TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Yah this is my second shot at a review and hopefully this'll be as well recieved as my first. I had a poll with a few WCW events in it but I have decided to do this first. But soon enough(if this gets a good reaction I'll do Clash 23). Saturday Night's Main Event 1. March 1989 Rick Rude vs Brutus Beefcake Background: None. Just another chapter in the Heenan family vs every face in the WWF feud. The Good: Well I'm a huge mark for the way Rude sells atomic drops. I've seen worse from Beefcake. The Studd/Andre face-off is a pretty cool moment. Jesse's commentary. The Bad: It's Beefcake. Rude does a long resthold. The ending is overbooked by today's standards even with Jake Roberts, Andre the Giant and Big John Studd getting involved. Did nothing but add heat to the Andre/Roberts/Studd feud...which is made worse by the fact that none of the three are even in the match. Rude & Beefcake got absolutely nothing from the match. Overall: Usual crap for the time period. * Bad News Brown vs Hulk Hogan Background: Bad News was a pretty hot heel and Hogan was in the midst of the best angle in WWF history with Savage and Elizabeth. The Good: Bad News' finisher was NOT kicked out of. Hogan hit Bad News with a chair so Bad News went backsatge and got a shovel. No resting. The build towards which corner Liz would be in at WM5. Jesse's commentary. The Bad: Could've built up Bad News but didn't. The *weak* chair shot Hogan gives Bad News. The actual action in the match which consisted of mostly punches. Overall: Same category as Beefcake/Rude. *1/2 Ted DiBiase vs Blue Blazer Background: In the promo leading up to the match DiBiase introduced the Million $ belt. The Good: Owen does a lot of flips. Owen does an awesome plancha to DiBiase and wins over the crowd. Great selling all around. The Bad: A glorified squash. Owen barely gets any offense. Owen is pinned by a powerslam. In other words a squash. Overall: A squash, but a pretty fun one. ** since it's hella fun to watch. The Brainbusters vs The Rockers Background: The Rockers are a hot new team and the Busters are getting established in preparation for a tag title run. The Good: Look who's in it. Awesome double team moves by both teams. Very revolutionary stuff for the WWF(NWA'd been doing this for a while). The closest missed hot tag you'll ever see. Non-stop action, literally. No resting nothing, just action. Heenan getting ejected and argument that followed. Awesome match on all levels. Jesse's commentary. The Bad: The ending. Period. Also the heel beatdown segment could've been slightly longer. Overall: One of the best matches in SNME history featuring two of the best teams ever. ****1/4 Would've been much higher with a better ending and given a few more minutes. The Brooklyn Brawler vs Red Rooster Background: Rooster turned face on Heenan which led to a WM5 match. To soften Rooster up Heenan got a new protege, the Brooklyn Brawler. The Good: Uhhhhh. Jesse's commentary. The Bad: Everything. This wasn't as much of a much as an excuse to further the Heenan/Rooster feud...doesn't that describe most of the stuff on Raw these days? Overall: Crap. DUD After this to end the show we get Liz deciding which corner she'll be in at WM5. Ofcourse, in one of wrestling more famous moments, she picks the neutral corner. We close with a Mega-Powers video package(sort of) hyping the PPV. Final Analysis: Match quality isn't high but it isn't really on any of them, plus there's nothing really terrible. Still this one's worth getting for Rockers/Busters and the Hogan/Savage stuff. 2. November 1989 Ultimate Warrior vs Andre the Giant Background: Through all of 1989 the Ultimate Warrior and Rick Rude had a hot IC title feud. Atfer Warrior won it branched off into this feud, designed to give Warrior the rub. The Good: The feeling you get watching this match you just don't get anymore. The feeling of giants clashing. Jesse's commentary(I'm tired of saying. Assume this is the best part about every show). The Bad: Look who's in it? Mucho resting. VERY bad offense. Generally terrible. And a cheap DQ ending. Overall: Well this feels epic but still blows. DUD Hulk Hogan vs The Genius Background: For a short while previous to this Mr. Perfetc had been hounding Hogan wanting a title shot cause of his perfect record. Genius is Perfect's manager. The Good: F'n awesome mind games. Mind games form the Genius drive Hogan insane early on and the Genius demonstrates agility that would get him over today instantly. Hogan seems motivated actually doing some wrestling and giving Genius some offense. The presence of Mr. Perfect at ringside. Genius not being beaten by the Hulk Up. You read right, after a Hulk Up Genius rakes the eyes(why didn't anyone else ever do that). Showed vulnerability(to mind games) on Hogan's part. GENIUS WINS!! The Bad: Weak whips to the post to Hogan. Vince getting way too pro-Hogan(almost to JR-Austin levels). Really nothing else. Overall: Amazingly good considering who's involved. *** Dusty Rhodes vs Big Bossman Background: What I got form the "Flashback" was that Bossman was torturing a jobber and Dusty made the svae for no real reason but whatever. The Good: I love Dusty Rhodes theme song. The first appearance of Sapphire(don't know if that's good or bad). The Bad: Look who's in it? Terrible match all around with Dusty cheating just as much Bossman. The first appearance of Sapphire(don't know if that's good or bad). Overall: Meh. DUD Red Rooster vs Mr. Perfect The Good: Pretty good technical start. Nice back and forth at times. A good view at Hennig at his peak doing all of his signature stuff. The Bad: Rooster got nothing from this and was gone soon after. Underwhelming ending. Overall: Very average. ** The Rockers vs The Brainbusters 2/3 Falls Background: The Busters lost the tag belts a few weeks prior and they had tension with Heenan. This was a rubber match from their previous encounter(covered in March 89) and another match which resulted in a double DQ. The Good: Great team work from both teams. After the first fall a great break-up between Heenan and the Busters. A CLASSIC Heenan promo backstage after he walks out. Excellent double-team stuff from the Busters and the Rockers. The Busters puttign over the Rockers clean like the pros they are. A pretty good way to go out for the busters(you'll see what I mean). The Bad: The first two falls are very fast. Given more time this could've been classic. The Rockers got put over big but never went anywhere. Overall: Sadly, this would be the Busters last ever match as a team and Tully's last big match in general. Could've been so much better but still awesome. ***3/4 And now one of the best moments in WWF history as backstage Mr. Perfect(called Curt Hennig by Okerlund) takes a hammer and destroys the WWF title. He literally smashes it into pieces and this is followed by a great Hogan promo. Final Analysis: Hmmm....2 *** matches and 2 DUD's. But this show is recommended for a) seeing Hennig at his peak b) seeing the WWF title get destroyed and c) seeing the last match from Tully & Arn as a team. OVERALL: Two historic shows both worth getting just for some of the storylines and to see how good the Rockers & Brainbusters really were. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest theoldxpac Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Nice little review there Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted April 28, 2003 I read your first review, now this one, and I have to say, you're good. I especially like the format you used; something different from the other writers. And review Clash of the Champions 23. IIRC, that's the last major WCW event (Clash or PPV, Ross still did Saturday Night for another month) Jim Ross ever broadcast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted April 28, 2003 I've got that November 89 SNME, it's great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted April 28, 2003 I read your first review, now this one, and I have to say, you're good. I especially like the format you used; something different from the other writers. And review Clash of the Champions 23. IIRC, that's the last major WCW event (Clash or PPV, Ross still did Saturday Night for another month) Jim Ross ever broadcast. Actually it's Tony Schiavone and not JR ocmmentating but I'll do the show next. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted April 28, 2003 I read your first review, now this one, and I have to say, you're good. I especially like the format you used; something different from the other writers. And review Clash of the Champions 23. IIRC, that's the last major WCW event (Clash or PPV, Ross still did Saturday Night for another month) Jim Ross ever broadcast. Actually it's Tony Schiavone and not JR ocmmentating but I'll do the show next. Oh really. I always assumed it was JR because he was gone after Superbrawl III, I believe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted April 28, 2003 I'm a sucker for reviews of 80s tapes, so I enjoyed this. I'd suggest, though, that you offer a bit more detail: The Good: F'n awesome mind games. Mind games form the Genius drive Hogan insane early on and the Genius demonstrates agility that would get him over today instantly. Hogan seems motivated actually doing some wrestling and giving Genius some offense. The presence of Mr. Perfect at ringside. Genius not being beaten by the Hulk Up. You read right, after a Hulk Up Genius rakes the eyes(why didn't anyone else ever do that). Showed vulnerability(to mind games) on Hogan's part. GENIUS WINS!! Like, what exactly were these mind games that Genius was playing on Hogan? And what were the cool agile moves that he was performing? What are some of Hogan's lines in his great promo? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted April 29, 2003 To be honest I don't really like transcribing promos and some you have to watch to feel. As for the mind games, Genius stalls brilliantly, he outwrestles Hogan with armdrags and does standing back flips to annoy Hogan. It pisses Hogan off so much its brilliant. But thanks for the input, it will be taken under advisement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted April 29, 2003 Plus, he prances around like a flaming queen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites