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Guest Black Tiger

Some changes i'd make in the wwf

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Guest Black Tiger

This post is intended to show some of the changes I'd like to see made in the WWF for an all around better product. Feel free to add your own ideas or give me feedback on what you think.


1. The Royal Rumble has been very predictable in recent years. Instead of the winner getting a shot at wrestlemania, have the winner get a shot the next night on RAW. It leaves room for unlikely winners. It would give guys like RVD, Christian, Edge, Hardyz, etc a chance to try to hang with the top guys. This leaves a void to fill though, how do we get a #1 Contender for Wrestlemania?


2. Use the Feb PPV or course. Do a tournament with the Rumble Winner (or if he's the champ the former champ), and say 7 other guys on RAW and Smackdown and hold the finals at the Feb PPV. What does the champion do at the Feb PPV? He deffends his title to see if he can MAKE IT to Wrestlemania. Now having a tournament is a problem with KOR so close (4 months) so what happens with that?


3. Make KOR ROUND RIBBON! Start KOR at Judgement day and have the last 2 Round Ribbon Matches and the finals between the two top winners on the PPV. Round Ribbon leaves room for upsets. Also, stop pushing KOR as "the next step" to all the mid carders. All it does is put pressure on them. Angle made it by good booking and great skills, HHH made it by losing DX, Austin made it when Hart turned HEEL, KOR had NOTHING to do with it. What should one get by winning KOR though? A push and a WWF title shot at SummerSlam.


Now lets look at the TV shows, we hear JR say how "RVD has a future in this great sport", how can we tell? He's done with is match in 2 minutes, take out some of the stupid skits (Lucy the dog) and only use them for important Angles (Christian joins Alliance,) and cut down on interviews and there's plenty of time left for MATCHES!

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

I think you mean Round ROBIN, not ribbon... but your ideas aren't bad.  The only problem with the Rumble idea is that the Rumble match itself would lose alot of meaning if the winner only got a World title shot on Raw.  ####, Maven has gotten one of those and he's worthless.

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