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Guest Y2_Rey

More News on WWE firings

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Guest Y2_Rey

Has a possible spoiler about that womens match at BackLash I thought I would share this article I found searching the web with My fellow Smarks. Well here's the article.




It seems as though NWA-TNA could become the new home of former WWE superstar, Jeff Hardy. Many former WWE superstars have emigrated to the promotion including D-Lo Brown, Raven, and Justin Credible. The only barrier preventing Hardy from joining the promotion are his own interests and whether or not the WWE release terms will prevent him from working for another wrestling company. NWA-TNA are assuming that there will be able to lure Hardy as past superstars have had no clause in their release terms preventing them working.


In a strange note, I just saw Trish Stratus make an appearance on UK TV channel, Sky Sports News. The reason it was strange was because Trish revealed the outcome of her match with Jazz at this Sunday's Backlash, saying that she would be victorious with her signature manoeuvre, stratusfaction. Now I have no idea whether or not this claim is true, but is definitely strange that she would make such a claim

credit- wrestlinginc.com

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Guest Choken One

Umm...I don't think Trish gave anything away bozo...


It was your usual...


"I'm Gonna beat my challenger with this move" type statement... Like


"The Rock will lay down the candy ass of Goldberg with the People's Elbow"...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

How is it strange to say you're gonna beat somebody with your move? Wrestlers say that all the time.


And we're all hoping Jeff stays far away from TNA. The last thing they need is to be known as "that company full of WWE rejects."

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Guest notJames
...And we're all hoping Jeff stays far away from TNA. The last thing they need is to be known as "that company full of WWE rejects."

Just like WW_ is quickly becoming "that company full of wCw rejects"...


... which is infinitely worse.

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