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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Weekend Box Office Report: 4/25/03 - 4/27/03

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

New Releases:

"Identity" (John Cusack, Ray Liotta)

"Confidence" (Edward Burns, Andy Garcia, Dustin Hoffman)

"It Runs In The Family" (Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas)

"The Real Cancun"


Box Office Top 10:


1. Identity - $17,000,000/$17,000,000


2. Anger Management - $16,000,000/$104,518,000

3. Malibu's Most Wanted -$7,705,000/$24,208,000

4. Holes -$13,000,000/$36,800,000

5. Confidence -$4,750,000/$4,750,000

6. Bulletproof Monk -$4,650,000/$19,185,000

7. What a Girl Wants -$3,355,000/$32,974,000

8. Phone Booth -$3,100,000/$40,265,800

9. It Runs in the Family -$3,000,000/$3,000,000

10. The Real Cancun -$2,300,000/$2,300,000


This Week's Releases


"X2:X - Men United" (Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart)


"The Lizzie McGuire Movie" (Hillary Duff)

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Guest the pinjockey

Surprised Phone Booth took a bit of a hit.


I wonder what will be no.1 next week?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Yeah, so do I...


I think it'll probably be "The Lizzie McGuire Movie"



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Guest The Tino Standard

Real Cancun made $2.3 this weekend? That probably already puts MTV in the black on that one.

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Guest fazzle
3. Malibu's Most Wanted -$7,705,000

4. Holes -$13,000,000




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Guest Downhome
Real Cancun made $2.3 this weekend? That probably already puts MTV in the black on that one.

The Real Cancun cost around $28Mil to produce and market. Also, just to keep this going...


...House of 1000 Corpeses is now at $9,273,000, and with $10Mil going into the film (again for producing and marketing), it looks like it might come out with a profit, it more than likely obviously will.


I honestly didn't think anything would take the #1 spot from Anger Management untill X2, but oh well. I'm VERY pleased that Identity came out at #1, I loved that film.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



"The Real Cancun" only cost $8Mil to make.


Where did you get the numbers ?

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Guest Downhome


"The Real Cancun" only cost $8Mil to make.


Where did you get the numbers ?

Box Office Mojo


Production Budget: $8 million


Est. Marketing Costs: $20 million


= $28Mil total.

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Guest bob_barron

New Line executives were not available for comment on "The Real Cancun," which comes from the producers of MTV's successful "Real World" franchise. The film jockeyed with Universal Pictures' similarly themed "The Quest" to reach cinemas first before the producers of the latter decided to hold off until later in the summer. Each cost under $8 million. Universal is a unit of Vivendi Universal SA .


That's from Yahoo!

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Guest RedJed

Amen to Cancun only making 2.8 million.......I doubt it will even make 5 million by the end of its run. Yay!! Talk about a bad idea personified right here by the aftermath of it huh? I think thats insane it even costed them 8 million to produce in the first place, personally. And the 20 million in advertising, give me a break. What were they thinking here? I understand the surge of reality TV is hot right now, but obvioulsy not everything on TV translates to success at the box office.


Bottom line, New Line should be ashamed to waste 28 million on an obvious disaster like this.

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Guest RedJed

Also I wonder if this will make Universal balk at their movie in the summer........I hope so. Might be best to just do a direct release to video/DVD on that one there, or maybe look to market it to a pay channel like HBO or Showtime.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I was suprised...


When I went to see "The Real Cancun" yesterday, it was a fairly big audience. Everybody (Including myself) enjoyed it.


Of course, out of that big audience...only a few paid $10 to get in.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Rounding out the top 12


11 Bringing Down the House $2,100,000/ $126,100,000


12 Chicago $1,648,000/$163,564,263



The only major suprise here is CONfidence to me. I mean it looks good and all, but just one of those movies that looked like it would get limited release and not make much...much like Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, which is going BACK into theatres in August.


It Runs in The Family? Doesn't sound familar


The Core had a short stay in the top 10.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

It Runs In the Family = Michael Douglas, Kirk Douglas, and some other Douglas in some kind of 'Douglas family' comedy. I saw a trailer for it a while back, I just haven't gotten the chance to go out and see it.

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Guest The Tino Standard

What the hell cost them so much to make The Real Cancun? There aren't real actors. I don't think they had a set or anything. I mean, sure, $8 mil is a lot less than most movies, but still, how do you spend $8 mil making THAT?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Well, the only thing I can think of is that big ass Hotel that they stayed in.


But i'm sure that it didn't cost $8Mil...

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Guest El Satanico

Hopefully Lizzie McGuire: The Movie is #1 next week.



Even if i want to see it, I've decided that I'm going to root against every majorly hyped "summer blockbuster" this season. I don't know why, but that's what I've decided.

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Guest Downhome

Thank God that this Cancun shit is going to bomb horribly, and will be a major loss for the morons who put it out.

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Guest Zero_Cool

Dudes, I wish I had an mp3 of a band I go to school with where the chorus of the song goes, "Lizzie McGuire is a slut, slut, slut, slut, slut!"


X-2 is going to make 50 million next weekend.

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Guest El Satanico

I'll likely end up seeing Lizzie McGuire long before I see X2.


No I'm not going to see Lizzie McGuire for my self...I'd be going to take my neice...so shut it ya perverts

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Guest Downhome
Dudes, I wish I had an mp3 of a band I go to school with where the chorus of the song goes, "Lizzie McGuire is a slut, slut, slut, slut, slut!"


X-2 is going to make 50 million next weekend.

I bet X-2 goes OVER $50Mil next weekend. Hell, the first one made $54,471,475 on opening weekend, and I think this one will do better opening weekend.

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Guest El Satanico

I dunno...I still think it's too early for a movie to make summer level money.

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Guest Crazy Dan

I am happy that the Real World movie bombed. Maybe the higher ups who put out this reality-type stuff will get the hint to stick to TV. With such a weak showing, I think that this will be the last you hear of this movie. Now if only people would stop watching reality tv shows, then life would be good.


I think X-2 will do very well for itself. I actually want to see it at one point, being that I used to collect X-Men comic books.

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10. The Real Cancun -$2,300,000/$2,300,000

All I have to say is...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Seriously did anyone think this wouldn't bomb? Ya because no has EVER seen footage of college students getting drunk and naked on spring break. Also simple problem of the audience that this movie would appeal to the most isn't old enough to get into a rated R movie.

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Guest Downhome

I'm totally against shows like The Real World, and it's fucking bad enough that it's on TV in my opinion. The last thing I want is shit like this on the big screen, that's just crossing the line.


Not only is it brainless trite that pisses me the fuck off, but it also, underneath it all, is a HUGE "fuck you" to all of the screenwriters out there.

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Guest El Satanico
Ya because no one has EVER seen footage of college students getting drunk and naked on spring break.

I haven't, but I also don't give a shit about seeing said footage.


If i'm going to watch that shit I'll watch real porn.

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Guest Downhome

To really get down to the point of this, and REALLY clear up how badly this film is/will bomb, here are some figures for you all.


House of 1,000 Corpeses opened up in 565 theaters, and made $3,460,666 opening weekend. The film cost a total of $10Mil to produce and market.


The Real Cancun opened up in 2,261 theaters, and made $2,300,000 opening weekend. The film cost $28Mil to produce and market.


You do the math, heh. Many have said that Corpeses was a failure, and if THAT'S the case, then I have no idea what to say Cancun is.

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Guest Downhome

Had Corpeses opened up in as many theaters that Cancun did, it COULD have brought in over $13Mil, and had Cancun opened up in as many theaters that Corpeses did, it COULD have brought in just under $500K.


Then take into accound how much more that Cancun cost to get out there, as opposed to Corpeses, and we REALLY have a bomb on our hands, heh.

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Guest Lethargic
The only major suprise here is CONfidence to me. I mean it looks good and all, but just one of those movies that looked like it would get limited release and not make much...much like Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, which is going BACK into theatres in August.

Huh? Confessions is going back to the theaters? Who the hell said that and why would they do that? Bombing out the first time wasn't enough? If people didn't go see it in Janurary with NO competition why would they go see it in August? And why do people claim that it was a limited release? It got a pretty heavy marketing blitz and it was in close to 2000 theaters opening weekend. That's not limited. Corpses was limited. Chicago was limited. Mind was limited for a couple of weeks and then it went wide.


Here's what I want to know. Did The Real Cancun do better than Strangeland?

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