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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Stupid question

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

How does lighting a match get rid of a horrible smell? I've tried it on many foul smells and it worked great, I'm just wondering how does it work.


Every Rose Has It's Thorn!

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Guest Choken One

I remember my Chemistry teaching teaching us something about this but I was preoccupied...

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Guest godthedog

when i first saw this topic, i thought it was a question about how wrestling companies arrange the lighting in the arenas they use.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

I'm still lost, because I lit a match around my aunt, and her smell went away, for a while at least.


Every Rose Has It's Thorn!

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Since I'm pretty good at chemistry, I think I'll have a hand at this...


The best way to induce a chemical reaction/change in something is to add fire. By adding fire to the foul-smelling molecules, you are changing the KINDS of molecules. Thus, newer less-smelling molecules are formed.

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Guest BifEverchad
I'm still lost, because I lit a match around my aunt, and her smell went away, for a while at least.


Every Rose Has It's Thorn!

You must have one smelly ass Aunt..



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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz

Sulphites and methane (I think) are the causes of many odors (both discharges of bacteria.) Sulphites cause morning breath, for example.

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