Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Apologies for how this post will be.. I pieced it together from a chat room where this came up. This is made up of statements from others, if you know who these guys are or if you are this guy, then cool. "I've also come to the conclusion that they have a potentially terrific angle on SmackDown and don't even know it. The FBI betting on and trying to fix matches." "Waitaminute. FIX WRESTLING? Are you mad?!" "It would help if they hadn't been jobbed out to Rikishi and UT already, but it's something I don't think anyone has done yet." "They could bring in Pete Rose on a cameo. It'd be great." "Right, I'm saying they need to run with that and start trying to get people to take dives and stuff. Noble, for example, could run up some huge gambling debts and have to throw matches to jobbers on Velocity. Well, more than he normally does. Because I say this - if you can't make money on an angle where Chris Benoit has to take on the mafia, you can't make money. I'd align Jones and Cena with the FBI. Have the FBI imply that they bought off Rhyno in a Benoit/Rhyno tag match, and Benoit has to worry if his partner is on the take. I'd get back to the idea of Jones claiming to be on the up-and-up, just trying to make his life right, but shit keeps happening and people keep getting taken out and it looks like he's reponsible." "Wouldn't Tazz be involved somehow? I mean, he was involved with the mafia, smuggling Stacker 2" "Jones can't wrestle for shit, but the visual of Benoit chopping the shit out of him, hitting him with a German Suplex and putting him in the crossface would make for a fine section of a big tag match." "Palumbo walking out ona match with Kendrick after betting, like, $50000 on Kendrick to win would be awesome" "And you could take it in the direction of having Benoit be the one who things Jones is on the take and UT defending him, leading to a Benoit/UT match, which would be better than most of their other SD-only PPV headliner options." "Actually, Jones as the unknowing patsy would be great - he keeps winning matches because the FBI keep making his opponents take dives." Honestly, this angle, no matter how much it exposes the business, could be an interesting idea. If the FBI kept making people lose to Nathan, it'd explain why his finisher is a big boot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted April 27, 2003 I like that idea. I don't know if I want Benoit up in that though. I like is as a midcard angle. And yes I know that Benoit is a midcarder now I still blindly hope that he will be moved up to ME soon, I know I know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted April 27, 2003 I kinda get the idea and it could work if it's done smartly...They would have to hire someone to play TONY to Nunzio's Christopher though... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Have Tazz be the behind the scenes boss. Have him to start dropping comments that announcing won't have him set for life, it also lends itself to always having a representative of the family at ringside without being noticed. I think that would be a neat part of it that he can sit right there to keep an eye on an investment without drawing attention. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Yeah but then you get that whole how do you balance Tazz the Announcer and Tazz the Bookie? It could work with good Writing but it's iffy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Tino Standard Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Maybe this could lead to an appearance from Joey Numbers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Joey Numbers SHOULD be the guy controlling the Scenes...Have Nunzio talking to Numbers on the Cella Phone... Tazz should make reference to his connection but never play up on it... Then who should Numbers be? A OVW Wrestler? Or a Hired Actor... I say the Latter because Numbers has to be older then Nunzio and Tazz... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Joey Numbers = Joey Styles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 27, 2003 "Wouldn't Tazz be involved somehow? I mean, he was involved with the mafia, smuggling Stacker 2" Tazz IS Italian, so him and Numbers being involved would be a cute touch and a nod to continuity. Fixing the wrestling matches...that's unfortunately too clever an angle for WWE to do. Maybe they could take a subtle jab at boxing while they're at it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest PencilJobber Report post Posted April 27, 2003 It would be better if Joey Numbers was a new wrestler giving him an instant character to play with instead of an actor or if could be Joey Styles who comes in to be a heel commentator/Manager ok that's wishful thinking but we can all dream Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted April 27, 2003 I always thought that ruined the "REAL" aspect...Why would Joey Numbers a bookie also know how to wrestle? Remember Tajiri? I STILL kinda look at him as "Regal's Former Assissant"...U have to go "If An Assissant can do THAT..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 27, 2003 I always thought that ruined the "REAL" aspect...Why would Joey Numbers a bookie also know how to wrestle? Remember Tajiri? I STILL kinda look at him as "Regal's Former Assissant"...U have to go "If An Assissant can do THAT..." Yeah, but Tajiri's pretty well known for his ECW stint until hired as Regal's "house boy." Besides, he's Japanese. ALL Japanese people know martial arts, silly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Ok Yes...I KNOW THE REAL REASON... Just from a Character point...How can this guy...A House Boy just outta no where do this crazy shit... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evilhomer Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Yeah, they could have shown something in Tajiri before putting him in the ring. I think they did want to go for the shock factor of a house boy being able to do that stuff, and Regal's facial expressions helped that along, but I would have liked to have seen some of his talent rather than the total wimp that his character started as. Joey Numbers could be a good way to introduce a character though, as long as he's someone who can work a good brawling style, a bookie walking on displaying a great amateur style would be out of place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels Report post Posted April 27, 2003 Could be wrong, but didn't the announcers say that Tajiri was a competent wrestler and Regal didn't give him the chance to wrestle? I thought that was brought up a time or two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted April 27, 2003 I can actually see them doing something like that, but they'd manage to make everyone look stupid in the process. I will say this. I like the FBI, and think all three members are performing very well in their roles. I actually enjoyed the beatdown on Jones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites