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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Wwf backlash 2002 (part 1)

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Guest Your Olympic Hero



The Hardy Boyz vs. Shannon Moore & AJ Styles (w/ Lita)


The fans are pretty solidly behind Moore, Styles, & Lita in this one.  The Hardys get a mixed reaction, with some of their old hardcore fans still cheering for them, despite the heel status.  The faces dominate for the first couple of minutes with high spot after high spot, including Styles with a springboard shooting star press from the top rope to the floor on Jeff.  Both men are down.  Back in the ring, Matt shifts his weight on top during a Moore superplex for two, and the heels take over.  Moore plays Ricky Morton for 5 or 6 minutes, and the Hardys display some new innovative offense, not just the stale spot they’ve been using for over a year.  The hot tag comes when the Hardys execute a double back body drop on Moore, but he lands on his feet and quickly tags Styles.  AJ comes in and cleans house on both Hardys.  He goes for a 450 Splash on Matt, but Jeff pulls his brother out of the way.  Jeff gets the swanton bomb for two, with the pin interrupted by Moore.  It’s a pier six brawl now.  Jeff whips Moore into the ropes and goes for what looks like a stun gun, but passes the ropes completely and just drops him straight to the floor for a sick, sick bump.  Lita gets up on the top rope and goes for her top rope ‘rana, but Jeff catches her in it and drills her with a powerbomb.  Unaware of what’s behind him, Jeff turns around and catches superkick right to the face from Styles.  German suplex gets two.  Dragon suplex gets two.  The 450 Splash pinfall gets interrupted by Matt.  The Hardys double team Styles.  Jeff hits a tornado DDT, followed by a 2nd rope legdrop from Matt, but Moore pulls Matt off after a two count.  Jeff climbs to the top rope as Styles slowly gets to his feet.  Jeff takes his time and goes for a moonsault press, but Styles catches him in midair and hits a sitdown tombstone piledriver!  A moonsault into a legdrop off the top gets the win for Styles & Moore at 14:12!




William Regal © vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri (w/ Torrie Wilson)


The fans love Tajiri and seem to be happy that he’s finally getting more airtime and a decent push.  Regal is still hated by the fans, but continues to wave at them on his way to the ring as a “Goodwill Ambassador” should.  He cuts a promo about how Americans are inferior to the British, and the Japanese are just the same.  Match starts off even for a couple of minutes, with both men hitting several stiff punches and kicks.  Regal busts open Tajiri’s nose, nailing him with a knee to the face.  Tajiri responds with a stiff kick that causes the blood to pour from Regal’s mouth.  Regal works over Tajiri’s shoulder for a couple of minutes with some innovative submissions and a brass knuck shot to the shoulder.  He puts Tajiri in the Cross Face Chicken Wing, applying all the pressure to the shoulder.  Torrie climbs to the apron and Regal releases the hold.  He goes to hit Torrie, but Tajiri rolls him up from behind for a 2 count.  Regal kicks him the face and puts the Chicken Wing on again.  Regal can’t get him down to the mat with the body scissors, and Tajiri makes it to the ropes.  Tajiri mounts a comeback with all his signature spots to get the crowd to pop, including the Tarantula.  He hits the kick of death, and goes for his new finishing move: the brainbuster.  As he lifts up Regal, Tajiri’s shoulder injury prevents him from keeping his opponent up, and Regal slips out behind Tajiri.  He applies the chicken wing again and Tajiri has no choice but to tap out at 8:44.



Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Hurricane Helms


The crowd pops for Hurricane, but also for Lesnar.  So far in his one month WWF career, Lesnar is still undefeated.  Hurricane uses his quickness to keep away from the big man, but eventually gets caught.  Lesnar runs through his huge power arsenal.  He hits Hurricane with several lariats, a release German suplex, a powerslam, and a few other new, innovative moves.  Hurricane is OUT.  Lesnar throws him to the floor and Heyman gets in a couple of cheap kicks to the gut.  Lesnar comes out to the floor, and Hurricane hits him with a low blow.  He rams Lesnar’s head in to the ring pole, and then the steps.  He dropkicks the knee and Lesnar goes down.  He gets up on the apron and attempts a hurricanrana, but Lesnar catches him and buries him with a powerbomb to the concrete.  He rolls Hurricane back in and hits him with 3 straight powerbombs for the win at 4:29.  Heyman brings in a table and makes Lesnar powerbomb Helms through it after the match.




The Dudley Boyz (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. The APA


This was garbage wrestling at it’s best.  The APA is way over with the crowd, and the Dudleys have gained a considerable amount of heat since taking on Heyman as their manager.  They brawl everywhere in this one:  in the ring, ringside, in the crowd… even at a t-shirt concession stand.  A couple of the memorable spots were Bradshaw powerbombing D-Von through a table and Faarooq hitting a spinebuster in the ring on Paul Heyman.  Buh Buh sets up the infamous 2 by 2 stacks of 4 tables on the arena floor, ala Wrestlemania 17.  Buh Buh hits a top rope powerbomb through the tables on Faarooq.  A huge “holy sh*t” chant breaks out and both men are down.  A couple minutes later in the ring, Bradshaw goes for the Clothesline from H*ll on D-Von, but D-Von ducks.  Bradshaw bounces off the other rope, and Buh Buh is back in for the 3-D and the win at 10:46.


Still to come:


Billy & Chuck (w/ Rico) defend their Tag Team titles against the new duo of Raven & Perry Saturn


RVD defends the IC title against Christian


Chris Jericho takes on Booker T


Kurt Angle versus Edge


Triple-H defends the World title against The Undertaker in a H*ll in a Cell match


In the Hulkster's last match ever, Hogan, Steve Austin, & The Rock take on the nWo's Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, & X-Pac.


All kinds of feedback are encouraged and greatly appreciated.

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Guest Zoltan

I really like the 1st 4 matches. So I'll give each star ratings:


                     The Hardy Boyz vs. Shannon Moore & AJ Styles (w/ Lita)

rating: you gave this match 14 minutes so it's good, filled with high spots so about **** a great opener



                     William Regal © vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri (w/ Torrie Wilson)

rating: a more mat based but still good given it's time about ***




                     Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Hurricane Helms

rating: It's an entertaining massacre so **




                     FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH

                     The Dudley Boyz (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. The APA

rating: a grabage match as you said **1/2



hope the next 4 can match up to these and your total wrestling time so far is about 40 minutes.

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