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Guest Spaceman Spiff

NewsRadio on DVD

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

So, I got this email from TVShowsOnDVD.com:


Columbia Poll: NewsRadio is in - 4:11 PM 4/22/2003

The polls are in and NewsRadio is a winner! Here's the email that was sent out

earlier today:


"Thanks to those of you participating in the TV poll. Based on the overall

selections, we have now planned to put out a number of the titles chosen. Please

look for The Tick, Soap, Newsradio, Dilbert and more to be released on DVD later

this year. Thank you again for your selections, your opinions matter!"


You were sent this email because you have expressed having "NewsRadio" released

on DVD. If you no longer want to receive these emails you may change the setting

in your User Options - "Change Account Information".


Gord Lacey - http://www.TVShowsOnDVD.com


Hopefully we'll get season box-sets. I'm not too concerned w/ director's commentary and/or a bunch of extras. Just give me the original broadcast episodes (not syndi's).


I checked out the Columbia site w/ the poll (don't have the address handy now), and the poll is still up, but hopefully it's true.

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Guest teke184

The Tick~!


NewsRadio is also good, as I need a Phil Hartman fix as well, but The Tick is GREAT whether it's live action or animated.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Considering the fact that Just Shoot Me and The Critic were on that poll, this is horseshit.

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Guest teke184

I'd say bump Dilbert... At least Soap has a following. Dilbert was something everyone chose because they liked the comic strip but never saw the show.

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Guest raptor

I got this same e-mail, and absolutely freaked out.


Thing is, I got a mail for both versions of "The Tick," so we may get a live-action and animated set. Plus, I've been waiting for NewsRadio for a long, long time.

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Guest Mattdotcom
Considering the fact that Just Shoot Me and The Critic were on that poll, this is horseshit.


Just Shoot Me is horseshit, but I could go for The Critic...


Somebody bump....THE 2002 THREAD OF THE YEAR~!

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Guest MaxPower27

I would buy every DVD mentioned so far.


Newradio, The Tick, Soap, Dilbert and The Critic.


Just Shoot Me was OK the first two seasons, but after that I lost interest. I might buy the first two seasons though.

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Guest areacode212

I wanted to be the one to break this news!! But still...wow. I'll believe it when I see an official release date & cover art. As Spiff said, I'll be happy if they just gave us the original uncut episodes. And hopefully they don't bail on us & release Season 1 and nothing else.


That said, I'd obviously like to see some good extras. We're not going to be getting commentaries on every episode, but one or two per season would be nice. Interviews, outtakes, etc...


This reminds me, I still have those CDs for Barron that I have to send out...

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Guest Bruiser Chong

No doubt JSM went downhill around 2001 or so, but those early seasons had some classic shows. I guess they can't compete against the News Radio love-in.

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Guest bob_barron
I wanted to be the one to break this news!! But still...wow. I'll believe it when I see an official release date & cover art. As Spiff said, I'll be happy if they just gave us the original uncut episodes. And hopefully they don't bail on us & release Season 1 and nothing else.


That said, I'd obviously like to see some good extras. We're not going to be getting commentaries on every episode, but one or two per season would be nice. Interviews, outtakes, etc...


This reminds me, I still have those CDs for Barron that I have to send out...

I'm coming home in 8 days so need to send them out. I can meet you or something

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
I wanted to be the one to break this news!! But still...wow. I'll believe it when I see an official release date & cover art. As Spiff said, I'll be happy if they just gave us the original uncut episodes. And hopefully they don't bail on us & release Season 1 and nothing else.

Or worse - a "best of" seasonal compilation (i.e. Best of Season 1, Best of Season 2). That would truly suck.


This reminds me, I still have those CDs for Barron that I have to send out...

Heh! ;)

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Guest bob_barron

As long as I get NewsRadio on DVD I'll be happy.


Hopefully they will do a Season 1-n-2 thing and then release them by season. I think if a lot of people buy 1-n-2 they'll load up Season 3 with extras

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I'd say bump Dilbert... At least Soap has a following. Dilbert was something everyone chose because they liked the comic strip but never saw the show.

I only saw one Dilbert episode ever. It was the one with Stone Cold on it... B-)

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