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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

Teddy Long and his 5 minute "White Boy" Challenge

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
Teddy Long's comments and racist crap was more gimmicky and it has been done to it, and basically it comes from a place where Teddy claims that Rodney and Jazz will beat the White boys and girls because they have been JIPPED out in their careers.... its a same arguement and gimmicks that is similar to the NOD.


HHH...on the other hand, what made it more offensive was that the gimmick wasn't suppose to really be racist....it was sorta added in, that HHH in a position of Privilege and Power not only doesn't see Booker T as a threat, but sees him just as a Little Punk that should would be better serve carrying his luggage then trying to fight him. it was the Infuriating Air of Superiority and we took that step beyond proclaiming the undertones to be Ugly racist.


Its hard to say which one is more offensive than the other because both is wrought with stereotype. What I guess you can say is from the position the offender is coming from...HHH from a place of Power, and Long proclaiming his position from the point of being tired of watching Da Mack getting Smacked with Inequalities.

That was the perfect way to sum it up. It's the lesser of two evils.


But you got to admit, some people really need to get a sense of humor.

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