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Guest tpww7

Good Tickets still left over for Backlash..

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Guest tpww7

Jim Fields sent this one. ... I just played around on Ticketmaster.com and when I said I wanted 8 seats together, best available, they gave me 8 seats in section Floor2 (the 300 dollar seats) in Row C, 3rd row.


Last night's edition of Smackdown did 3.9 metered rating, with a 6 share, pacing UPN to a fifth place finish out of the six networks. That is down from recent weeks as WWE usually breaks the 4.0 barrier. There was an interesting pattern in the half hour numbers for the show as the peak came between 9:00 and 9:30, but then dropped for what is usually the most watched part of the show. The half hour numbers were 3.4, 3.7, 4.5 and 4.1.


Credit - 1bob

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

And guess what was on between 9:00 and 9:30..


The Sable/Dawn/Nidia/Torrie thing..

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I don't think the SD rating will matter for shit. Fox was showing Michael Jackson's Home Videos and probably pulling the rating down.

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Guest Retro Rob
I don't think the SD rating will matter for shit. Fox was showing Michael Jackson's Home Videos and probably pulling the rating down.

Jacko did TERRIBLY, 5.0.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
I don't think the SD rating will matter for shit. Fox was showing Michael Jackson's Home Videos and probably pulling the rating down.

Jacko did TERRIBLY, 5.0.

Im glad. Maybe he'll go away again..

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Guest Retro Rob

Jacko truly is THE KING OF POP, but all the home videos are a little too much for my tastes. Nonetheless, I am compelled to watch. FYI, I only taped the show...

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