Guest danndogg Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Last night's edition of Smackdown did 3.9 metered rating, with a 6 share, pacing UPN to a fifth place finish out of the six networks. That is down from recent weeks as WWE usually breaks the 4.0 barrier. There was an interesting pattern in the half hour numbers for the show as the peak came between 9:00 and 9:30, but then dropped for what is usually the most watched part of the show. The half hour numbers were 3.4, 3.7, 4.5 and 4.1. - Sable's contest started right at around 9:00 PM, and I'm guessing that she and the divas had a big part in garnering that 4.5 quarter hour rating. She and the divas managed to get higher ratings then everyone's favorite sons, Chris Benoit, Brock Lesnar and John Cena!! Also, Sable's pops have grown steadily week by week and WWE is quite pleased by her backstage demeanor. Her segments have been quite entertaining IMO and she has yet to 'mess up'. Anyways, if you think Sable's going away anytime soon, you got another thing coming bucko. A 3.9 overnight rating is nothing to be proud about, but take away the Sable/Torrie factor and it's significantly less. She and Torrie's risque segments are scoring the highest ratings out of anyone else on Smackdown at the moment (Broadcast ratings are far greater than cable ratings). Not too shabby for someone who was percieved by the 'know-it-all experts' cough ** s(kid)marks ** cough as washed up and useless. She's getting better ratings than EVERYONE in WWE with the exception of Goldberg/Rock! I love how everyone online disses Sable and she just comes back to rub it all in your smart mark chubby faces. Sable=Ratings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Mark, is that you? Doesn't say much about the show if a T&A segment is the highest rated one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bannable Offense Report post Posted April 26, 2003 I can see where your going with tirade, but to follow that logic is to say that all the wrestling should take a back seat to the T&A segments. Sure, T&A segments are great for a break between action but I still came to see the likes of Cena, Angle and even Big Show and A-Train wrestle first and foremost. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BifEverchad Report post Posted April 26, 2003 I can see where your going with tirade, but to follow that logic is to say that all the wrestling should take a back seat to the T&A segments. Sure, T&A segments are great for a break between action but I still came to see the likes of Cena, Angle and even Big Show and A-Train wrestle first and foremost. Did he just say he came to see the Big Show and A-Train? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest danndogg Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Wrestling shouldn't take a backseat to T & A, but it goes to show you that Sable isn't as useless as some of you thought after all because she can still get people to watch her whether you like it or not. No, the overall ratings haven't gone up since she returned, but when you manage to garner a full point than the rest of your peers such as Lesnar, Cena, and Benoit, I think you're holding up your share of the bargain. Ratings-wise, Sable/Torrie segments seem to be the lone bright spot of Smackdown. A 4.5 overnighter, 0.4 higher than the golden boy World Champion Brock Lesnar, SNACK ON THAT!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest buffybeast Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Well, people can no longer say the WWE doesn't give the fans what they ask for. The fans spoke last night. They want to see table and Torrie have pseudo-lesbian skits with half naked women. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Who the fuck would stay to tune in to Lesnar/Albert? And Sable was just "there" while they did a Tn'A segment, doesn't prove her worth. All it proves is that a few viewers cruising through the stations noticed the segment, stayed with it while it was on, and then clicked off. It didn't keep viewers for the show, and it sure as fuck didn't induce anyone to buy the PPVs or head to a WWE show. And a highly-rating piece of shit is still a piece of shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrRant Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Who the fuck would stay to tune in to Lesnar/Albert? And Sable was just "there" while they did a Tn'A segment, doesn't prove her worth. All it proves is that a few viewers cruising through the stations noticed the segment, stayed with it while it was on, and then clicked off. It didn't keep viewers for the show, and it sure as fuck didn't induce anyone to buy the PPVs or head to a WWE show. And a highly-rating piece of shit is still a piece of shit. To you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Who the fuck would stay to tune in to Lesnar/Albert? And Sable was just "there" while they did a Tn'A segment, doesn't prove her worth. All it proves is that a few viewers cruising through the stations noticed the segment, stayed with it while it was on, and then clicked off. It didn't keep viewers for the show, and it sure as fuck didn't induce anyone to buy the PPVs or head to a WWE show. And a highly-rating piece of shit is still a piece of shit. To you. The "highly successful" Russo years. American Idol. Nitro. I rest my case. This wasn't even for an entire show though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest danndogg Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Sable/Torrie aren't even scheduled to be on the PPV, so of course it won't induce PPV buys. And granted, Brock faced A-Train, but people should be tuning to the great and mighty champion regardless of who he faces. Don't get your panties in a bind because it Sable and girls in bikinis get higher ratings than actual wrestling, because it does. Also, WWE would be wise not get rid of the Sable/Torrie program like you'r probably advice, take away that and Smackdown ratings go down even further. And Sable/Torrie was not a piece of crap segment, IMO it was a very entertaining segment not to mention that it was the only segment that had my attention the entire time, and probably others as well, otherwise the 9:00 quarterhour wouldn't have gotten a 4.5. You guys scream and complain about not WWE listening to the fans, I think bikini contests and lesbianish skits show you what the fans want more of. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest danndogg Report post Posted April 26, 2003 American may suck to you, but these singing kids easily get quadruple the ratings the likes of any wrestling star gets, not to mention that it inspires more shows like it. I don't care much for reality shows, but I must admit that American Idol is pretty damn entertaining, especially the episodes when someones about to be booted off. I'm glued the whole time, something I can't say for most WWE programming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 26, 2003 So forking out money for Sable's paycheck, wasting 10 minutes of airtime, and building up a "fued" that will not have a good match or any decent payoff is worth it for a few minutes of casual viewer interest? You failed to also tell me how Sable drew ratings. She was there and mostly clothed while women 2 decades younger strutted around in bikinis. That's like saying the Goldberg/Hogan Nitro match's ratings were drawn by the presence of the referee. And these were just people flipping past channels. Not people who actually watch on a regular basis or they'd have stayed with it for a bit longer. Plus the ass-kissing of casual fans is what kills the WWE because they are so fickle they don't have any loyalty. BUILDING HARDCORE FANS is what draws money in the long run. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 26, 2003 American may suck to you, but these singing kids easily get quadruple the ratings the likes of any wrestling star gets, not to mention that it inspires more shows like it. I don't care much for reality shows, but I must admit that American Idol is pretty damn entertaining, especially the episodes when someones about to be booted off. I'm glued the whole time, something I can't say for most WWE programming. You do realize those shows are on NETWORK TV don't you? And draw completely different types of audiences? And from what I hear only are watched because of people's malevolent spite. And everyone knows almost anyone Brock faces on TV is going to get squashed or at least lost. No intrigue there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smell the ratings!!! Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Breaking news from We are recieving late word that young males like to look at attractive women with breast implants in bikinis. More news on this shocking story as we get it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Breaking news from We are recieving late word that young males like to look at attractive women with breast implants in bikinis. More news on this shocking story as we get it. Exactly. I fail to see why the poster spins this as Sable being a draw. A few people flipped through channels, watched the tn'a segment, then changed channels. It's not helping the state of the WWE product. Noble: The ratings were drawn my MAH NEEEEDIA!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest danndogg Report post Posted April 26, 2003 If Sable was just facing Torrie herself in a bikini, I'm sure it would get around a 4.5 rating anyways. Also, the WWE's trying to get people that don't normally watch wrestling, to watch their shows, hence the reason Sable is there. They can have all the four star matches they want, it's just not going to cut it in the ratings, or at least making them any higher, but girls in bikinis will. It's unfortunate, but that's just the way society it is. WWE was at their highest peak when they were doing this sort of programming, perhaps they should do a bit more of it no matter what the wrestling enthusiants think. The fans have spoken, they want sexy girls in a bikinis and lesbian angles. You guys want WWE to listen to the fans right? So I think it would be wise of them to push Sable and Torrie to the moon. But when they actually do, you guys still scream foul. WWE just can't win sometimes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smell the ratings!!! Report post Posted April 26, 2003 I don't want WWE to listen to the fans, I want them to listen to me. The fans go apeshit for Steiner for fuck sake. And I don't think Sable in a bikini would have got as high a rating, because you'll notice in my earlier post I said attractive women. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AlwaysPissedOff Report post Posted April 26, 2003 :::: tries to fanthom the logic of bringing in Sable to increase ratings and fails :::: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Armageddon got the lowest buyrate in a long while - what was heavily advertised and promoted for it (dawn marie/torrie wilson). People won't pay for TnA unless it involves nudity - so until Sable actually makes the WWE money, she can raise all the quarterly ratings she wants to... She's still useless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 26, 2003 If Sable was just facing Torrie herself in a bikini, I'm sure it would get around a 4.5 rating anyways. Also, the WWE's trying to get people that don't normally watch wrestling, to watch their shows, hence the reason Sable is there. They can have all the four star matches they want, it's just not going to cut it in the ratings, or at least making them any higher, but girls in bikinis will. It's unfortunate, but that's just the way society it is. WWE was at their highest peak when they were doing this sort of programming, perhaps they should do a bit more of it no matter what the wrestling enthusiants think. The fans have spoken, they want sexy girls in a bikinis and lesbian angles. You guys want WWE to listen to the fans right? So I think it would be wise of them to push Sable and Torrie to the moon. But when they actually do, you guys still scream foul. WWE just can't win sometimes. You're basing all of this on one show? Let's see if the ladies affect PPV buyrates or keep these ratings up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 26, 2003 "If Sable was just facing Torrie herself in a bikini, I'm sure it would get around a 4.5 rating anyways." Yet you have no proof. And that doesn't prove this "Sable drew these ratings" talk. "Also, the WWE's trying to get people that don't normally watch wrestling, to watch their shows, hence the reason Sable is there." What does Sable bring to the table that the younger girls don't? Name value? HA!! Her beauty? Double-HA!! Her acting? HA! HA! HA! "They can have all the four star matches they want, it's just not going to cut it in the ratings, or at least making them any higher, but girls in bikinis will. It's unfortunate, but that's just the way society it is." The rest of the show had the same ratings. And the ratings themselves are in the show's normal range. And the "boost" was brief. It didn't produce any sustained interest. This also wasn't the show's best week match-wise either. "WWE was at their highest peak when they were doing this sort of programming, perhaps they should do a bit more of it no matter what the wrestling enthusiants think." They have been trying it. It FAILED over and over. "The fans have spoken, they want sexy girls in a bikinis and lesbian angles. You guys want WWE to listen to the fans right? So I think it would be wise of them to push Sable and Torrie to the moon. But when they actually do, you guys still scream foul. WWE just can't win sometimes." Fans = regular viewer. You just contradicted yourself. The "fans" that are there likely watched the show in it's entirety or most of it. The ones that boosted the ratings are a few random yahoos who tuned in. They aren't "fans." You somehow think this will make them fans. How? Please explain. They didn't stay tuned in or tune back in. And also the "lesbian angle" hasn't drawn shit. It was the girls in bikinis. Please stop making up things, Mr. Russo or Dunn or whoever the hell you are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest danndogg Report post Posted April 26, 2003 It may not help their product in the longrun, but it gives the ratings a nice boost, and that's what matters most to WWE it seems. Also, Sable may not be a draw ticketwise, but ratings wise she most certainly sure is, and ratings bring revenue. She needs Torrie as well for the high ratings, but she shouldn't be faulted for that because in wrestling you need two to tango, quite like Austin and McMahon way back when. Also, Sable may not be a ticket draw, but then again, who is nowadays? Brock Lesnar, Chris Benoit and crew play to half empty arenas for house shows. And I read that Smackdown only sold 3,300 tickets in advance sales by Tuesday morning. 'The Next Big Thing' ain't exactly putting butts in seats either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted April 26, 2003 WWE was at their highest peak when they were doing this sort of programming 1999 was not their highest peak. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 26, 2003 It may not help their product in the longrun, but it gives the ratings a nice boost, and that's what matters most to WWE it seems. Also, Sable may not be a draw ticketwise, but ratings wise she most certainly sure is, and ratings bring revenue. She needs Torrie as well for the high ratings, but she shouldn't be faulted for that because in wrestling you need two to tango, quite like Austin and McMahon way back when. Also, Sable may not be a ticket draw, but then again, who is nowadays? Brock Lesnar, Chris Benoit and crew play to half empty arenas for house shows. And I read that Smackdown only sold 3,300 tickets in advance sales by Tuesday morning. 'The Next Big Thing' ain't exactly putting butts in seats either. Quit dodging the question: what baseless logic have you used to conclude Sable drew ratings for this week's Smackdown? There were, by my count, three younger, attractive women who were in bikinis while Sable stood by the ropes. How does she get credit for that segment drawing ratings? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest danndogg Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Ratings and maybe even revenue wise it was in 1999, or at least it helped build the foundation for 2000 if they did better that year. Also, they got plenty of media attention ,which is what WWE really likes. 1999 wasn't the best to wrestling enthusiants, but then again, they shouldn't cater to them anyways otherwise NWA would never have had to been sold to Ted Turner to prevent it from going out of business at the time. You people here will watch anyways regardless, WWE needs to get people who don't usually watch it, to watch it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AlwaysPissedOff Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Ummm... the NWA was sold to Turner because Crockett spent all his money buying up smaller NWA promotions, so what the hell does that have to do with this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Ratings and maybe even revenue wise it was in 1999, or at least it helped build the foundation for 2000 if they did better that year. Also, they got plenty of media attention ,which is what WWE really likes. 1999 wasn't the best to wrestling enthusiants, but then again, they shouldn't cater to them anyways otherwise NWA would never have had to been sold to Ted Turner to prevent it from going out of business at the time. You people here will watch anyways regardless, WWE needs to get people who don't usually watch it, to watch it. The media attention is gone. They'd done things to try to get it, and just see Vince for the idiot carny he is. Not that maybe Vince could have gotten some if WMXIX had real celebrities on it. And Austin-McMahon drew, get that through your skull. It dominated the show and interested viewers before they rehashed and rerehashed the concept until it was stale. The Tn'A shit was just icing on the cake. It drew NOTHING by itself. And "us people" watch less and less. And the marks watch less and less. This big "ratings bumps" are just slight inclines on a looooooooong downward scale. You're trying to make a molehill look like a mountain. And who are they supposed to draw that "don't usually watch it?" Retards? Middle aged people? Senior citizens? Drug addicts? The only audience that segment interested was "young males" who the WWE tries to cater to anyway but many of which stopped watching because WWE sucks so damn much. APO covered the NWA part.: And what baseless logic have you used to conclude Sable drew ratings for this week's Smackdown? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted April 26, 2003 WWE signed a deal w/ UPN in terms of distrubuting ad time - UPN pays the WWE to sell off time, so realistically, the WWE doesn't receive any money directly from a boost in ratings... Let alone a quarter hour. A single rating, unless it jumped by 1.0, doesn't mean anything, so what do you think quarterly ratings mean? Don't think I am biased against Sable, because I never hold quarterlys in high regard anyways - it could be Benoit for all I care and it wouldn't mean anything to me. I don't look at a single point, I look at a trend. Sable not only doesn't bring in money but prevents others from having the chance to make money - that's why this whole "bringing back the old" thing is so stupid; all it does his hold back the real potential money makers. Brock Lesnar isn't a draw, clearly, but he is one of the only men in the company regarded as a 'star' by the fans. If positioned right, with that star power, he could make money on a PPV. Sable, positioned anyway (except on her back - and even that's questionable) will not draw a single buy. The fact that there are about the same amount of women on smackdown as there are on RAW - even though the womens title is on RAW - is just bad. Of course, "if it worked in 1999"... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Ratings and maybe even revenue wise it was in 1999, or at least it helped build the foundation for 2000 if they did better that year. Also, they got plenty of media attention ,which is what WWE really likes. 1999 wasn't the best to wrestling enthusiants, but then again, they shouldn't cater to them anyways otherwise NWA would never have had to been sold to Ted Turner to prevent it from going out of business at the time. You people here will watch anyways regardless, WWE needs to get people who don't usually watch it, to watch it. Nope. 2000 was their best year because they had compelling storylines, characters that the fans truly cared for and were able to back this all up by having great wrestling in the ring. Not because in 1999 we had VINCE R00SO SWERVE~ All this media attention led to them losing sponsors- something WWE does not like. Why would anyone want to watch a storyline between two chicks- Both of whom anytime you want- you can see naked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest danndogg Report post Posted April 26, 2003 Perhaps people are tuning in, and they say, "Hey look, it's Sable endorsing this thing. I remember her back in 1999." Also, Torrie and Sable engaged in some sort of physical gesture during this when Torrie came on to Sable. I'm sure that pleased the viewers most of their T & A fix and will provide to be the main thing they remember from watching this segment, or maybe Nidia dancing. They'll think Sable/Torrie next week and come tuning in for more of it. When someone sees something familiar, they're usually inclined to watch. If that wasn't the case, then NWA TNA wouldn't have to keep bringing in familar faces each and every week and could just stick to the likes of AJ Styles and The Amazing Red. And if I do recall, the Torrie/Dawn segments were constantly among the highest rated segments of the Smackdown in the winter. I wouldn't doubt that Sable and Torrie will do the same thing now in coming weeks. Torrie/Sable in risque stuff, or a Chris Benoit match, what do you think will do better in ratings? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites