keep Kane from tagging him. Dudleyz keep trying to pin RVD, but Kane keeps breaking it up. Kane decides to get a chair to get his team DQ'd, but RVD hits the VanDaminator on him. Bubba pushes D'Von and tells him to get the tables. D'Von doesn't want to, but RVD obliges. Bubba wants to put Kane through the table, but D'Von won't let him. Kane chokeslams Bubba, and tries to get at RVD, who runs out of the ring. Kane goes to chokeslam D'Von, but he low blows Kane, and the Dudleyz hit 3D for the win. After the match, Bubba hugs D'Von, and then tells him to get the tables. D'Von gets the table and they give Kane the 3D through the table. RVD takes Kanes mask off and his face is shown to be burned badly on one side. The Dudleyz put Kane in the corner and hold up a chair as RVD hits the VanTerminator on a helpless Kane. Kane is busted open badly as the EMT's come to take him out on a stretcher.


Shane comes to the announcer's table for the six-man tag match, and talks with Austin and Matthews about how he wants the talent to know that there efforts will be rewarded, and that those comfortable with their current position may need to step it up. Jericho makes his way to the ring. Shane talks about the ratings being low the past couple of months, and says he wants to make sure the fans watch, and Raw is definitely going to turn around. HHH and Flair come to the ring. Shane says this match will be huge, but the backstory of Booker's title shot should not be forgotten. "Book's title shot will become a reality tomorrow night on Raw, and I am openly rooting for him to pull out a victory over Trple H." Booker makes his way to the ring as Shane and Austin put over how hard Booker has worked to get to this point in his career. Austin says he thinks Booker T's time has come. Michaels comes to the ring. Kevin Nash comes to the ring. Match starts as both teams go back and forth for about ten minutes, and Nash hasn't been tagged in yet. Booker is being isolated by the heels, but he finally makes the hot tag to Michaels. Michaels and Jericho go at it with Michaels getting the upper hand on him. HHH comes in and Michaels hits him with some offense and holds him as he tags Booker back in. Booker hasn't rested, though, and Triple H takes over and wears him down. Nash is upset that Michaels didn't tag him in, and he and Michaels are arguing in their corner. Booker is desperately reaching for a tag, but neither partner is aware. Triple H tags in Flair who puts Booker in the figure four. Booker makes the ropes, and Triple H lays in a cheap shot, which prompts Michaels and Nash to enter, and all six men are in the ring. Triple H and Flair are clotheslined out of the ring and goes over the top himself as he does it. Jericho is backing down from Nash, who turns around and gives Booker a big powerbomb. Trple H and Flair are back in and give Nash a hug. Michaels enters, and turns Nash around. He teases punching Nash, and he gives him a hug as well. Jericho grabs Booker and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. Triple H whispers in Michaels ear as Booker is tapping out. Jerisho keeps the hold locked in, and Michaels goes to superkick Y2J, but Nash hits HBK with a big kick. Nash gets HBK up and gives him a big powerbomb as well. HHH nails him with a pedigree as Jericho and Flair continue to beat down Booker.


Dudleyz are in the back for a promo. D'Von said that he finally saw the light, and Bubba was right all along. Thou shall NOT mess with the Dudley Boyz. Dudleyz don't have to answer to Bischoof or Morley any longer, but that doesn't mean they have to suck up to the fans and do the "right" thing. The Dudleyz are about their own "right thing," and that is doing whatever it takes to hold on to these shiny, gold belts that says they are the best team Raw has to offer.


The Rock is in the back, and has a message for Goldberg. The Rock's losing money as we speak by taking the time to "rassle" in front of these lame-ass fans, and since The Rock has already beaten every single person worth a damn in the WWE, he plans on making short work of the WCW reject, Bill Goldenboy-that-can't-even-hold-The-Rock's-extra-large-jockstrap!!!!


Goldberg makes his way to the ring. Austin comments about Goldberg having some words for him last Monday on Raw. Austin says that he was totally focused on The Rock at Wrestlemania, and The Rock still whipped his ass 1-2-3. Austin says Goldberg better stay focused on the task at hand, or Rock is going to really lay the smack down on him. Rock comes out, and stalls for a while as Goldberg keeps going to the side of the ring taht Rock is trying to get in on. Goldberg decides to go out after The Rock as Goldberg chases him around the ring and then follows him in. Rock jumps him and takes over. Match is back and forth as Rock hits a Rock Bottom near the ropes, and Goldberg rolls out. Later, Goldberg comes back with a spear that drives both of the men out of the ring. Back in the ring, Goldberg goes for the spear again, but Rock leapfrogs over him and Golberg hits the turnbuckles. Rock Bottom, but Goldberg kicks out. Rock hits another Rock Bottom, and goes for the People's Elbow. Goldberg hops up to spear Rock. Rock tries to leapfrog it again, but Goldberg catches him and hits him with a snap spinbuster. Rock goes for the Jackhammer, but Rock ducks behind and goes for the Rock Bottom. Goldberg flips Rock with an armdrag out of it and nails him with the spear. Goldberg gets him up for the Jackhammer, pauses, and hits it for the 3 count.


End of Raw segments for the PPV.

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

If you read this fantasy booking of Raw, please give some feedback, whether it is positive or negative. Here are the basics of what I've set up so far, with a preview of next week's RAW:


Shane McMahon's challenge to the wrestlers to put forth maximum effort has been accepted by many. Hurricane seems hell-bent on impressing McMahon, for one. There are rumblings in the back that every one that works hard will be rewarded and given the ball to run with it.


Rob Van Dam has made it clear that the tag team scene, along with the Tag Team Championship belts, are below him. In fact, RVD claims everyone is below him, and he will go after the show's top prize, the World Title. After unmasking and injuring Kane with the help of the Dudley Boyz, Van Dam may be well on his way to main eventing for the title.


Speaking of the Dudleyz, Bubba and D'Von are on the same page as Bubba made D'Von realize they need to go back to their old ways to reclaim their glory in the tag team division. Is there any team ready to give them a run for their money?


With the crowning of the Raw TV Champion coming soon, will we get some names of some contenders, or hear how the new champ will be crowned?


Goldberg dispatched of The Rock at Backlash, and may have put a stop to Rock's bragging once and for all. Who's Next for Goldberg? Maybe we will get an answer on Raw as Goldberg has an interview scheduled with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.


Shawn Michaels was all set to turn on Booker T and join his friends and former running buddies, Triple H and Kevin Nash. One thing Michaels wasn't told, though, was he wasn't invited for another run. Triple H and Nash, along with Ric Flair and Chris Jericho, made that message loud and clear at the PPV. Where does Michaels go from here? He clearly sold Booker T and his fans out, but recieved a beat down from Nash/Triple H. Michaels may be stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Also stemming from that match is Booker T's World Title shot against Triple H on Raw. Booker was hit with just about everything possible from both his opponents and partners on Sunday. Will Booker be able to compete in his Title match, and if so, does he even stand a chance? Triple H has a lot going for him right now, what with a beaten up challenger, and Ric Flair and Kevin Nash on his side.


Tune into Raw for all this and more!!!!

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Guest ryankeast

Like what you done mate.


Very interesting angle with Michaels.


Not sure about the unmasking of Kane as how do you create his so called burned face?! Surely make up will come off in the ring.


RVD as a cocky heel = GOLD!

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

Thanks for the feedback and the questions.


Regarding Kane's burned face. If you have been watching wrestling for more than a few years, you may remember Kane vs. Vader in a mask vs. mask match at a PPV (in 98 if I recall). Well, Kane was rumored tolose his mask as Vader had wrestled without his before, and it barely contained any of his face. The WWF (at the time) had a mask developed that supposedly cost around $10,000 and would realistically make Kane's face look like it was burnt badly. Kane was going to wear two masks for the match, the original mask he debuted in on top of this new mask that would look like a burned face. For whatever reason, the WWF dropped the idea and had Vader lose HIS mask, only to put it back on him a couple of weeks later. The mask never saw the lights of the cameras. And even if it hadn't been actually made, I'll pretend that the WWE sprang for a similar mask this time around. If they are willing to pay Steiner a contract, surely they would drop 10K on a mask, right?


I hope you keep reading.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think I'm going to just read this instead of watch RAW.


RVD's getting a push and the booking doesn't make me want to cry!

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

Glad you like it. Maybe someone will post it on the main site or something if everyone enjoys it.

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

Here is Monday's Raw before it happens in real life. I wanted to get this up now so everyone can see just how different my world is 8 days from the time I took over booking Raw. This is the night after Backlash. Please give your feedback.




The usual Raw intro starts us off, again showing a picture of Shane McMahon where Eric Bischoff’s face once was.


The cameras pan over the crowd as Josh Matthews hypes tonight’s show:

"Good evening and welcome to Monday…..Night…..RAW! We come to you LIVE from Boston, Mass, where tonight, we have the fallout from Backlash! Booker T has a shot against Triple H for the WORLD TITLE, and Goldberg will talk about his match last night with The Rock!"


We start out with a match as Lance Storm is making his way to the ring. The announcers note Storm’s success in singles competition the last week, with two hard-fought wins over Hurricane. Storm’s opponent is Maven. Maven tries some basic offense to start, but Storm quickly takes over and works the mat. Matthews comments on the technical prowess of Lance Storm, and that he has been using the finisher of technical legend Bret Hart. Austin says that Hart was the real deal, and Storm reminds him of Hart at times. Storm continues the offense on Maven for a couple of minutes before Maven comes back with a nice dropkick. Maven with a couple of suplexes before Storm counters and starts working the back some more. The match has been going on for 7-8 minutes when Storm turns a hurricanrana attempt by Maven into a powerbomb, then applies the Sharpshooter for the submission victory. Announcers talk about Storm performing well this past week trying to impress Shane McMahon.


In the back, Shane is talking with Eric Bischoff about some upcoming match contracts, and Bischoff says he’ll have Chief Morley get right on that. Shane: "You mean…..Sean Morley? You don’t think you still need him around, do you? Why…..I think he would be better suited showing his talents full-time in the ring, where he belongs." Bischoff looks disgusted, but mumbles, "Good idea, boss," and leaves. Hurricane enters McMahon’s office, and asks if he saw his matches against Storm from Raw and Heat. McMahon says that he thought they were good matches, but Storm just has is number right now. McMahon says he thinks Hurricane will be able to show him a little more tonight, as he takes on Christian.


Announcers run over what happened between Triple H, Kevin Nash, and Shawn Michaels last night at Backlash. They show stills of Nash turning on Booker T and embracing Triple H; Michaels turning his back on Booker as well, as he embraces Nash and Triple H; Michaels planning on giving some Sweet Chin Music to Chris Jericho; only to have Nash jump on HBK as Booker submits to Jericho. Austin says Shawn Michaels is in limbo, and he doesn’t think anyone will have a reason to care for him since he won’t be accepted on either side. We get a shot from the back of Triple H, Nash and Ric Flair gloating about their master plan from last night, and talking about finishing Shawn Michaels for good. Booker T is then shown talking with Goldust about how beat up he is from last night’s match, but he has a chance for some sweet redemption tonight if he can win the match of his life. Announcers hype the Title match for later tonight.



Back in the ring, Test faces Stevie Richards. Stacy and Victoria are at ringside for their respective boyfriends. Richards controls after a sneak attack, and Victoria gets some shots in whenever referee Charles Robinson has his back turned. Stacy was interacting with the fans like the last couple of weeks, but notices Victoria’s interferences and decides to get involved in the match as well. Test gains an advantage with some power moves, but is again slowed when Victoria hits him with a forearm to the back of the head on the apron. Stevie goes for the Stevie T, but Test counters and hits the pump handle. Victoria goes to interfere again, but Test catches her and has his back turned. Ref is trying to get Victoria away from the ring as Richards brings in a chair. Stacy has a hold of his leg, preventing the chair shot, and Test gives the big boot to the chair and Stevie’s face. Stacy pulls the chair out of the ring, and Test picks up the 3 count. Test and Stacy embrace after the match, and Test says he doesn’t want to fight anymore. They kiss and leave.


Goldberg is shown talking to the ring crew in the parking lot. In the background, a limo pulls up and out steps Rob Van Dam. "A main event star should ALWAYS travel in the highest of style. And NOBODY does it higher than ROB…….VAN…….DAM!"


Scott Steiner vs. Spike Dudley is next, and Steiner explodes on Spike, clubbing him down and hitting him with several different suplexes. Referee Jack Doan wants to check on Spike as he is getting flung around, but Steiner pushes him away and cusses him out. Doan tells Steiner he won’t stand for that, but Steiner just goes berserk and beats the crap out of Doan. Steiner puts Spike on the top turnbuckle, and hits a nice belly to belly release overhead, as Spike comes crashing down almost all the way across the ring. Steiner stomps on Doan a couple more times before leaving. Steiner was obviously DQ’d, but the bell never rang due to Doan being laid out.


Tommy Dreamer and Goldust team up to take on 3Minute Warning, accompanied by Rico. The Dudleyz are out to commentate. Dreamer and Goldust keep 3MW on their heels for most of the match, and seem to be working well together. The Dudleyz talk about how no one is capable of taking the belts off them, and these two teams are the best Raw has to offer? Dudleyz are back to their old ways, and they are unbeatable. 3MW take over after a double team, and isolate Dreamer. Matthews asks the Dudleyz what they thought of their little brother getting decimated by Scott Steiner in the last match. Bubba: "HALF brother. And Spike is weak. He deserves to get beat down. He should have been with us from day one, and we could have protected him." Dreamer makes the hot tag, and Goldust is cleaning house against the Samoans. Rico tries to jump Goldust, but get hit with the Shattered Dreams. Dreamer clotheslines Rosey out of the ring as Goldust hits the powerslam on Jamal for the 3. Dudleyz aren’t impressed. After the match, Rico is arguing with 3MW, and smacks them both in the face. They start to back Rico up, and do some double team corner splashes on him. Jamal hits his Samoan Drop, Rosey uses D’Lo Brown’s Sudden Impact move, and then Jamal hits Rico with the splash from the top rope. They leave Rico laying in the ring.


Up next is the interview with Goldberg, which will be conducted by none other than Steve Austin. Austin doesn’t pose or anything, just gets in the ring. He asks Bill Goldberg to come down for his interview. Goldberg’s music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring.

Austin: "So Goldberg, what do you think about your match last night, a great match with The Rock?"

Goldberg: "The Rock is gone from wrestling forever, and he’s old news. I ran The Rock out of wrestling just like I put Bret Hart out a couple years back. They found out like everyone else has, I’m The Man, and I came to WWE to show it."

Austin: "You like to ask "Who’s Next?" so who do you think you’ll be gunning for now?"

Goldberg: "It doesn’t matter……everyone will probably try and duck me, just like you."

Austin: "Heh, why do you think I’m trying to duck you? I’m retired."

Goldberg: "The way I see it, you’re just scared as hell of the man that could actually put you into retirement. What’s the matter Steve, afraid to see who the better man is after all these years?"

Austin: "Well, Stone Cold Ste…..I’m not a wrestler any more. Like I said…..I’m retired."

Goldberg: "Just like they told me when I was on top in WCW and I challenged you to a fight. You ain’t ever gonna accept, because you know you won’t win."

Austin: "Look, Bill…..I don’t know if you think you’re trying to urge me into walking down that aisle one more time, getting in this here ring, and stomping a muddle in your sorry ass and then walking it dry, and hitting you with a Stone Cold Stunner, WHAT?, a Stunner, WHAT?, I said hit your ass with a Stunner!!! (They stare at each other) Well that ain’t gonna happen. LIKE I SAID……I’m retired."

Goldberg: "You make threats like that again, and I might drop you on that stack of dimes you call a neck! You see, you used to say that very thing back in the day, but that was back before I got here. Why don’t you say that to me? HUH? (Pushes Austin)

Austin: "Okay Goldberg…….this interview is over. Like I said………….I’m retired."

Austin leaves the ring as Goldberg yells at him.

Goldberg: "Just like Austin running away with his tail between his legs, no one wants to face me. Who’s going to step up? WHO’S NEXT?"


Christian vs. Hurricane is next. Matthews asks Austin about Goldberg, but Austin brushes it off and talks about Hurricane trying to impress Shane McMahon and move himself up the ladder. Hurricane starts off hot, but seems to be limping from the damage Storm did to his leg last night on Heat. Matthews talks about Christian having the guts to step up to Goldberg on behalf of The Rock. Austin: "Look, I can’t go anymore! I can’t wrestle and take a beating like Christian, because my life and my neck are on the line. So don’t give me a big guilt trip!" Matthews says he wasn’t trying to give Austin a big guilt trip, and he didn’t mean that in a bad way. Austin silent for the rest of the match. Hurricane goes up for the Overcast, but his leg is giving him trouble. Christian hits a superplex and takes over. Christian works on the leg, but Hurricane keeps rolling him up for near falls. Pinfall reversal sequence goes back and forth until Christian rolls up Hurricane, puts his feet on the ropes, and pulls the tights for good measure. Christian with the 1-2-3. Hurricane is upset at himself for losing again, as Christian pulled out the victory.


Shane McMahon walks up to Triple H, Nash, and Flair, and talks about the big World Title match tonight. He thinks Booker doesn’t stand a chance due to his beating from last night, and Nash and Flair there for Triple H. The heels all smirk and agree. McMahon: "So that’s why I’ve decided to give Book a fighting chance! Tonight, in the match for the World Title, no one is allowed to come to ringside. Anyone who comes down to the ring to interfere will be suspended for one month. The heels all complain and Triple H says Shane can’t do that. Shane says indeed he can, because he’s the one in charge around here. Remember, anyone interferes, and they’re gone!


Rob Van Dam is in the ring, and he is glad that everyone in Boston came to see a winner for a change, and they are seeing one in Rob……..Van……..Dam. RVD says he is excited about tonight’s World Title match, because it’s the match that will decide who will beat to become the World Champion. RVD says tonight the fans are treated to seeing the best wrestler in the world doing what he does best, and that he will wrestle right here tonight. RVD: "Now this guy isn’t in my league, and he definitely isn’t a main eventer like me, but it will be great to show you all how talented I am." Al Snow’s music hits and he comes to the ring. RVD misses a kick and Snow starts brawling with him and Van Dam is reeling. Snow hits Van Dam with the double underhook headbutts, and RVD rolls out to regroup. Snow hits him with a baseball slide, and a suplex on the outside. Back in, RVD reverses a whip, does a split, and hits a monkey toss on Snow. RVD does a twisting leg drop for two. RVD runs through some of his signature spots, and stops to point to himself after every move. Snow comes back and goes for the Snowplow, but Van Dam gets out of it and spin kicks him down. RVD goes up for the 5 Star Frog Splasg, and nails it for the win. RVD points to himself and makes the belt motion around his waist.


Booker T is in the back getting ready for his match, and Shawn Michaels walks up to him.

HBK: "Listen, Book……I"

Booker T: "Shut that punk ass mouth of yours before I smack the taste out of it. Save the DRAMA for your MOMMA! You turned your back on me, and you turned your back on your fans! There ain’t NOTHIN’ that you can say to justify that. (Michaels just stares at the floor) If you ask me, you got what you deserved, Shawn. You got punked out by your friends, and if you don’t get out my face, you about to be punked out again! Now can you dig that?!?" Shawn stands there as Booker walks off, as Chris Jericho comes down the hall. Y2J: "Well if it isn’t the Heartbroken Ki" and all of a sudden, Michaels starts punching Jericho. He throws Jericho into the wall and walks off. Jericho starts getting up and yells out, "It’s not my fault no one likes you! You’re just mad you’re not the HIGHLIGHT….of the night! LIKE ME!!!"


Main event has the boxing style intros and a tale of the tape. Booker comes out first, and then Triple H comes out alone. Stalemate to start as neither man can get much of an advantage after some lockups. Triple H is backed into the corner during another lockup attempt, and Booker backs off. Triple H kicks Booker in the knee, and pulls him to the corner to wrap his knee around the ring post a couple of times. Back in the ring, HHH is working over the leg of Booker. HHH keeps going for wear down moves on the knee and leg, and puts Booker in the figure four. Booker makes the ropes. Triple H continues the assault and goes for the figure four again. Booker reverses it, and Triple H has to make the ropes. Back up, Booker slugs back, and manages to get a huge spinebuster for two. Booker with a couple of suplexes, and is trying to shake off the damage done to the knee. Booker begins to assault HHH’s own knee, and drops some elbows to the leg. Booker is moving around a little better now, and hits a flying forearm. He hits a sidekick, and drops down to do the Spinarooni as Flair comes running down to the ring. Axe kick and Booker covers, but Flair has the ref distracted. The announcers say that Flair is sacrificing himself so HHH can keep the belt. Booker goes over to knock Flair off the apron, and Triple H takes advantage with a running knee strike. That gets two. Spinebuster gets a very close two count, as Triple H and Flair are beside themselves. Booker is whipped to the corner, but does his Brisco corner flip pin, but Flair breaks it up from under the bottom rope. Shawn Michaels comes running out, and gives Flair some Sweet Chin Music. HHH goes for the pedigree, but Booker backdrops him out of it. Bookend, 1-2-3, and WE HAVE A NEW WORLD CHAMPION!!!!!!!


All the faces come from the back and celebrate with Booker in the ring, as HHH and Flair can’t believe it. HBK walks back up the ramp clapping for Booker.


***Show fades out***

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

Here is Sunday Night Heat for May 4th




Sunday Night Heat opening intro


Coach and this week’s guest host Shane McMahon welcome us to Heat on The New TNN. Coach talks about Shane trying to turn this company around, asks Shane to tell the fans about the upcoming crowning of the first-ever Raw Television Champion. Shane says that he wants to reward those that work hard, and need that little boost to put them closer to the main event scene. The TV Title will be defended at least once a week, right here on Heat, or Monday nights on Raw. And, it must be defended at every PPV. Shane thinks that this title may be what some of the underrated talents on Raw need to showcase what they have. More on that in a bit, as we head to the ring for our first match.


Stevie Richards makes his way down to the ring with Victoria. Richards’ opponent will be Maven. Maven controls to start, and Richards keeps bailing out of the ring. Maven with a baseball slide to Richards on the outside as Victoria is huddled with Stevie. The announcers talk about Al Snow continuing to mentor the young Maven, and what influence he has on him. Back in, Maven gets an armdrag into an armbar. Richards reverses and whips Maven into the ropes, and Victoria pulls down the top rope sending Maven crashing to the floor. Ref prevents Stevie from going after Maven, allowing Victoria to get some shots in and roll Maven back into the ring. Stevie stomps away as Shane says that the road to crowning the TV Champ begins tonight, as the first two matches of a tournament will take place. Stevie continues the assault, but Maven cradles him for two. Stevie stomps him and gets a vertical suplex for two. Maven reverses another suplex attempt, and lands his nice dropkick. Victoria gets on the apron and snaps Maven’s neck across the top rope, Stevie T, and it’s over.


Backstage, Terri talks to 3 Minute Warning, and they tell her that Bischoff gave them that stupid name, and since he’s no longer in charge, they want to get away from that name. Jamal says that his family once had a good tag team by the name of the Samoan Swat Team, and they want to revive that team. And who are they going swat first? That little nancy-boy Rico, who has held us back ever since becoming our manager. Rico will get his tomorrow on Raw, with any partner of his choice.


Coach and Shane say it is time to start the tournament for the Television Title, and they name the 8 competitors in the tournament:

The Hurricane

Sean Morley

Lance Storm

Christopher Nowinski



Tommy Dreamer

Spike Dudley


Tonight, Hurricane will take on Christopher Nowinski, and right now, Goldust will take on Lance Storm. Goldust makes his way to the ring as Shane explains that the finals won’t take place until Bad Blood, so the two men in the finals will have a good month to prepare for each other. Storm comes out, and Coach talks about Storm returning to singles, and how he has had success so far. Goldust starts off hot and controls the match. Storm ducks a clothesline and hits a running calf kick to take over. Storm with a springboard clothesline, and vertical suplex for two. Goldust with comes back with his drop to the mat uppercut off an Irish whip, then hits the BUTT-BUTT. Storm with a poke to the eye and a pendulum backbreaker. Bodyslam, sits Goldust up, and hits a strong kick to the back. Snapmare, and another kick to the back. Goldust reverses an Irish whip and hits his powerslam, but Storm gets his foot on the ropes at two. Goldust with a suplex attempt, but Storm goes up and behind Goldust, rolling him up backwards. Storm locks in the sharpshooter, and Goldust is forced to tap. Advancing in the tournament is Lance Storm.


Backstage, Al Snow consoles Maven after his loss and tells him he had the match won, but interference cost him the match. Maven said he wished he had someone watching his back out there. Snow tells him that soon enough, he won’t need anyone watching his back, and he’ll get wins despite the interference. Maven asks Snow for a tune-up match on Raw the next night, and says he has a few moves he wants to work on. Snow agrees, saying he’d be glad to help out.


Rico approaches Christopher Nowinski backstage, and comments on his fashion sense and how a Harvard graduate must dress himself in a dignified manner. Nowinski appreciates the compliments of Rico, and says that anyone complimenting the WWE’s only Harvard graduate must be a smart man himself. Rico says that is why he thinks they should team up. Nowinski: "Umm, sorry pal, but ummm……..I don’t swing that way." Rico: "Oh, I’m not gay, either. I was talking about us forming a tag team and facing those Neanderthal Samoans on Raw." Nowinski will help him out, if he helps Nowinski out in his match with The Hurricane tonight.


The announcers talk about Raw’s direction of late, and run down the current storylines:

Goldberg challenging Austin, who turned him down because he’s retired

Booker T becoming the NEW World Champ

Flair and Michaels being suspended for a month. Shane says he has asked Michaels to come to Raw tomorrow night, and says he wants to make an announcement.

Triple H wants his Title back

RVD claiming he will be the next World Heavyweight Champion

Steiner’s recent snapping and manhandling of his opponents and other officials


Hurricane comes out for his match with Nowinski. Shane says Hurricane is definitely trying to make an impression, and make a name for himself. Nowinski comes down and stalls, but Hurricane doesn’t bite and chase after him. Hurricane fakes a tope, and he got Nowinski to turn his back and move out of the way, only to turn around and get hit with dive to the outside. Hurricane sends him back in and hits a backdrop suplex. Nowinski with a shot to the throat to take over, and the announcers talk about how much Nowinski has improved since his debut. Nowinski with a neckbreaker and drops some elbows. Nowinski grabs Hurricanes hair and slams him backward into the mat. Leg drop gets two. Side headlock on the mat, but Hurricane rolls Nowinski over for two. Nowinski keeps the headlock applied, and Hurricane gets a couple more pin attempts off it. Hurricane finally gets out by scissoring the neck of Nowinski, and hits a couple of his jumping clotheslines. Overcast gets two, and Rico comes down to ringside. Hurricane with a somersault flip over the top to cut Rico off. Back in, and Nowinski gets a low blow and tries a pin with his feet on the ropes. That gets two, and Nowinski goes for his twisting slam finisher, but Hurricane turns it into the Eye of the Hurricane for the 3 count before Rico can pull the ref out. Hurricane moves on in the tournament.


Shane and Coach hype Raw, and we are out.

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