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Guest Downhome

Which DVD's are the most packed...

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Guest Downhome

I am very behind in the times, as I just recently (last year or so) began buying DVD's. As of right now, I only have seven actually, not a big collection at all. I was just wondering if you guys have any favorites, not in terms of the film really, but instead the actual extras on the DVD itself and everything. My cousin has the Frailty DVD, and I f'n love the extras on it (also one of my favorite films), I don't ask for too much. I just want some cool extras to entertain me.


I've been told that the Fight Club and the Se7en: Platinum Edition DVD is the best out there. Is this true?




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Guest raptor

Planet of the Apes, Fast and the Furious, Jurassic Park III, Mummy Returns, Spider-Man, Attack of the Clones, Fellowship of the Ring, Hannibal.


Not all good movies, but pretty great DVDs.

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah Fight Club has a good DVD. However, they also released a single disc version and I'm not sure if the two disc loaded with extras version is still sold.


I have the loaded Se7en, I haven't opened it, but it appears to be loaded.


I've heard Memento has a good SE version.


Roger Rabbit

Citizen Kane

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

For the kind of movie it is, Basket Case has an incredible dvd.


Kevin Smith movies are generally my favorite as far as extras.

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Guest El Satanico
Texas Chainsaw Massacre has a good DVD, but it's OOP so you'd have to go ebaying.

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Guest Lethargic

Loaded is in the eye of the beholder. Like the mentioned Seven disc. Sure it's "loaded" with features. You look at the back of the box and your eyes bulge out. But yet I watched it only one night because most of the features are crap like storyboards, alternate credits, poster galleries, still photos. Just total bullshit that I have no interest in. I only care about stuff I can watch that actually tells me something. I want the commentaries, the documentaries, the interviews, the cut scenes, the trailers, stuff like that. I don't wanna flip through a bunch of still photos or badly drawn stick figure storyboards.


The ones that come to my mind most of all are the Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs DVDs. Both of those are totally packed with good stuff. You will know every single fact about those movies after watching the DVDs. Not only those movies but they also go into other movies that inspired the movies. There are even features on the other movies that played at Sundance the same year as Reservoir Dogs. Those discs have everything.

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Guest spiny norman

Aren't the Harry Potter DVDs meant to be absolutely chockers with features etc?

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Guest NoCalMike

The Die Hard trilogy has some cool workshop feature where you can re-edit a scene with the camera angles and music edits how YOU want them as opposed to how the director did them. It is really neat and gives as best an inside look at directing and decision making as could be without you at the real post-production meetings.

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Guest areacode212
Yeah Fight Club has a good DVD. However, they also released a single disc version and I'm not sure if the two disc loaded with extras version is still sold.

If you're lucky, you can still find it in some stores.


I'm a big fan of the True Romance DVD that came out last year. Three full-length commentary tracks, plus selected scene commentaries by supporting cast on disc 2. Deleted scenes, the alternate ending (all with commentaries), etc...


Aren't the Harry Potter DVDs meant to be absolutely chockers with features etc?

I have the first one, and disc 2 is such a pain in the ass to navigate. I haven't even bothered looking at all of the features there. Screw the DVD--buy the book instead.


Kevin Smith movies are generally my favorite as far as extras.


Yeah, these are always packed. I was watching the Chasing Amy DVD a couple of weekends ago, and the extras (commentary, deleted scenes) are all pretty good. Smith & Affleck doing the introductions to the deleted scenes were especially funny.

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Guest razazteca

Fight Club has 3 commentary tracks, making of the fight scenes, Meat Loaf in the costume acting goofy, music video by Dust Brothers, deleted scenes, tv spots.


Jay & Silient Bob Strike Back have a hour of deleted scenes hosted by Smith, The Time music videos, stuff from the web site including the Fat Albert scene.

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Guest notJames

Definitely the Kevin Smith stuff and Tarantino's SEs (including True Romance. And I have yet to even make a dent in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


X-Men 1.5 has a pretty good set of extras, too.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Actually, Fight Club has four commentary tracks. But one of them isn't very interesting, though I can't remember which one... haven't looked at that dvd in a while.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I'll agree with Fight Club here, although most places only carry the single disc version now, as the 2-disc is now OOP.


I'll agree with the Smith DVD's, although Clerks will prolly be getting a 10th anniversary release next year. The extras for J&SB are good, although some of the deleted scenes are pointless, seeing as how Kevin's intros for them are three times as long as the actual scene. I know they just wanted to get everything they could onto it, but it's a little annoying.


Citizen Kane is also pretty packed, although that seems to be an acquired taste. The extra disc with the full-length documentary is one of the best extras I've ever seen on a DVD, but would only grab your interest if you liked the film or were interested in the story behind CK.


There are also several discs from the Criterion Collection that are just totally bitchin' cause of the extras, not to mention the transfer quality, but once again, many of those films are acquired tastes.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

FOTR: Extended Edition


4 Commentary Tracks

The Director's Cut of the Film

and 2 Disks of nothing but extras (mainly Documentaries)

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Kahran speaks the truth. The original 2-disc edition of the FOTR is nothing to scoff at, either.

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Guest notJames
…I'll agree with the Smith DVD's, although Clerks will prolly be getting a 10th anniversary release next year…

Is that confirmed? Because I am totally there if/when that happens. (Praise Allah I haven't bought the current incarnation yet.)


BTW, while listening to the Fight Club commentary with the director and the three principles, I noticed that Helena's commentary sounds completely separate from the others, as if she recorded her comments on her own and then had them spliced in with the others. The guys don't even refer to her during their comments.


Bruiser, which Criterion titles would you consider "acquired tastes"? If you mean indie releases like Sling Blade, Happiness, or Buffalo '66, I think I'd be interested. I'm a big fan of "acquired tastes". ;)

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk
BTW, while listening to the Fight Club commentary with the director and the three principles, I noticed that Helena's commentary sounds completely separate from the others, as if she recorded her comments on her own and then had them spliced in with the others. The guys don't even refer to her during their comments.

They were recorded seperately.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
Is that confirmed? Because I am totally there if/when that happens. (Praise Allah I haven't bought the current incarnation yet.)


No, it hasn't been confirmed but logic would tell you that it's almost a given, considering the 10th anniversary is a pretty big thing for any movie. I would say that Smith being pretty fan-friendly and willing to go the extra mile on his DVD's is also another factor that will benefit the existence of a 10th anniversary disc. There's nothing wrong with the one we have now (transfer is about as good as it'll ever be), but I'm sure they could round up some more extras and maybe even some sort of a documentary about Clerks or the View Askew Universe in general.


Bruiser, which Criterion titles would you consider "acquired tastes"? If you mean indie releases like Sling Blade, Happiness, or Buffalo '66, I think I'd be interested. I'm a big fan of "acquired tastes".


Since Criterion usually picks films that are viewed as groundbreaking or "different," it's only natural that a lot of people won't like most of the titles they release. Anything that's groundbreaking tends to have a lot of hardcore fans and many people who hate it. So I guess I would say that most of the discs from the CC could be considered acquired tastes.

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Guest razazteca

Spiderman has some DVD Rom games along with the usual stuff you would expect like making of special effects, commentary, feature specials from cable programs, outtakes and music videos.

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Guest Nevermortal

Coming up later this year is the 10th anniversary edition of Schindler's List which is said to be LOADED with extras.

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Guest Lethargic

I thought the Clerks disc that came out a few months ago WAS the 10th Anniversary disc? ha

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Guest Askewniverse
Jay & Silient Bob Strike Back have a hour of deleted scenes hosted by Smith, The Time music videos, stuff from the web site including the Fat Albert scene.

The Fat Albert scene is also on Dogma: Special Edition, which is a kick-ass DVD.


It's been said before, but the Mallrats DVD is worth picking up just for the commentary track.

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Guest Retro Rob

Star Wars Episode 2 has a whole lot of shit.


As for Fight Club, the two-disc version is discontinued.

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Bringing back an old thread. Yep.


Even though the movie was about average, Daredevil had an awesome DVD. Multiple camera angles, behind the scenes footage during the movie, two hour-long TV specials, several audio commentaries, outtakes, etc. - and then features on the comic books themselves. Not to mention they even made a version of it where all the action is spoken by someone, so blind people can know what was going on. Great DVD.


As for Fight Club, I loved the DVD. But Helena Bonham Carter absolutely ruined that audio commentary she was on. The commentary from the guys would be pretty interesting, and then Helena would randomly BUTT in with comments on her character for 10 minutes. It didn't fit in with the flow of the movie at all (she spoke in parts where she wasn't even present, and didn't even talk about that scene), and after a while, you just had to hope the bitch would shut up. Jeez, she was boring. But oh yeah, Fight Club was a great DVD. Too bad all they have is the shit 1-CD version now though.

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Is that confirmed? Because I am totally there if/when that happens. (Praise Allah I haven't bought the current incarnation yet.)


No, it hasn't been confirmed but logic would tell you that it's almost a given, considering the 10th anniversary is a pretty big thing for any movie. I would say that Smith being pretty fan-friendly and willing to go the extra mile on his DVD's is also another factor that will benefit the existence of a 10th anniversary disc. There's nothing wrong with the one we have now (transfer is about as good as it'll ever be), but I'm sure they could round up some more extras and maybe even some sort of a documentary about Clerks or the View Askew Universe in general.


Bruiser, which Criterion titles would you consider "acquired tastes"? If you mean indie releases like Sling Blade, Happiness, or Buffalo '66, I think I'd be interested. I'm a big fan of "acquired tastes".


Since Criterion usually picks films that are viewed as groundbreaking or "different," it's only natural that a lot of people won't like most of the titles they release. Anything that's groundbreaking tends to have a lot of hardcore fans and many people who hate it. So I guess I would say that most of the discs from the CC could be considered acquired tastes.

Criterion isn't to picky.

On one hand, they did The Royal Tennenbaums

On the other, they did Armageddon.


Both sets are pretty well stacked, and the out takes from Armageddon are priceless.

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