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The Raw Review

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May 3, 1993

Jim Duggan def. Shawn Michaels by countout; IC Title Match

Doink def. The Kamikaze Kid

Bob Backlund def. Dwayne Gil

The Headshrinkers def. Jay Sledge & Jim Bell

Kamala def. Rich Myers


May 2, 1994

The Headshrinkers def. The Quebecers to win the WWF Tag Team Titles

Tatanka def. Derrick Domino

Yokozuna def. Scott Taylor & Mike Davis in a handicap match


May 1, 1995

Allied Powers def. Ron Hagan & George Anderson

Bob Holly def. Butler Stevens

Mantaur def. Sonny Rodgers

Sid NC Razor Ramon

Adam Bomb def. Adam Sigfrid

Men on a Mission def. Kevin Krueger & Bill Duke


April 29, 1996

Mankind def. Bart Gunn

Steve Austin def. Scott Taylor

The New Rockers drew with The Godwinns; double countout

The Ultimate Warrior def. Isaac Yankem


April 28, 1997

Flash Funk def. Rockabilly

The Legion of Doom def. Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon

Owen Hart def. Rocky Maivia to win the Intercontinental Title

Vader def. Jesse James

Goldust def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley by countout

The Undertaker def. Davey Boy Smith by DQ


April 27, 1998

Ken Shamrock & Owen Hart NC The Rock & Mark Henry

The Headbangers def. Terry Funk & 2 Cold Scorpio by DQ

Bradshaw def. Jeff Jarrett by DQ

The Disciples of Apocalypse def. The New Age Outlaws

The Undertaker def. Barry Windham

Steve Austin NC Goldust; Special Guest Referee Gerald Brisco; WWF Title Match


May 3, 1999

Billy Gunn def. X-Pac

Gerald Brisco & Pat Patterson def. The Mean Street Posse by countout

Test def. The Big Bossman, Viscera, and Midian (pinned) in a Four Corners Match

Vince McMahon def. Shane McMahon

The Acolytes def. Mankind in a Hardcore Handicap Match

Triple H def. Ken Shamrock

The Big Show def. The Undertaker by DQ

Steve Austin NC The Rock in a Lumberjack Match


May 1, 2000

T&A def. The Dudley Boyz

Too Cool def. The Hardy Boyz

The Cat & Jacqueline def. Ivory & Terri

Chris Jericho def. X-Pac by DQ

Rikishi Phatu & The Big Show def. Edge & Christian by DQ; Tag Title Match

Eddie Guerrero def. Essa Rios; European Title Match

Chris Benoit def. Tazz; IC Title Match

The Rock def. Shane McMahon in a Steel Cage Match for the WWF Title; Patterson & Brisco Special Guest Referees


April 30, 2001

Matt Hardy def. Edge; European Title Match

X-Pac def. Spike Dudley

Rhyno def. Chris Jericho; Hardcore Title Match

A.P.A. def. The Hollys

Test def. Triple H by DQ

Chyna def. Trish Stratus

The Undertaker def. Steve Austin by DQ; WWF Title Match


April 29, 2002

Eddie Guerrero def. Jeff Hardy; IC Title Match

Rob Van Dam def. Booker T

Brock Lesnar def. Shawn Stasiak

Steve Austin & Bradshaw def. Scott Hall & X-Pac

Steven Richards def. Bubba Ray Dudley to win the Hardcore Title

Spike Dudley def. Goldust; European Title Match

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April 28, 1997

Flash Funk def. Rockabilly

The Legion of Doom def. Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon

Owen Hart def. Rocky Maivia to win the Intercontinental Title

Vader def. Jesse James

Goldust def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley by countout

The Undertaker def. Davey Boy Smith by DQ


Best Raw on the list. Nothing beats Owen & Bulldog's celebration to Owen winning the IC title.

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Guest bob_barron

The RAW from 2000 was pretty awesome.


Rock v. Shane O was really good

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The May 1, 2000 show was the highest rated Raw ever (7.4) next to Raw is Owen. No surprise as Nitro had David Arquette taking on Tank Abbott that night.

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Guest tank_abbott

Bored steals my thunder...goes on shitlist...


BTW 99's looked awesome

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Bored steals my thunder...goes on shitlist...


BTW 99's looked awesome

Why? When your first did the Smackdown one I even mentioned in the topic that I liked the idea and that I would like to steal the idea and do a Raw one. What's the big deal? Want me to credit you from now on? I'm not gonna start doing Smackdown as you've been doin those so don't worry about it.

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Guest Tony149
The May 1, 2000 show was the highest rated Raw ever (7.4) next to Raw is Owen. No surprise as Nitro had David Arquette taking on Tank Abbott that night.

Actually, the highest rated RAW ever is the 5-10-99 edition which did an 8.1. Nitro wasn't on that night due to the NBA playoffs.

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The May 1, 2000 show was the highest rated Raw ever (7.4) next to Raw is Owen. No surprise as Nitro had David Arquette taking on Tank Abbott that night.

Actually, the highest rated RAW ever is the 5-10-99 edition which did an 8.1. Nitro wasn't on that night due to the NBA playoffs.

D'oh my mistake. I had been looking over Raw ratings and saw the 8.1 rating in May of '99 and just assumed that was Raw is Owen without double checking the date. Raw is Owen scored a 7.2.

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